extraordinary humans muscles transcript10 marca 2023
extraordinary humans muscles transcript

Following this procedure, we obtained 24.1 M mapped reads per sample on average. Here we use RNAseq to profile mRNA expression in skeletal, smooth, and cardiac muscle tissues from mice and rats. Based on additional behavioral tests, we further show that metabolic changes in human muscle seem to be paralleled by a drastic reduction in muscle strength. The observed rapid metabolic changes in brain and muscle, together with the unique human cognitive skills and low muscle performance, might reflect parallel mechanisms in human evolution. By contrast, all tested nonhuman primates were raised in captivity and were never subjected to physical training. Reviewed by Emily Henderson, B.Sc. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). The splenius capitis and splenius cervicis, which are located in the back of the neck, work to rotate the head. We used metabolite annotation from both HMDB and KEGG databases to link the metabolites to metabolic pathways. The remaining 0.5 ml tissue lysate was incubated at room temperature for 30 min after adding 4 ml of chloroform, 1.4 ml methanol, and 0.1 ml 30 M sphingomyelin (Avanti) in a 10 ml glass tube. Physical exercise is deemed the most efficient way of counteracting the age-related decline of skeletal muscle. While blood flow to the muscles is increased, blood flow to vulnerable extremities is decreased. _____600,000_____ How much particles of skin do we shed each hour? (a) Functional units of KEGG pathways containing significant excesses of metabolites with human-specific concentration profiles in PFC and skeletal muscle. Whereas normally to flex or extend there is one muscle that contracts and one that relaxes, of the nervous system are responsible for the misinformation that is delivered. We thank the personnel of the Suzhou Animal Research Center and particularly Changgen Lian, Su Jin, and Bijia Jiang for help with macaque strength experiments; the personnel of the Shanghai Weiyu junior middle school and particularly Dongping Wang for help with human teenager strength experiments; Guo Song for help in climber recruitment; Jing Jin, He Zhisong, Hindrike Bammann, Hu Haiyang, Li Qian, Yunxian Huang, and Yoann Portugal for technical help in the muscle strength experiments; Mikhail Gelfand, Michael Lachmann, and Mehmet Somel for helpful discussions; and Jerome Boyd-Kirkup for help in manuscript preparation. how to play hungry pumpkin game; oswald mosley family tree; swosu football roster 2021; list of rotary district governors 1 Apr. Chimpanzee tests were performed at the Wolfgang Khler Primate Research Center of the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig Zoo, Germany. Extraordinary Human: Muscles Dystonia 1. Each programme follows the lives of people with a rare medical condition and/or unusual ability.People featured have or had rare illnesses such as rabies and eye cancer. For comparison, overlap with metabolites showing chimpanzee-specific concentration profiles is also shown. After several failed attempts by an individual to pull a certain weight, the amount of food on the device was increased. The inability to control nonhuman primates' motivation hinders the exact quantification of the muscular strength difference between humans and nonhuman primates, even in a highly controlled experimental setup. In all tissues the correlations between concentration profiles measured by different technologies is significantly higher than expected by chance (Wilcoxon test, p<0.001). The kidney samples were dissected from the renal cortex. After second-strand synthesis, the ends of the double-stranded complementary DNA were repaired. The Table lists: pathways names and IDs, pathway p-Values, numbers of pathway metabolites showing human-specific concentration profiles, numbers of enzymes showing human-specific expression, numbers of enzymes showing human-specific expression profiles, numbers of pairs of directly linked enzymes and metabolites with human-specific expression and concentration level profiles, as well as p-Values indicating probabilities to find equal or greater numbers of enzymes or linked enzymes in metabolites sets randomly sampled 100 times. The second person is Ami Ankileweitz. The transcripts used in principle component calculation were detected in at least one tissue of one species above the 5% quintile of all detected transcripts. By contrast, in the brain, PFC, and skeletal muscle, human-specific metabolic divergence exceeded chimpanzee-specific divergence by 4.0-, 4.2-, and 8.4-fold respectively. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s034. We'll ask you for a little of your information and then you will have a username and password to manage all your activity and lessons. The error bars show 0.05 and 0.95 quintiles of the significant peak number distributions calculated by randomly sampling six human or six chimpanzee individuals 1,000 times. One is the extraordinary evidence of human creativity in all of the presentations that we've had and in all of the people here. $12.49 $ 12. The significant overlap between environmentally induced and human-specific metabolic changes indicates that, despite the limited scope and duration of the environmental change, it nevertheless did capture some of metabolic effects of the modern human lifestyle. Stephen Wiltshire is an autistic genius. