kin spl token contract address10 marca 2023
kin spl token contract address

A popup screen will open where you can chose a popular token from the list or enter a Mint public key. Then close the account. Fellow Binancians, Binance completes the USDC-SPL and USDT-SPL integration and has opened deposits and withdrawals for USDC and USDT on Solana network (SPL). Once you do, they will be automatically converted to the same number of Kin SPL tokens. 60606040526006805460ff191660011790555b60018054600160a060020a03191633600160a060020a03161790555b5b610bd88061003e6000396000f300606060405236156100ee5763ffffffff7c010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060003504166306fdde0381146100f35780630952c5041461017e578063095ea7b31461019f57806318160ddd146101d557806323b872dd146101fa5780632a8092df14610236578063313ce5671461025d57806340c10f191461028657806370a08231146102aa57806379ba5097146102db5780638da5cb5b146102f057806395d89b411461031f578063a9059cbb146103aa578063d091b550146103e0578063dc39d06d1461040f578063dd62ed3e14610445578063ef70aebf1461047c575b600080fd5b34156100fe57600080fd5b610106610491565b60405160208082528190810183818151815260200191508051906020019080838360005b838110156101435780820151818401525b60200161012a565b50505050905090810190601f1680156101705780820380516001836020036101000a031916815260200191505b509250505060405180910390f35b341561018957600080fd5b61019d600160a060020a03600435166104c8565b005b34156101aa57600080fd5b6101c1600160a060020a036004351660243561055d565b604051901515815260200160405180910390f35b34156101e057600080fd5b6101e8610584565b60405190815260200160405180910390f35b341561020557600080fd5b6101c1600160a060020a036004358116906024351660443561058a565b604051901515815260200160405180910390f35b341561024157600080fd5b6101c16105b3565b604051901515815260200160405180910390f35b341561026857600080fd5b6102706105bc565b60405160ff909116815260200160405180910390f35b341561029157600080fd5b61019d600160a060020a03600435166024356105c1565b005b34156102b557600080fd5b6101e8600160a060020a0360043516610685565b60405190815260200160405180910390f35b34156102e657600080fd5b61019d6106a4565b005b34156102fb57600080fd5b610303610733565b604051600160a060020a03909116815260200160405180910390f35b341561032a57600080fd5b610106610742565b60405160208082528190810183818151815260200191508051906020019080838360005b838110156101435780820151818401525b60200161012a565b50505050905090810190601f1680156101705780820380516001836020036101000a031916815260200191505b509250505060405180910390f35b34156103b557600080fd5b6101c1600160a060020a0360043516602435610779565b604051901515815260200160405180910390f35b34156103eb57600080fd5b6103036107a0565b604051600160a060020a03909116815260200160405180910390f35b341561041a57600080fd5b6101c1600160a060020a03600435166024356107af565b604051901515815260200160405180910390f35b341561045057600080fd5b6101e8600160a060020a036004358116906024351661086d565b60405190815260200160405180910390f35b341561048757600080fd5b61019d61089a565b005b60408051908101604052600381527f4b696e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000602082015281565b60015433600160a060020a039081169116146104e357600080fd5b600160a060020a03811615156104f857600080fd5b6002805473ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff1916600160a060020a0383811691909117918290559081169033167f13a4b3bc0d5234dd3d87c9f1557d8faefa37986da62c36ba49309e2fb2c9aec460405160405180910390a35b5b50565b60065460009060ff161561057057600080fd5b61057a8383610900565b90505b5b92915050565b60035481565b60065460009060ff161561059d57600080fd5b6105a88484846109a9565b90505b5b9392505050565b60065460ff1681565b601281565b60015433600160a060020a039081169116146105dc57600080fd5b60065460ff1615156105ed57600080fd5b600354610600908263ffffffff610abb16565b600355600160a060020a03821660009081526005602052604090205461062c908263ffffffff610abb16565b600160a060020a0383166000818152600560205260408082209390935590917fddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef9084905190815260200160405180910390a35b5b5b5050565b600160a060020a0381166000908152600560205260409020545b919050565b60025460009033600160a060020a039081169116146106c257600080fd5b50600180546002805473ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff19808416600160a060020a03838116919091179586905591169091559081169116817f8be0079c531659141344cd1fd0a4f28419497f9722a3daafe3b4186f6b6457e060405160405180910390a35b5b50565b600154600160a060020a031681565b60408051908101604052600381527f4b494e0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000602082015281565b60065460009060ff161561078c57600080fd5b61057a8383610ad5565b90505b5b92915050565b600254600160a060020a031681565b60015460009033600160a060020a039081169116146107cd57600080fd5b600154600160a060020a038085169163a9059cbb9116846000604051602001526040517c010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000063ffffffff8516028152600160a060020a0390921660048301526024820152604401602060405180830381600087803b151561084957600080fd5b6102c65a03f1151561085a57600080fd5b50505060405180519150505b5b92915050565b600160a060020a038083166000908152600460209081526040808320938516835292905220545b92915050565b60015433600160a060020a039081169116146108b557600080fd5b60065460ff1615156108c6576108fd565b6006805460ff191690557ff48339e4a272bd7aee715c343ca34ad137607f1df78cf8d7ba137228954d2d8560405160405180910390a15b5b565b600081158015906109355750600160a060020a0333811660009081526004602090815260408083209387168352929052205415155b1561093f57600080fd5b600160a060020a03338116600081815260046020908152604080832094881680845294909152908190208590557f8c5be1e5ebec7d5bd14f71427d1e84f3dd0314c0f7b2291e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A