aquarius in 7th house for leo ascendant10 marca 2023
aquarius in 7th house for leo ascendant

While, in matter of love and romance, they are some of the most loyal zodiac signs. Saturn enters your community and friendship zone on the 7th kicking off a three-year period that will make it hard to maintain flimsy connections. It basically means when the sign of Leo falls on the 7th house then the job of an Aquarius ascendant becomes to popularize something as Leo is a sign of popularity. A Leo ascendant is very sensitive to everything that has to do with individual sovereignty. Also, Aquarius people cut a lot of jokes when they interact with other people and they are not serious minded at all and that is what it also means when the sign of Leo falls on the 7th house as 7th house is also the house of one-to-one interaction. You will make new connections which will benefit you in professional growth. At the same time, theyre domineering and powerful, so if their other half doesnt accept them for who they are, they can go and look for someone else to fill the space in their life. Your marriage partner will be artistic and eclectic. You will love a leader personality type. Future marriage partner: Cancer or Capricorn. They might have some kind of idealized figure who seems incredibly capable and constantly measure themselves up against that person or idea. There is usually popularity too. The 7th lord Saturn in 8th house for Cancer Ascendant means that you want a mature, older partner. How to interpret Mars for predictions in Vedic Astrology? They will want you to have a pleasant appearance and they will want to offer you the same. If you are a Leo rising, with your Ascendant landing in the sign of the lion, it means that your "opposite" will be your Descendant sign, Aquarius. Sun here will provide all the prosperity, growth, fate, wealth and fortune for the native. The native will have lots of sources of income or will have the potential to create many sources of income. 9. In sex and fun, theyre adventurers who are always down to try things that no one has heard of before. Saturn will be rising in the 11th house of Aquarius. Also, if something is fun for you then mostly you will do that only throughout your life as having fun is dosage for happiness but then it may not be good for your married life as you cannot have fun with every girl or boy you meet with. This is also known as Surya Argha, and if one does this everyday, one will get the fullest and most powerful blessings from the Sun God. Aquarius is my SUN. Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury, so you'll likely meet someone who either has the personality traits of the twins. In fact, Sun in the 9th house in general is considered to be a very strong position as Sun here is a karak planet in the 9th house. You'll want that person to stand on their own two feet and embrace their unique individuality. MARCH 2023. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Gemini in the eleventh house wants to play with people who are able to challenge Leo risings existing value systems. Here, Sun becomes very strong and naturally, any planet sitting in the 11th house is considered to be very auspicious for the native. The 7th House Descendant Leo is the zodiac sign that appears on the cusp of the 7th House in a birth chart, indicating the qualities a person seeks in their committed partnerships. It's a defense mechanism. Dear Reader, March will be a major turning point of the year for three major planets will change signs. They want to give without boundaries and idealistically. Aquarius is ruled by SATURNhence SATURN will be the lord of this house. And the Sun's Mooltrikon is Leo itself. However, the native may suffer from the problem of eye sight or will have eye related problems. Its planetary ruler is Venus and is considered as the house responsible for relationships and partnerships between the native and other people. By Aria Gmitter and Emily Francos Written on Mar 10, 2022. Choose NO PLEDGE to continue the subscription without commitments. The wife is very beautiful with a tall and attractive body and has a fair complexion and also beautiful eyes. For example, companies are making use of actors like Amitabh Bachchan to popularize their brand through media advertisements. The sun enters fellow fire sign Aries and your 9th House of Philosophy on Monday, March 20. Its okay for them to be aware of what others are feeling, but if being judgmental, they can no longer express themselves properly. They want to give to the world endlessly. Here you can see that the so called malefic planets Mars & Saturn are yogakaraka for 5 ascendants. The planet Venus is one of the most telling about your relationship through its placement. Case 2: If 7th lord, Sun, is placed in the sign of Aquarius in the 1st house then your spouse (as 7th house represents spouse) will always be on your head and he/she will always be pushing you for something which you will not like to do. Surya Beej Mantra Chanting the Surya Beej Mantra everyday for 108 times, along with the remedies mentioned above also strengths your planet Sun. They are people who want to burn the places they come from down and build something new in its place. Here, the native can be born in a rich family or a family of Royal status. Bathing with Curd in Vedic Astrology | What are the Astrological Benefits? How Moon in the sign of Cancer makes you self-satisfied? The sign of Aquarius is influencing people to divorce because its a lot about oppositions in life. While, they may or may not know themselves but Leo people are very disciplined and this comes from the energy of the planet Sun. The native is brave, bold and courageous and full of confidence and self-esteem. By wearing the Ruby Gemstone, one will experience growth in the financial condition of the native and he will start to see improvements in wealth, career and his professional life. Text Grace McGrade Illustration Gabrielle Rosenstein. . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Plz note: Contact me through this site if you want to learn how you can regularly track the incoming of wealth in your life through Vedic Astrology, Disclaimer: I am not responsible for 3rd party links on this website and it could even be an affiliate link, All rights reserved @2022-23 a site dedicated to religion, spirituality, relationships, life, occult, and paranormal. If you have your Seventh House of Marriage in the sign of Sagittarius, you bring much intelligence to your relationship. The ruler of Leo is the Sun. For performance and security reasons, we use Cloudflare as our CDN networks. Mars in Leo/Fifth House: This Mars requires that the relationship gets a lot of energy and attention from the individuals involved. Theyre the most philosophical people in the Zodiac. The native makes it even better through his knowledge and acquires substantial wealth. When Sun is placed in 7 th house being the 1 st Lord for Leo Ascendant, it will make you very egoistic and independent in nature. Here the native can take the full benefits of the planet Sun by wearing the Gemstone of Sun, which is the Ruby Gemstone. A lot of the time, Leo risings are people who dont want to act out emotionally. Such results are modified by the aspect he receives. The Seventh House and the Zodiac Signs. Even though the Sun is a harsh planet in astrology, it rules the arts and entertainment. If you have the Seventh House of Marriage in the sign of Leo you will attract a partner who gives as much respect as they give. Aquarius ascendant in the first house. Sun here is in the sign of Aries, where Sun gets exalted and becomes very strong. The descendant falls in the 7th house or it is the cusp of the 7th house, depending on the house system. When faced with one too directly, we will swim away. These natives need to be detached and open from an emotional point of view. It would be a good idea for them to see whats causing them to fail and how they could defeat their opponents. Therefore, when you read the natal chart that you can get for free from Cafeastrology, you need to make sure you have some things before you can search for love. Saturn rules the 6th house and 7th house from your Moon sign. If Capricorn is the sign on the cusp of your 7th house then you'll be attracted to ambitious, practical and opportunistic love and sexual partners who spend a great deal of time pursuing success. People influenced by this sign are seeing relationships as something evil because they dont like having their philosophy of life and freedom threatened. You can find free astrological software programs online. They need their pleasure to create new ways of being in the world that, to do that, they need people who can expect unexpected things with them. This is why astrologers use completely different systems, based on all they know and trust. With the potential to influence the authorities, his speech may have a magnetic power. You will never be unhappy or down on your luck if the Sun is in the 5th house. Jupiter in the 7th House in Leo - In the sign of Leo, Jupiter in the 7th house fosters a capacity for loyalty and devotion in marriage. This is also a house associated with wanderlust. This is also a very powerful remedy and by doing this, one will get protection from enemies, increase in positive energy at home, increase in wealth, health, ones fate and bhaya will start to unlock and growth in life. When Rahu is most negative in a birth chart? The twelfth house is something that we might hide because it contradicts the parts of ourselves that other people can see. Can exalted Jupiter in 5th house get you into real estate business? On Earth, we are one multispecies family. Your courtship will have some battles but with mutual respect, you can overcome your communication problems. 7th House Aquarius individual needs to be in the first place honest with him or herself. 5. They will never ask you for what they know they deserve. If you need free consultation contact me through this site. If there are aspects of benefic planets like Mercury and Jupiter on the 5th house, then the native becomes exceptionally intelligent in his life. He has the capability to destroy his enemies or competitors. For animal rights and an inclusive world. But divorce is just a possibility but if 12th house lord, Saturn, is placed in the 7th house then this is possible as 12th house is a house of losses and when 12th lord is placed in the 7th house it means the loss in relationship or loss in business. The content produced by YourTango is for informational and educational purposes only. If your marriage undergoes a lot of stress, you also will carry that burden on your shoulders. The sign of our Ascendant describes the way we express ourselves when we go out into the world. Therefore, your marriage partner's emotional connection will be all about doing things for you. Leo rising needs pleasure to be a learning place. The Daily Horoscope For Each Zodiac Sign For March 4, 2023, What It Means When Your Sun And Rising Signs Are The Same, 3 Zodiac Signs Who Are The Luckiest In Love On March 4, 2023. struggle to keep both feet on the ground. If Sun here is aspected by planets like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn then, he may face problems with bones. Capricorn Descendant 7th House. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. It is logical that when they interact with others, they seek to be treated as equals. This can lead to a marriage that isn't happy for you. This is also a great position for government service related jobs and the native can get lots of success in the field of government. Aquarius in the seventh house means that Leo rising doesnt want to approach their relationships from a place of need. A unique, progressive, and visionary approach that keeps the interests of the collective in mind. He considers himself to be always correct. 6th Lord Moon In 7th House for Aquarius Ascendant. Theyre people who want to learn from conversations, from jokes, from memes, and from real relationships. They need their impact on their communities to be an impact that delivers justice where justice is due. The native child may be delayed in his life else, his children will not listen to the native. These houses deal with love, friendships, and relationships. Im going to be using whole sign houses, which is a house system where every sign is a separate house. Your report will help you to know who you will be best attracted to, how you communicate the best, and more about how you like to be loved and what you are looking for in a partner. Being a Leo rising is a lot of work. Sun here will give amazing results in terms of wealth, and will make the native wealthy and rich in his lifetime. Discover your inner treasure. The wittiness of their loved ones only reflects their own, while their weirdness can make them true anarchists and erratic. Leo rising can be a person who seems like theyre thriving even when theyre not. Leo rising is not looking for people who reinforce them but for people who contrast them. The native may face some problems with his bosses and co-workers, however, by doing remedies for Sun, one can make the planet strong in their birth chart and take all the benefits of Sun. This is why its necessary for closeness in their life to come from their hearts. Its because they only show up intentionallywhen they think that their relationship with you is transformative for the world. You could also be the head of a business or the head of the marketing department in a business as 3rd house is the house of marketing. When we have Leo in our Ascendant, the theatricality with which we express ourselves (Leo in House I) is fueled by a desire to share with everyone (House 7 in Aquarius) our emotional intensity (House 4 in Scorpio). They are committed, loyal and will amazing lovers. Aquarius Rising Sign/Leo Descendant Sign. Theyre appreciated because they genuinely worry about others and are always ready to give a hand. In jobs, natives may be working into large association in finance associated field. You might be a later-in-life marriage person. By wearing the Ruby Gemstone, one will experience a boost in ones energy levels and self-confidence. The Seventh House in astrology reveals your energetic disposition to other people. . However, if Sun is weakly positioned in the 12th house, that is if Sun is with Saturn, Rahu or Ketu or aspected by these planets, then the native will have to face court cases, expenses on hospitals and money wasted on court. If it is Leo Ascendant, then, at that point, Mercury rules the second and eleventh house and sits in the seventh house in Aquarius. Your marriage partner may be a traditionalist who is slightly stubborn as well. Case 4: If 7th lord, Sun, is placed in the sign of Aries in the 3rd house then here Sun is exalted and this could give a leadership position in a business. Putting a unique twist on the same old thing. In this series, Im going to break down each and every rising sign and every house of your chart, based on the rising sign. The native will become very wealthy in his lifetime. As if we align our bodily energies in accordance with the Sunrise and Sunset patterns of the Sun, Sun naturally becomes stronger and starts giving good results. Sun in the 3rd house is a great position for Sun to be in even though Sun here will be in a weak position. In this type of marriage situation, there can be times when you feel a bit out of reach to your future mate. Case 6: If 7th lord, Sun, is placed in the sign of Gemini in the 5th house then very creative people such as good writers, comedians, singers, actors, digital marketers, etc can be seen from this placement. The native is brave and courageous. The native is also born very lucky and fortunate in his lifetime and with his hard work and his own self-efforts, the native will achieve all the success he wants in his lifetime. Since Amitabh Bachchan is well known in the world and he has got a strong grip over the public people like him can really help companies to popularize their brand. Sun in the 6th house is a good position for Sun to be in, however, here a bad yoga called Ava Yoga is being formed. If you have a planet there this can reveal how you are when in love and how compatible you are with another person. . The native will never have to worry about money and wealth in his lifetime. You might have seen the Amitabh Bachchan's KBC (Kaun Banega Crorepati) TV program and in this Quiz program, Amitabh Bachchan is having fun and also playing the Quiz while having one-to-one interaction with the contestants or participants and he is also an Aquarius Ascendant. Yes, I have the CAP ascendant and Aquarius intercepted in the first house. Click for more information, NUEVO! That is the reason you will find Aquarius people as the best marketers and so you should hire these people for all your marketing needs as they can do this job in a much better way as they find it fun to interact with different people and that is what it is needed to popularize a business brand or anything else that needs to be brought in the limelight (as Leo also means limelight). catches some disease. With Gemini in the 11th House, Leo ascendant will look for ingenious, intelligent, highly . If you have Taurus in the Seventh House, you are going to attract people with Taurean personality traits. With Saturn entering Pisces and Pluto entering Aquarius - two signs known for their absurdity - expect some unusual and historical historical events. Get to know yourself in a different way. Your partner is very conservative, in a routine of their own, and not that interested in intimacy. They might witness politics like a boxing match where powerful people duke it out without caring at all about the actual struggles of the people they represent. Because the Seventh House is ruled by Venus, your relationship is one build on outer beauty and the comforts the world brings. However, doctors and nurses can also be seen from this placement as Cancer is a sign of nurturing also but again other planets need to support. you are drawn to partners with power and passion. They should be careful that their passion doesnt burn outside their relationship. They dont have a problem with owing someone else or letting someone owe them. You won't want to be with someone who is boring or ordinary to you. It is the Rudraksha that is a symbol of the Surya Dev or Sun God. Prediction of Planets in Various Houses for Leo Ascendant Sun in Different Houses for Leo Ascendant You might find yourself drawn to an Aquarius. Also, they should pay attention to not be involved too much in group activities and to no longer look at whats happening in their relationship because this can have all of their enthusiasm for their couples life to disappear. There is a love of beautiful possessions and an active social life for which you are willing to put out a lot of effort. Mars will move to Cancer (after seven months in Gemini), Saturn will move to Pisces (after spending nearly three years in Aquarius), and Pluto will briefly move to Aquarius (after 15 years in . Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Sun here can also give lots of health problems to the native. Many people who suffer from the problem of lack of ambition, motivation, desire, or self-confidence is a direct co-relation with Sun being in the birth chart. Also, 3rd house is the house of courage and skills of hands and so people involved in sports can also be seen from this placement as Aries is an aggressive fire sign and sports is not possible without aggression and energy. 2023byTango Publishing Corporation All Rights Reserved. In case they can find someone who meets their requirements, theyre the best friends of that person. The secret for their romantic connections to work is for them to be detached from their partner or demanding. And everyone gets a boost of confidence once Aries season begins on Monday, March 20. But this is just a possibility and nothing is confirmed unless the Navamsa chart also shows that. If you have the Seventh House of Marriage in the sign of Leo you will attract a partner who gives as much respect as they give. Your Leo Ascendant represents the way that you present yourself to the world, while the Descendant sign details qualities you may look for in a partnership. RELATED:12 Zodiac Sign Matches That Make Awesome Couples, According To Astrology. Google's, We use the YouTube service to enable video content streaming on this site. 6th house, in general, is a house of disputes and difficulties. The native may suffer from problems related to bones. While, one can also wear the Ruby Gemstone and get all the good benefits from planet Sun. And like everyone, they give what they want to receive. Their connections have the most unusual dynamic, so they can end very rapidly. But good singers can also be seen from this placement especially if Moon is also placed along with Sun in the 6th house but other planets in the birth chart also need to support. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. 23/04/2017 Jessica Davidson. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, which explains its bold influence, and it also marks the start of the . Helping blind people and serving them. Through their relationships, these individuals are able to express a lot of warmth and generosity which in turn can . In finance, you may need to emphasize monetary planning and long-term security. He retaliates in a strong and aggressive manner. The 7th house in Astrology is an angular one and is traditionally associated with the sign of Libra. When fighting their enemies, Seventh House Aquariuses can be highly ineffective because their head is always in the clouds. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Money is usually plentiful and important to you. While, they are born with amazing talent. Leo in the 1st House is interested in a relationship based on equality, but for very different reasons than what Aquarius is interested in. Wondering how so many (six) planets in Aquarius will be affecting me during my natal return on Feb 13th (Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter)! The owner of the fifth house, Venus, is also the owner of the twelfth house. Even in the 11th house, natives can wear the Gemstone of Sun, which is Ruby and get all the benefits of the planet Sun. Spouse will have royal, regal status and can also be connected to politics. Leo risings can protect themselves by giving off an air that reads "I don't really need you" and "I'm strong enough to exist without you." Leo is about projecting strength. Can Venus or Rahu in Jyestha Nakshatra get you possessed? Come as you are, Scorpio. For Leo natives, Saturn transit will happen in Aquarius, which is your 7th house from your Moon sign. 2. The native is fortunate, religious and influential and lives long. Leo expects their auric space to be appreciated. If the Moon is strong in their birth chart, the Seventh House can help them have an exciting life filled with beauty. Sun here is in the sign of Virgo which is of earth element and here it indicates stability in the wealth of the person. Your partner can be prone to jealousy and this will have to be worked out by both partners. The Happy Mystic | As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Leo Rising Sign/Aquarius Descendant Sign. So if the 7th house is the relationship then the 6th house is the loss of relationship or divorce. Until March 10th: The Sun continues to put a spotlight on your solar seventh house--your partnership sector. Sun in the 7th house for Leo Ascendant is a great position for Sun to be in as Sun is in the sign of Aquarius. By wearing it, one will naturally experience prosperity, happiness and improves the administration capacity of a person in the fields of business, politics and government. If you can't find your time of birth on your birth certificate ask a family member if it was day or night or if they have a general time. Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces. All rights reserved, Leo Ascendant (1st House) - Aquarius Descendant (7th House), North Node in Taurus / South Node in Scorpio, Non Copyrighted Music and the Rise of Community Culture, Are you interested in a personal reading? 2nd house has Pisces Sign and lord is Jupiter. Even in other fields of his life, he will become very successful. But dont even think about not giving them the attention they deserve. With Aquarius on the 7th house cusp or descendant, the idea of a non-traditional, a-typical relationship may be appealing. Only this way, they could be as successful as they may try to. Here, Sun will be so strong that, Sun will be the most important planet for the native in his birth chart. This also shows that Cancer ascendant people are morally correct because having fun with an opposite partner even after marriage is morally not correct but Aquarius ascendant people will not understand this as they have the Leo sign on their 7th house and so they behave accordingly. All electronic and electrical items are nothing but machines as anything that automates a task is a machine. Pisces in 8th House: Learning from Mistakes, Virgo in 2nd House: What Matters the Most in Life, Gemini in 11th House: Surprisingly Inspired, Sagittarius in 5th House: An Admirable Temperament, Aries in 9th House: Achieving Goals with Ease, Libra in 3rd House: Charming and Persuasive, Cancer in 12th House: Always Evolving for the Better, Capricorn in 6th House: Rushing into Conclusions, Taurus in 10th House: Sticking to the Right Values, Scorpio in 4th House: Paying Attention to Details, Leo in 1st House: Great at Leading Others, Venus in Astrology: Its Effects and Living With It. The native will earn his wealth though his family, or might actually carry on his family business. . Plz note: I am an astrologer from New Delhi, India and if you need horoscope reading services or want to learn the real secrets of Vedic Astrology then plz contact me through this site. In this way, the sign of the Ascendant is the first thing that others see of us. a ch H Lang District H Lang, Cao Bang S in thoi:. If your Seventh House of Marriage is in the sign of Capricorn, you are a guarded person. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases., Copyright 2023 Ancient Astrology Talks. Since Venus is the goddess of love, it makes sense that you want to pay attention to where she is on your natal chart. . They are often popular with people and have a large social circle. The native can earn his wealth from foreign lands and foreign places. They save their cooperation and their listening ear for grassroots stufffor local politics without slogans. Future marriage partner: Sagittarius or Gemini. In this way, Leo can decide if the person in front of him has what it takes to reign at their side. The native gains good scope in the fields of government and government jobs. The native will be spiritual and religious in nature. ie the energies represented by Saturn are more easily expressed in Aquarius. Mostly, people working in the field of IT (information technology) have this placement. Students can do really well in competitive exams. Leo ascendant expect you to acknowledge their presence. The changes that Leo rising wants to see in their environment never seems to come fast enough.

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