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s013. Fibers of different types were counted in cross-sections of frozen tissue samples from nine adult chimpanzee individuals. CAS Key Laboratory of Computational Biology, CAS-MPG Partner Institute for Computational Biology, Shanghai, China, https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s005. And are there conditions that cause our muscles to stop We detect mRNA expression of hundreds of putative myokines that may . I study the evolution of the human body and how and why the human body is the way it is, and I've worked a lot on both ends of the body. Rhesus macaque samples were obtained from the Suzhou Experimental Animal Center, China. However, the role of metabolic changes in species evolution is currently unknown. How many copies of the mutant gene do people need to have to develop DYT 1 dystonia? Without the corset on, her waist comes in at a little over 53 centimeters. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s003. Percentage of peaks affected by postmortem delay among metabolic peaks in different datasets, as well as all peaks combined (ALL). Up to three of the best results per individual are shown. 3. No idea how this may play out. 4.5M views 11 years ago NGC investigates the science of muscle by taking us on a journey inside the bodies of two remarkable humans with startling genetic conditions. Nicotinamide Riboside Augments the Aged Human Skeletal Muscle NAD + Metabolome and Induces Transcriptomic and Anti-inflammatory Signatures Yasir S. Elhassan Katarina Kluckova Rachel S. Fletcher Charles Brenner Andrew Philp Gareth G. Lavery 11 Show all authors Show footnotes Open Access DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2019.07.043 To further deepen our understanding of metabolite concentration changes accompanying recent human evolution, as well as to shed light on the general dynamics of metabolome evolution, we conducted a comprehensive metabolome survey across five tissues of humans, chimpanzees, rhesus monkeys, and laboratory mice based on over 10,000 metabolic compounds. Broadly considered, human musclelike the muscles of all vertebratesis often divided into . The second is that it's put us in a place where we have no idea what's going to happen, in terms of the future. Muscles: National Geographic investigates the science of muscle by taking a journey inside the bodies of two remarkable humans with startling muscular disorders. Part I. However, it would stand to reason that. Comparison of gene expression among three primate species was based on the genome mapping reported by the liftOver tool. Scientists believe that every time the human genome duplicates itself there are around 100 new mutations. In fact, human-specific metabolic divergence in the sampled thigh skeletal muscle (mainly vastus lateralis) and PFC exceeded average metabolic divergence seen in the mouse tissues. (b) Numbers of metabolite peaks differentiating humans, chimpanzees, and macaques subjected to environmental condition 1 (C1: physical activity deprivation), and macaques subjected to environmental condition 2 (C2: high nutrition and physical activity deprivation) from the control macaques in any of the five tissues (t-test, p<0.01). Macaques from condition 1 and condition 2 groups were transferred from the standard living conditions (control condition) into individual standard-size cages located in a temperature-controlled room (242C) with lights on 12 hours each day (7001900). human muscle system, the muscles of the human body that work the skeletal system, that are under voluntary control, and that are concerned with movement, posture, and balance. Since mouse measurements were used solely to compare the pace of metabolic and genetic divergence among species, underestimation of metabolic and genetic variation within mouse species because of their genetic homogeneity does not affect the main results of our study. Genomic and gene expression surveys have demonstrated how comparative studies of humans and closely related primate species can lead to identification of evolutionarily, physiologically, and medically relevant features characteristic of humans [1],[2], including changes related to metabolism [3]. Thus, knowledge of metabolite concentration changes specific to human tissues may be instrumental to understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying evolution of the human phenotype. extraordinary humans muscles transcriptvroid eyelash texture Curating wonderful science materials for humans. In the comparison of mouse to other species, we restricted the set of genes' exons to those that could be mapped among