a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone10 marca 2023
a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone

a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone old restaurants in lawrence, ma . Insurance producer Kelly offers an insured a $500 shopping card if an insurance product is purchased through her. Whichof these benefit options would he choose? An insurer is REQUIRED to offer which of the following to each long-term care applicant at the time of purchase? Atax-free 1035 Exchange of a life insurance policy to a different policy ispermitted if it occurs, A. Inthe same state as the original transaction, C. Frominsurer to insurer and no cash is received by the policy owner, D. Fromagent to agent as long as the agents are licensed in the same line. How long is the Contestable period for health insurance policies sold in Maryland? a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone. At what age does the open enrollment period typically begin for Medicare Supplement coverage? Since each partner contributes an important element to the success of the business, they decide to take life insurance policies out on each other, and name each other as beneficiaries. The face amount will remain constant and thepremium will increase over the 10-year period, C. The Premium will remain constant and the faceamount will increase over the 10-year period. Under a life insurance policy, what does the insuring clause state? If a subscriber chooses a primary care physician outside of the network, the subscriber will likely pay, Paul is an employee who caught a disease unique to the trade in which he was exposed to. A non-contributory health insurance plan helps the insurer avoid, An employee under a group insurance policy has the right to name a beneficiary and the right to, A) remain on the group in the event of employment termination, D) Convert to an individual policy in the event of employment termination, D) Convert to an individual policy in the event of employment termination, All of the following are Characteristics of a group life insurance plan EXCEPT, Tim is covered under a group plan and would like to change his group coverage to an individual policy with the same insurer because of employment termination. After 15 years, the cash value has accumulated to $100,000 and the police's face amount has become $600,000. A producer has committed an insurance crime that violates US Code 1033 (interstate commerce). Which of these may NOT be used in a health insurance advertisement? A licensed producer is required to file notice of any change of address within how many days? An insurer formed according to the legal requirements of another country is called an. Which of the following is CORRECT regarding the death benefit amount. If an insured dies during the grace period with no premiums paid. An individual who has a hobby racing cars once a month. Which of these if NOT considered a form of life insurance advertisement? ARoth IRA owner must be a least what age in order to make tax-free withdrawals? Which of the following is the likely result? What will the beneficiary receive if an annuitant dies during the accumulation period? An error was made on Erica's life insurance application. a)When the policy owner notifies the insurance company, c.)When the required additional premium is paid, d.) No more than 10 days after date of birth, The double indemnity provision in a life insurance policy pertains to an insured's death caused by a(n), A) the policy would be payable, minus the premium amount, B) the policy would be payable only after the beneficiary makes past due premium payment, C) all past premiums will be refunded with interest, An insurance producer agrees to pay the first monthly premium for an insurance applicant. A whole life policy option where extended term insurance is selected is called a(n). The statement which best describes the relationship between the relationship between the premiums of a whole life policy and the premium payment period is, The shorter the payment period, the higher the premium. Maximizes productivity through use of appropriate tools; planned training and Columbia Care LLC . Which of the following is NOT considered to be an actof fraud? . A life insurance policyowner does NOT have the right to, A Guaranteed issue insurance policy has no. Medical history from the insured may be reviewed and reported, If an insurer receives a notice of claim under an individual health policy, and fails to provide proof of loss forms within 15 days, the insured must, File a written proof of loss, detailing the occurrence, character and extent of loss. What types of life insurance are normally usedfor key employee indemnification? The coverage, condition, and limitations in the master policy of a group contract can be found in which document? When the word "insurance" appears in a producer's business name, which of the following words cannot be approved? What is the purpose of a disability income benefit? Philsshopping for an annuity that guarantees he CANNOT outlive the benefits. What is issued to each employee of an employerhealth plan? Erica is 