token is a representation of an on-chain or off-chain asset. Thanks for keeping DEV Community safe. PLEASE REMEMBER SOLANA AND KIN SPL ADDRESSES ARE CASE SENSITIVE! Tutorial video: How do I add custom Solana tokens to my wallet? Once youve set the password download the keystore file. Kin (KIN) token information. SOL is the native token of the Solana Blockchain. Our issue with most launchpad projects and platforms is that they are basically fully centralized. So you need to know your Kin SPL token address if you want to sent Kin from MyKinwallet for example. Closing empty token accounts is safe and gives you back the rent. The most authoritative source on how to create an SPL token is the documentation of the Solana Progam Library . Public Key: GCYMCOHDWCX7DN7UWPSGED7Z5UPOY24KWFHP6GSY2NOIV62L2OZCHTLA, Secret Key: SDDTKXJ62SCPRMFOOKUZVLFOQHY6UMNX3FS2DW45NADGOMCDNYZ4KJFH, How to convert Kin3 keypair to Solana keypair, b0c138e3b0aff1b7f4b3e4620ff9ed1eec6b8ab14eff1a58d35c8afb4bd3b223, c7355d3ed484f8b0ae72a99aacae81f1ea31b7d965a1db9d68066730436e33c5, xzVdPtSE+LCucqmarK6B8eoxt9llodudaAZnMENuM8WwwTjjsK/xt/Sz5GIP+e0e7GuKsU7/GljTXIr7S9OyIw==, Convert the new base64 string into a UInt8Array, Use this new UInt8Array as your secret seed when creating a new Solana account (SolanaWeb3.js). KINGZ ( KIN ) launch on 2023-03-03 05:24:26 with price is 0 usd So far, so good. If you restore your wallet using your 12-word secret recovery phrase or sync your wallet to another device, you might need to add custom tokens to your wallet again. By continuing to use this website, you agree to its Terms and Privacy Policy. Note that this is a time-limited program. Just like how users can create and deploy their own ERC20 token on the Ethereum blockchain anybody can create their own custom SPL token using the token program on the Solana blockchain. For now advanced users can check the following links for reference and use the below tools for the creation and management of SPL tokens. It is completely safe, because you only use your public key. Your Solana wallet will now display the token address for you. You signed in with another tab or window. You can see which networks are supported on each platform in the table below. Youll then see your SPL token appear on your wallet home screen. Are you sure you want to hide this comment? Our token is created. Before you can receive an Algorand token, you have to opt in and enable it. NOTE: This is part of an on-going update, this list represents a current snapshot for Kin SPL wallet support. Starting on May 19th, 2021, if you are still holding ERC20-based Kin and would like to migrate to the latest generation of Kin on the Solana blockchain, you will be able to do so simply by depositing your ERC-20 Kin onto one of the options below. The Token Address or Mint Address is the contract address of a token i.e. SPL tokens refer to all the on-chain program libraries that Solana has implemented. This cannot be done with SPL tokens. This means that a token you are using to purchase a Solana NFT is an SPL token, and the NFT itself is an SPL token. You can also add other available tokens by switching the network. I will be eagerly waiting for your response. Obtain SOL either from Binance or FTX and then send it to you wallet SOL deposit address. How do I find the token address for Fantom tokens? Using I can transfer SOL but I don't know what I need to do for transferring SPL Tokens like GMT or SRM. Note that you will need a small fraction of SOL to create that wallet and cover transaction fees, in case you dont already have it. How do I find the token ID for Polygon tokens? On Solflare navigate to custom token and enter the token mint address. Telegram: Please refer to the Kin SPL Wallet Update guide for more details. From there, click on DEPOSIT KIN, and you will be presented with an option to deposit Kin ERC-20. Decentralized governance is a notable goal for any token-based ecosystem, whether the project is a blockchain protocol or a blockchain service that enables cryptocurrency use cases (Kins segment). . If you have an migrated wallet with balance, this site can help you get your Kin SPL address: Thanks to Casualbob! javascript nextjs ethereum smart-contracts erc20 nft erc721 spl-token Updated Dec 1, 2022; Solidity; GottliebGlob / candy-machine-ui . This is different from the Ethereum Network where different ERC-20 tokens are contained in . How do I opt in and enable Algorand tokens on the Web3 Wallet? The --fund-recipient is to create a token address associated with your token for a specific sol address, so before airdropping you can make sure your supporters have minted the token on their . We urge all ERC-20 