all four species. Clusters cumulatively containing less than 10% of all assayed peaks were removed from further analyses and are colored in gray. And with that, allow me to . NGC investigates the science of muscle by taking us on a journey inside the bodies of two remarkable humans with startling genetic conditions. Maximal pulling strength normalized to an individual's body weight is shown in the last column. The phylogenetic tree above the bars shows the human (red) and chimpanzee (orange) evolutionary lineages, as well as the lineage connecting the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees with macaques (gray). Thanks for watching, please subscribe for more videos.NGC investigates the science of muscle by taking us on a journey inside the bodies of two remarkable hu. Summary of DMD (BMD, DXS142, DXS164, DXS206, DXS230, DXS239, DXS268, DXS269, DXS270, DXS272, MRX85) expression in human tissue. 63. Recordings of the scale were used to determine the maximum pulling strength of individuals. On the organism level, more controlled experiments could inspect recruitment of particular muscles in motion and quantify their performance based on their volume and level of activation. Following the pathway enrichment analysis, in each species-specific metabolite group, metabolites belonging to two or more KEGG pathways and sharing more than two-thirds of the overrepresented pathways were incrementally grouped into functional units until no two metabolites sharing sufficient numbers of pathways could be grouped together. All groups of metabolites showing species-specific concentration levels in different tissues were significantly enriched in metabolic pathways from Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database resource (permutation p<0.01, Table S11). KEGG pathways containing significant overrepresentation of metabolites with human-specific concentration profiles in PFC. The star signs show average normalized concentration levels of all cluster peaks within one tissue. Grouping of species-specific metabolites and KEGG pathways in PFC. ), the lineage connecting the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees with macaques (macaq. But how do our muscles work? Lecturer in Anatomy, University of Liverpool. List of peaks illustrated in Figure 3c. This talk was presented to a local . Gospe et al. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s027. For this reason, throughout the study we compared the relative proportions of change among species within each tissue, without comparing the differences in species-specific change among composite and individual tissues. Our results indicate that the reallocation of energy to energetically costly human brains may have required further decrease in energy expense in the skeletal muscle, at least during peak performance. Chimpanzee samples were obtained from the Alamogordo Primate Facility, New Mexico, USA, the Anthropological Institute & Museum of the University of Zrich-Irchel, Switzerland, and the Biomedical Primate Research Centre, the Netherlands. Sequencing libraries were prepared using the TruSeq RNA-seq Sample Preparation Kit (Illumina) according to the manufacturer's instructions. Rotation is accomplished primarily by the sternocleidomastoid muscle, which bends the neck to the ipsilateral side and rotates the neck contralaterally. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s025. Only pathways supported by human-specific expression of enzymes are shown. tower hill insurance net worth. Ami Ankileweitz has Spinal Muscle Atrophy, a genetic disorder that has caused his muscles to wither away. What we define as a peak throughout this manuscript is an individual mass trace together with isotopes (mass spectroscopy feature) at a distinct retention time in the chromatographic separation (chromatographic feature). Outliers were identified based on PCA plots and included nine samples in the [+]LC-MS and []LC-MS datasets. In this dataset we detected expression of 17,913 protein-coding genes that could be mapped among primate species (16,398 between primates and mouse), with 3,820 (3,720) of them linked to metabolites based on the Human Metabolome Database Version 3.0 (HMDB) annotation (Figure S6). Each diamond represents a sample colored according to tissue identity as indicated in the legend. In the analysis of clusters and cluster pathways, the metabolites were sampled from all metabolites belonging to clusters with concentration profiles specific to a tissue different from the tissue of the tested cluster. Transcribed by Reclaim The Net. The nerve impulse triggers the muscle to contract. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Extraordinary Humans: Muscles & Skin at Amazon.com. In addition, the axial skeleton that runs vertically through the back protects the spinal cord, which innervates almost all the muscles in the body. Department of Exercise and Sport Sciences, Section of Human Physiology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, Affiliation Muscle strength measurements in humans, chimpanzees, and rhesus macaques. Transcript. The upper panel is based on 1,535 annotated metabolite peaks, and the lower panel on 9,155 metabolite peaks that could not be annotated. 