35 years old and owns an IRA. Frank is shopping for a disability income policy. Pat is insured with a life insurance policy and Karen is his primary beneficiary. Anapplicants character and personal habits can be obtained for underwritingpurposes from which source? Which of these will typically authorize treatment from a specialist? \quad \text{Less accumulated depreciation} & \underline{\hspace{13pt}50,000} & \underline{\hspace{13pt}35,000} \\ Intereston death benefits are NOT required to be paid by an insurance company as longas proceeds are paid within __ after the date of the death of the insured. In the event of employment termination, group health insurance can be kept if the employee pays the premiums, B. Recieve a tax credit to help offset the cost of health insurance, C. Remain of their current coverage for 30 months. Upon delivery, she may be expected to collect all of the following EXCEPT a(n), Modified application with a new signature, All of these are valid policy dividend options for a life insurance policyowner EXCEPT. A policyowner suffers an injury that renders him incapable of performing one or more important job duties. The commissioner must examine the financial affairs of each admitted insurer operating in Maryland at least once every how many years? The death benefit paid will be what the premium would have purchased at the correct age. What does the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985 allow an employee to do ? Whichmarket index is normally associated with an indexed annuitys rate of return? A producer who sells an individuallife insurance policy in Maryland MUST deliver to the policy owner a(n), b. At minimum, a carrier is required to offer which of the following health benefit plans to small employers? Assist in the underwriting of insurance policies. How often must an insurance producer's license in New Jersey be renewed? One or morediagnostic, preventive, therapeutic, rehabilitative, maintenance or personalcare services in a setting other than an acute care unit of a hospital. Maria would like an annuity that provides a guaranteed accumulation or payout. In Maryland, a full-time employee of a small employer MUST work an average of at least ___ per week. B. Anytimewithin 12 months after date of purchase, C. Aminimum of 6 months after date of purchase, D. Aminimum of 12 months after date of purchase. Eventually, they retire and dissolve the business. What happens to the coverage under a children's term rider when that child reaches a certain specified age? By Posted browning 725 pro sporting canada Which dividend option would an insurer invest the policyowner's money and add any interest earnings as the dividends accrue? Afterwards, she deposits the check into her personal checking account. by . Who is required to notify the producer in the event of appointment termination? A. CashandcashequivalentsAccountsreceivableInventoryTotalcurrentassetsProperty,plant,andequipmentLessaccumulateddepreciationNetproperty,plant,andequipmentTotalassetsAccountspayableIncometaxespayableBondspayableCommonstockRatainedearningsTotalliabilitiesandstockholdersequityEndingBalance$48,00041,00055,000144,000150,00050,000100,000$244,000$32,00025,00060,00070,00057,000$244,000BeginningBalance$57,00044,00050,000151,000140,00035,000105,000$256,000$57,00028,00050,00060,00061,000$256,000. How much does Medicare Part B pay forphysician fees? Former dependent of employee no longer ofdependent status. The IRS allows a taxpayer to deduct medicalexpenses of that exceed 7.5% of their adjusted grossincome. The policyholder for a group health benefit plan is considered to be the, A Medicare Supplement policy can be cancelled by the insurer for, As of January 1, 2007, producer's license expires, Every two years on the last day of the producer's birth month, An insurer has the right to recover payment made to the insured from the negligent party. An applicant's character and personal habits can be obtained for underwriting purposes from which source? Maryland requires that a licensee completes___ hours of continuing education on the subject of ethics every reportingperiod. A. The family's financial objectives if the income earner were to die or become disabled, Normally at any time during the policy term, Loans obtained by a policyowner against the cash value of a life insurance policy, The solicitation of a non-authorized contact in New Jersey violates. When an insured has a major medical plan with first dollar coverage, how does this impact the benefits paid? Which of the following statements is TRUE? a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephonecrumbl cookies franchise applicationcrumbl cookies franchise application Whatis the primary reason for buying an annuity? Where would policy proceeds be paid if both the insured and primary beneficiary were killed in the same accident? Ifan insurer refuses to pay a claim, how many days must the insured wait to takelegal action against a health insurer after submitting written proof of loss? Please upgrade to Cram Premium to create hundreds of folders! Benefits for a Medicare Supplement policy. When an insured changes to a more hazardous occupation, which disability policy provision allows an insurer to adjust policy benefits and rates? pain between 4th and 5th metatarsal. Disability Income plans which require that the insurer can NEVER change or alter premium rates are usually considered. Kurt is an active duty serviceman who was recently killed in an accident while home on leave. 