holders to perform this swap as soon as possible. Users may also wish to set up an SPL-compatible mobile app wallet or browser-based web wallet for their Kin. The token page shows information such as price, total supply, holders, transfers and social links. For this tutorial well be using Sollet and Solflare wallets Two popular non-custodial browser based wallets built specifically for Solana. Youll not receive your tokens if you send it to your SOL address. Some of the popular projects that are available on the Solana blockchain are: SRM (Serum), Waves, REN, RAMP, GRT (The Graph), OXY (Oxygen), KIN, RAY (Raydium), FIDA (Bonfida), MAPS, COPE, ROPE etc. Not . Because the Kin2 and Kin3 blockchains are being shut down and migrated to Solana, they will no longer be supported. Now you can see your SPL token addresses, if you have only one KIN SPL token address everything is fine and you should have no issues. However if you don't trade on FTX another community member with also Trust wallet needs to sent one Kin to your owner Sol address to activate/create the Kin SPL token address.. After it is activated you can use above website to find your actual Kin SPL token address. Now in popular tokens tab look for the token that you are looking to add. Would the following anchor instruction work? There are two ways in which you can find the token mint address: To find SPL token address use the Solana block explorer:, To find the ERC20 token address use the Ethereum block explorer: Email:, to create a token account automatically in the receiving wallets you should add --allow-unfunded-recipient in addition to --fund-recipient. Upon swap, The ERC20 Kin tokens will be burned and you will be given an equivalent number of SPL Kin tokens. Top Solana ecosystem tokens: What is the difference between Solanium and [insert launchpad project here]? 2016-2023 Ethplorer cargo install spl-token-cli 4. . Make sure not to buy any fake tokens, always keep an eye out on our official social media channels. If you run into specific issues while trying to use the wallets, we recommend reviewing the F.A.Q. Get up to 30 ETH Bonus and 10 free spins.1,000+ Casino Games & 40,000 Sports! The Kin Foundation, a non-profit organization that oversees the allocation and distribution of the Kin cryptocurrency, has published its annual Transparency Report, for the year ending 31 December 2022. In Exodus Mobile, you can add custom tokens on Ethereum, Solana, and other supported networks. DEV Community A constructive and inclusive social network for software developers. 0xEf9AAb0e49FCE5cFfA858c1935558cec6601357E, Transfer / convert ERC20 tokens to & from Solana SPL tokens ETH | SOL, How to add Fantom Network to Metamask Fantom Opera (FTM Chain), How to add a Token on Uniswap List any custom ERC20 tokens (DeFi), List of all EVM blockchains and how to add any EVM network to Metamask, How to mine Kaspa GPU mining KAS kHeavyHash (Windows / Hive OS), Tutorial: How to setup, configure and use XMRig? and our However you cannot send SPL tokens to SOL address like you do with ERC20 tokens because each SPL tokens on Solana blockchain will have their own address on-chain. Kin hasmigrated to the Solana blockchain! Coin Guides is a fast-growing cryptocurrency publication that helps users to understand the Blockchain Technology and Crypto Currency. To enable an asset, b) click the asset you want to enable, and you will see a blue checkmark indicating that you have enabled the asset. records up to. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Scan this QR code to download the app now. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. It changes 0.00204428 Sol for sending one Kin to a new wallet, 0.00203928 for activating/creating the new Kin SPL token address and 0.000005 transaction fee. This is my current code for sending SOL tokens: // const connection = new Connection(network); Stack Overflow. Users who are interested in this program can start by creating a Sollet wallet for Kin SPL at I'm able to send SOL tokens using web3.js but have been unable to do so with USDC-SPL tokens. Connecting wallet for read function is optional, useful if you want to call certain functions or simply use your wallet's node. Comment * document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a6f3d6cc99fa01043aaccee076ab8914" );document.getElementById("cc3326a274").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Kin is a cryptocurrency built on top of the Ethereum blockchain. Here's how to find it! Token Tracker: If it is a token's contract address, the name, ticker and logo of the token will be displayed here. If you restore your mobile wallet using your 12-word secret recovery phrase, perform a mobile refresh, or sync your mobile wallet to another device, you might need to add custom tokens to your wallet again. Custom tokens can be sent, received, and safely stored in your Exodus wallet! Adding SPL / ERC20 tokens to Solana wallet is same as adding custom tokens to MetaMask wallet. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. These tokens are designed specifically for DeFi applications. Made with love and Ruby on Rails. BTC Address: Here is what you can do to flag ycrydev: ycrydev consistently posts content that violates DEV Community's Obtain your SPL tokens; you can convert them between ERC20 and SPL via Wormhole or Sollet Bridge. Join the global movement and start innovating with Kin. Once you found the token copy its address. Exodus Wait for a moment while the contract gets updated. Your submission has been received! FTX works with both addresses you can sent to the owner Sol address and the Kin SPL token address. It will become hidden in your post, but will still be visible via the comment's permalink. How can I transfer native SOL (not any other spl-token) directly into the event account's vault address in an anchor smart contract instruction? The Kin Foundation, a non-profit organization that oversees the allocation and distribution of the Kin cryptocurrency, has published its annual Transparency Report, for the year ending 31 December 2022. Make sure not to buy any fake tokens, always . Creating the token did cost us a little of our Solana. Kin will be the unit of account for all economic transactions within the Kin . Unless said contract that received the tokens had implemented a function that allows it to transfer received tokens, they are lost and stuck. If the token which you are looking for is available in the list then select it and click next to add the token to your wallet. (if the destination is the address of the contract: throw) to avoid the situation . Alternatively, a Docker image is provided on a best-effort basis, though we recommend to run natively. Required fields are marked *. 5 Click on the dropdown arrow to select the network of the token you want to add. Please add your public Trust address in the comments if you need your Kin SPL token address activated with one Kin. While the concept of Solana custom tokens works the same as ERC20 on Ethereum there are quite some differences. Our public sale was conducted from 21 May till 22 May 2021. To add a custom token by contract address, click the Add Custom Token icon in the top right corner. Lee este artculo en Espaol | Read this article in Spanish. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Built on Forem the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. We are crypto enthusiasts and our main intention with Coin Guides is to educate people about Cryptocurrency and Blockchain technology. Use the search bar to find the token. I was looking for passing a contract address of the Token somewhere but couldn't figure it out. You can now send / receive / stake SPL tokens using your Solana wallet. Use that to deposit that particular SPL token. No one can access your Kin. I welcome you to follow our project, we have over 4,600 followers on twitter, and 2500 in our discord. I know you waited for this. Also here is an UI where you can mint and manage your own tokens. ERC20 tokens - if the ERC20 token you're looking for isn't in the category above, you can add them manually in this section by keying in the ERC20 token contract address. If you are still on Kin1 (ERC20/Ethereum) we encourage you to migrate to Kin SPL as soon as the swap becomes available, in order to enjoy full functionality within the Kin Ecosystem. Do not send tokens to this address. FTX works with both addresses you can sent to the owner Sol address and the Kin SPL token address. $ solana-keygen new --outfile ~/.config/solana/devnet.json Add Token (+ sign), select ERC20 Token and paste the ERC-20 token contract address. This repository has been archived by the owner on May 14, 2021. FTX* is a reputable exchange for those who would like to begin trading their Kin immediately, as well as those who do not wish to manage their own private keys. To add a token to your wallet you need to find the token contract address also known as mint address. To see how, visit: How do I opt in and enable Algorand tokens on Desktop? Thats it! Exchange between any crypto or fiat, effortless and instant, 0x818fc6c2ec5986bc6e2cbf00939d90556ab12ce5. Adding each type of token costs . This blog post details our journey from discovery, through exploitation and coordinated disclosure, and finally the fix. Many Git commands accept both tag and branch names, so creating this branch may cause unexpected behavior. Save the token address. Something went wrong while submitting the form. There are a variety of choices for wallets that support Kin SPL. Users can also interact and make transactions to the contract directly on Etherscan. this will airdrop 10000 tokens to all addresses on the airdrop list, Now to send the airdrop it'll actually cost you some sol if you fund the wallets of your supporters, if you want to spend sol funding the wallet use this script, The --fund-recipient is to create a token address associated with your token for a specific sol address, so before airdropping you can make sure your supporters have minted the token on their wallets unless they won't receive it unless you choose to fund their wallet.

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