2 Department of Animal Molecular Biology, National Research Institute of Animal Production, Krakowska 1, 32-083 Balice, Poland. In order to identify metabolite peaks with concentration levels altered by postmortem delay, we quantified the differences in peak concentration levels in each tissue between the macaque samples from individuals living in control conditions collected with 4- and 6-hour postmortem delay (n=2) and macaque samples from individuals living in control conditions collected with less than 15 min postmortem delay (n=17). Yes The metabolic changes that were induced by environmental effects showed significant enrichment in 19 KEGG pathways (permutation p<0.01, Table S19) containing a total number of human-specific metabolic change (68 peaks) significantly higher than expected in randomly sampled pathways (permutation p<0.05). During the World War I, incre ConditionHealthJourneyMuscleBodyHuman BodyHumansPeopleExtraordinaryGenetics. The tissue samples were first powdered using a mortar and pestle cooled by liquid nitrogen and then separated into two parts for the metabolite and RNA extraction procedures. Ami Ankileweitz has Spinal Muscle Atrophy, a condition that has caused his muscles to wither away.Read more: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/extraordinary-humans/4923/Overview#ixzz1IBm1P14e Every waking moment his muscles flex out of his control, twisting his body into unusual positions. Two rare skin disorders are examined, including harlequin ichthyosis (HI), a condition characterized by hard, scale-like skin that reproduces at an accelerated rate; and epidermolysis bullosa (EB), which causes the skin to be very fragile. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s022. How do these two people fight against the obstacles life throws at them? episodes: 01. Many additional factors including ones potentially favoring nonhuman primates, such as difference in muscle mass distribution between front and hind limbs [17],[18], as well as ones favoring humans, such as motivation to perform, could not be accounted for in our experiment. The one that mapped to an exon was kept if the scores were equal. June 2, 2022 0 comments. Since different muscle fiber types have different functional and metabolic properties [20], systematic difference in fiber-type composition between human and other primate species could explain our observations of extensive metabolic differences and reduced human muscular strength. The proportion of enzymes with the corresponding expression profile linked to the tested metabolite grouppathway (i) or cluster (ii)was compared with the proportion obtained in the sampling test. Among genes detected in the transcriptome data, we extracted those reported by the KEGG database as enzymes linked, based on reaction information, to the metabolites measured in our metabolite datasets. Water is found in the extracellular fluids of the body (the blood plasma, the lymph, and the interstitial fluid) and within the cells themselves. Colors show higher (red) and lower (blue) species-specific concentration levels. Muscles are divided into three types: smooth, cardiac, and skeletal Smooth muscles are the involuntary muscles in your gut, blood vessels, and elsewhere that work without you consciously. All RNA-seq data were uploaded to the Gene Expression Omnibus (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/geo) under accession number GSE49379. Just the variety of it and the range of it. Most primary transcripts in eukaryotic cells derive from complete removal of all introns and complete joining of all exons. At the individual pathway level, 44 pathways contained significant excess of enzymes with matching species-specific expression profiles either directly or indirectly linked to the corresponding species-specific metabolites (permutation p<0.01, Table S11) while only seven pathways would be expected by chance (permutation p<0.01). KEGG pathways with significant overrepresentation of metabolites in 13 metabolite peak clusters, obtained by grouping metabolite peaks according to their concentration profiles across tissues. Ami Ankileweitz has Spinal Muscle Atrophy, a genetic disorder that has caused his muscles to wither away', 'Skin: National Geographic explores the science of skin by taking us inside the bodies of two extraordinary humans living with puzzling genetic conditions. To investigate this, we conducted a series of experiments aimed at providing an approximate estimate of muscular strength in a pulling task accomplished by humans (n=42), chimpanzees (n=5), and macaques (n=6) (Movie S1). For peaks showing a significant proportion of variation explained by species and speciestissue terms in ANOVA, we performed an additional t-test to identify the species in which the metabolite peak concentration levels were significantly different