5151\left|\begin{array}{ll}5 & 1 \\ 5 & 1\end{array}\right| At the request of the insurer to assist in the underwriting decision. With a usual, customary, and reasonable fee, Which of these is NOT a qualifying event for Medicare, A. B.Change must be initialed by the applicant. How long is the Contestable Period for health insurance policies sold in Maryland? 1. Without a Section 125 Plan in place, what would happen to an employee's payroll contribution to an HSA? An insurance company needs to obtain personal information from a third party concerning an applicant. How long after its effective date will an individual life insurance policy become incontestable? In event of acontroversy between the insured and the company, the producer is considered to representthe. \text{Total current assets} & \underline{\hspace{8pt}144,000} & \underline{\hspace{8pt}151,000} \\ 1. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephonecapricorn and virgo flirting. The type of annuity she is seeking is called? The power given to an individual producer that is not specifically addressed in his/her contract is considered what type of authority? Who is the individual paid on a fee-for-service basis? Which of these is NOT an Unfair Claims Settlement Practice? HIPPA considers which of the following as "individually identifiable health information"? How often must the Commissioner examine each domestic insurance company? Sonya applied for a health insurance policy on April 1. Jim recently sold his whole life insurance policy under a critical settlement contract. Upon delivery, she may be expected to collected all of the followingEXCEPT a(n), B. Signedimpairment rider acknowledgement, C. Modifiedapplication with a new signature, Oneof the most important considerations when replacing health insurance would bethe. Which of the following is NOT information found in a life insurance buyer's guide? What does the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) OF 1985 allow an employee to do? Continued coverage under COBRA would be providedto all of the following EXCEPT: a. D. The face amount and premiumwill remain constant over the 10-year period. MedicarePart A does not pay for medical benefits provided for treatment in a skillednursing facility beyond. a producers secretary who solicits prospects on the telephone. B. Protects insurers from an applicantsMisrepresentation, C. Protect consumers with guidelines regardingcredit reporting and distribution. Aninsureds status under social security can be described as, Along-term care policy typically provides all of the following levels of careEXCEPT. Who would be responsible for the prosecution of this crime? What is the MINIMUM benefit period that must be offered by a Long-Term Care Policy? A life insurance policyowner was injured in an automobile accident which results in a total and permanent disability. Life insurance policies will. In this situation, who will receive Bob's policy proceeds? She is receiving the deathbenefit in payments of $10,000 per month until the principal and interest hasbeen paid out. What is the purpose of having an accelerated death benefit on a life insurance policy? D.In the event of employment termination, group health insurance can be kept if the employer pays the premium. Which of these is affected by the frequency of an insurance policy's premium payments? An individual life insurance policy can be contested by the insurer only during the first _________ years of the contract, An order issued by the commissioner that prohibits a specific practice listed in the order is called a. Term, Whole, and universal lifeinsurance. 1. An insurance producer is issued a _____ as evidence of authority. In the event of the employment termination, group health insurance can be kept if the EMPLOYEE pays the premiums, A health insurer must be provided with written proof of loss _____ days after the date of loss, A producer must notify the Commissioner within _____ days of a felony conviction. To be eligible for small employer group coverage, an employee must work a MINIMUM of ____ hours in a typical week. cuanto gana un pintor de autos en estados unidos . Duringthe accumulation period, who can surrender an annuity? Claims for a Long-Term Care policy MUST be paid for which of the following conditions? An insurance company's trademark instead of the company's actual name, Using misrepresentation to induce an insured person to terminate an existing policy and purchase a new policy, Field underwriting performed by the producer involves, Completing the application and collecting initial premium. What is this an example of? The waiting period for a disability insurance policy, Excludes payments for a short term illness or injury.

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