from the other species. Pathways not containing enzymes with matching expression profile are indicated by lighter shades of red and blue. (d) Proportions of enzymes with matching species-specific expression profiles linked to species-specific metabolites in a given tissue normalized by the number of enzymes with expression profiles specific to any species in this tissue. Proportions of gene expression change on the primate evolutionary lineages based on 17,913 transcripts present in all three species. Max Planck Institute for Molecular Plant Physiology, Potsdam, Germany, Affiliation Side bending also is an important action of the cervical spine. The Table lists total numbers of sequenced reads and proportions of reads mapped to the genome, for each sample. No, Is the Subject Area "Metabolic pathways" applicable to this article? Funding: This study was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant numbers 31171232, 31250110071, Y23DC41301) and Ministry of Science and Technology of China (grant number 2012DFG31940), National Science Foundation (grant BCS-0824531) and James S. McDonnell Foundation (grants 22002078 and 220020293). a) fecal impaction b) suicide c) depression d) hip fractures ACE. For instance, evolution of a large brain in humans, which consumes 20% of the total body energy at rest, has been suggested to involve changes in energy distribution among tissues, as well as adaptation to a nutrition-rich diet [4],[5]. How much do you know about the rich history of the engagement ring? And can they find a way to lower the symptoms? 31-year old Jason Dunn lives with Dystonia, a rare disorder that causes his brain to send faulty messages to his muscular system. Then, 0.5 ml of lysate was transferred to an Eppendorf tube containing 500 l chloroform and 200 l water. In the search for KEGG pathways with significant overrepresentation of metabolites from 13 metabolite clusters, we used all metabolites belonging to clusters with concentration profiles specific to tissues different from the tissue of the tested cluster as a background for the hypergeometric and permutation tests. By contrast, an average of 3,674 and 4,840 metabolic peaks showed equally significant differences in comparisons between control macaques and six randomly selected chimpanzee or human individuals, respectively (Figure 4b, Figure S13). The results suggest that, while humans are characterized by superior cognition, their muscular performance might be markedly inferior to that of chimpanzees and macaque monkeys. RT outside of the range of 0.75 min of the RTs of any of the used internal standards (IS) RTs or, if the peak shares the same mass with any of the IS, outside of the range of 1.5 of the RT of this IS. Could the stark excess of human-specific metabolic changes found in some of the examined tissues be caused by environmental factors, such as diet, stress, or physical activity? The V1 samples were dissected from the calcarine cortex (human and chimpanzee) or the occipital lobe (macaques), corresponding to Brodmann area 17. KEGG pathways containing significant overrepresentation of metabolites with human-specific concentration profiles in brain, cerebral cortex and CBC (cerebellar cortex). The LC-MS datasets were filtered according to the following criteria: Before applying the last filtering criterion, outlier samples were removed from the datasets. In the link-based analysis (ii) we tested only the overrepresentation of enzymes showing corresponding expression profiles directly linked to the cluster metabolites or species-specific metabolites in KEGG annotation. Human Body Collection, Season 1 Episode 7, is available to watch and stream on National Geographic. The variation found in the chimpanzee individuals was compared with variation previously measured in humans using the same methodology [19]. Dr. Stuart Phillips. Whereas normally to flex or extend there is one muscle that contracts and one, The basal _ganglia_ of the nervous system is responsible for the misinformation. The RNA-seq libraries were sequenced (100 cycles) on the Illumina HiSeq 2000 platform. Ami Ankileweitz has Spinal Muscle Atrophy, a condition that has caused his muscles to wither away.Read more: http://channel.nationalgeographic.com/series/extraordinary-humans/4923/Overview#ixzz1IBm1P14e 12 oz of iced tea 2 cups of low salt tomato soup 20 oz coffee 12 oz beer QUESTION 44 Your elderly neighbor, QUESTION 6 Your patient has an elevated WBC and a serious infection. The alterations in genes involved in the extracellular matrix may reflect a change in structural organization of skeletal muscle following repeated cold exposure, the purpose of which remains unclear. Peak concentration profiles normalized by their Euclidian norm are shown with gray lines. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001871.s010. The samples were incubated for 10 min at 4C on an orbital shaker. extraordinary humans muscles transcript 2022. All pathways, including those not supported by expression of enzymes, are included in this plot.

Data from
, Extraordinary humans : muscles & skin, produced by Authentic Entertainment Inc. ; executive producers, Lauren Lexton, Tom Rogan, (videorecording), National Geographic Channel (Television station : Washington, D.C.), produced by Authentic Entertainment Inc. ; executive producers, Lauren Lexton, Tom Rogan, http://bibfra.me/vocab/lite/collectionName, Extraordinary humans (Television program), http://library.link/vocab/relatedWorkOrContributorDate, http://library.link/vocab/relatedWorkOrContributorName, [Episode 1]. I should get one of those little Hunting in packs is quite . The highest measurement of each individual was used in the p-value calculation. He is able to draw entire cities from memory after seeing them only once. The colors within the bars represent proportions of metabolite concentration changes on the corresponding lineages. Out of 371 metabolites detected in the independent CE-MS experiment, 265 were detected by the LC-MS and GC-MS methodologies. Here, we present a study of metabolome evolution conducted in three brain regions and two non-neural tissues from humans, chimpanzees, macaque monkeys, and mice based on over 10,000 hydrophilic compounds. The studies were reviewed and approved by the Institutional Animal Care and Use ethics committee at the Shanghai Institute for Biological Sciences. Peaks showing p<0.01 and FDR<5% in 1,000 permutations were considered significant. Across these datasets, we quantified a total of 10,615 peaks (mass spectrometry features), which were detected in at least one tissue of one species (Figure 1a). Each of these muscles is a discrete organ constructed of skeletal muscle tissue, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves. PLOS Biology provides an Open Access platform to showcase your best research and commentary across all areas of biological science. Distinct membranous expression in cardiac and skeletal muscle. We found that the evolution of the metabolome largely reflects genetic divergence between species and is not greatly affected by environmental factors. After 3-end adenylation of these products, Illumina Single-End Sequencing adapters were ligated to the blunt ends of the cDNA fragments. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. This amazing video follows the lives of two extraordinary humans who suffer from rare muscular diseases and it describes the anatomy and physiology of the muscular system and what happens when this system doesn't work like it should. davenport, fl crime rate P.O. Your email address will not be published. 31year old Jason Dunn lives with Dystonia, a rare disorder that causes his brain to send faulty messages to his muscular system. Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, Affiliation KEGG pathways containing significant overrepresentation of metabolites with human-specific concentration profiles in kidney. While chimpanzee, macaque, and mouse metabolomes diverge following the genetic distances among species, we detect remarkable acceleration of metabolome evolution in human prefrontal cortex and skeletal muscle affecting neural and energy metabolism pathways. The engagement ring hasnt always been what it is today. The colors indicate proportions of peaks showing species-specific concentration changes on the human (red) and chimpanzee (orange) evolutionary lineages, as well as the lineage connecting the common ancestor of humans and chimpanzees with macaques (gray). Featuring interviews with world-renowned scientists, each hour unfolds with a CSI-like forensic investigation into the life and death of a specific hominid ancestor. Total RNA was extracted by a TRIzol (Invitrogen) procedure according to the manufacturer's instructions. a branch of psychology concerned with Back in 2011, we got one of the best food documentaries. The Table lists: pathway names and IDs, pathway p-Values, numbers of pathway metabolites showing human-specific concentration profiles, numbers of enzymes showing human-specific expression profiles, numbers of pairs of directly linked enzymes and metabolites with human-specific and concentration level profiles, as well as p-Values indicating probabilities of finding equal or greater numbers of enzymes or linked enzymes in metabolites sets randomly sampled 100 times. All RNA quality was assessed using an Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer. -- [episode 2]. Similarly, significant agreement between metabolite concentration and enzyme expression profiles was seen on the macaque evolutionary lineage for tissues containing large numbers of macaque-specific metabolic changes: V1, kidney, cerebral cortex, whole brain, and skeletal muscle.

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