world uyghur congress cia10 marca 2023
world uyghur congress cia

He provided no evidence for the accusation and made no attempt to justify the use of the term genocide which implies a deliberate policy of extermination applied to Uyghurs. The main objective of WUC is to promote the right of the Uyghur people to use peaceful, nonviolent, and democratic means to determine the political future of East Turkistan. [27], Erkin Alptekin (born 4 July 1939 in Kashgar) is a Uyghur activist. World Uyghur Congress pressures International Olympic - Fox News The World Uyghur Congress The Congress was formed in mid-April 2004 at a meeting in Munich, Germany, as a collection of various exiled Uyghur groups, advocating for "greater autonomy," including the World Uyghur Youth Congress and some members of the East Turkestan National Congress following a split among the East Turkestan National Congress over the issue of autonomy vs independence. The NED has funnelled millions of dollars into the World Uyghur Congress since its inception in . . The same essential function is played by RFA today, even though with the exposure of the CIAs dirty operations around the world, it was placed under the State Department and while nominally independent is funded and supervised by the US Congress. I took the time to read through just one article the BBC posted, out of thousands, Here: based on the so-called testimony of witnesses and Adrian Zenz.I lost count of the number of appears to bes, allegedlys, may well have been.. Said to haves.. Thought to have beens.. Hikvision developed similar capabilities to detect Uyghurs and minorities and was awarded government contracts to implement vast facial recognition systems in re-education camps and at the entrance of at least 967 mosques, according to an Ipvm report. Fair Trials, an organization working "for fair trials according to internationally recognized standards of justice" has noted that in practice, "INTERPOL's Red Notices are being used as political tools by NCBs, and are being issued and maintained on the basis of criminal cases which have been recognized as being politically-motivated by extradition courts and asylum authorities. World Uyghur Congress News. The Clinton administration justified its humanitarian intervention as a mission to prevent the massacre of Kosovos ethnic Albanian population by the new HitlerSerbian leader Slobodan Milosevic. Yet Zenzs highly tendentious research forms a large component of the so-called evidence for allegations of Uyghur detentions, forced labour and sterilization of Uyghur women. The remainder of the article is devoted to the glorification of Hoja, who, it claims, has been designated a terrorist and whose family in China has suffered as a result of her activities. What is Radio Free Asia? Contribute to IMDb. Former United NationsSecretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who serves aschair of the IOCs Ethics Commission, is now being asked to either review and rule on the complaint or appoint someone who will. Yes. Uighur Insurgency Xinjiang. [37], On 18 October 2019, an exhibition named "A Prison Without Walls East Turkestan Today", was opened, featuring photographs of reeducation camps, the everyday lives of Uighurs, and the July 2009 Urumqi riots opened at Taipei's 228 Memorial Museum. Decades ago, Congress would hold regular hearings on China's treatment of Tibetans but stopped after China gained entry to the World Trade Organization in 2001. World Uyghur Congress complains to IOC on 2022 winter Olympics in A significant base of operations is Turkey, with which the Turkic-speaking Uyghurs have a historic affinity. Inside the World Uyghur Congress: The US-backed Right-wing Regime Between: The King on the Application of World Uyghur Congress. All rights reserved. Prague Mayor Calls on Global Community to Address Treatment of Uyghurs How Leaders Can Work with Procurement to Bolster the Business No evidence is provided. he main objective of the WUC is to promote democracy, human rights and freedom for the Uyghur people and use peaceful, nonviolent, and democratic means to determine their political future. No names or details are given. The World Uyghur Congress accused theInternational Olympic Committee (IOC) of ignoring an ethics complaint it filed last year to move the 2022 Winter Games out of Beijing due to China's alleged human rights abuses against Uyghur Muslims and other minorities. [12][13] While other Uyghur, Kazakh, and other Turkic groups formed the pro-independence East Turkistan Government in Exile in September 2004. The NED has funnelled millions of dollars into the World Uyghur Congress since its inception in 2004 and the American Uyghur Association established in 1998. Click the play button below to play the video. Report Details China's Unrelenting Cyberattacks Against Activists Louisa Greve, the director of global advocacy at the Uyghur Human Rights Project argued that those companies deserve scrutiny and that the Biden administration should expand its executive order to include all the firms that are on the entity list. KLA head Hashim Thai, who became the head of the US-backed Kosovo mini-state, is currently facing charges of war crimes in the Hague. [35], From 11 to 14 November 2021, the World Uyghur Congress successfully completed its 7th General Assembly in Prague, Czechia. Inside the World Uyghur Congress: The US-backed right-wing regime 28 October 2022. World Uyghur Congress - Wikiwand The World Uyghur Congress has said it is disappointed to have lost a legal challenge against UK authorities for not launching a criminal investigation into the importation of cotton products manufactured by forced labour in Chinas Xinjiang province but would continue to fight for accountability. Under decades of repressive rule, the existence of the Uyghur nation is under threat as the Chinese government continues to carry out deliberate policies opposing centuries-old tradition, culture & religion. The company said it was dismayed when it learned an ethnicity detection feature was being tested and that it was eliminated from the product offering and would not be used in the future. nor does it matter to their paymasters as long as their nefarious agenda is given plausibility, Winner of US Women of Courage Award wanted for loan fraud. The boundaries of this area are Prof. Dr. Sardjito Street - Wolter Monginsidi Street to the north, east side bank of Kali Code to the east, South outer ringroad of Yogyakarta City to the south, and west side bank of Kali Winongo to the . Baqitali Nur testified he was detained in 2017 ahead of a visit to sick relatives in Kazakhstan. Gearid Cuinn, the director of GLAN, said: The whole purpose of the Proceeds of Crime Act is to ensure that crime doesnt pay. It has declared its intention to work with world governments and form a "peaceful opposition" to the policies of the Chinese government in Xinjiang,[9] whose treatment of Uyghurs, it alleges, risk turning the region into a "time bomb". The WUC also works with European Parliament (including the EU Sub-committee on Human Rights), NGOs, UN Treaty Bodies, to which it submits alternative reports as well as UN Special Procedures (Special Rapporteurs, Independent Experts and Working Groups). In the first of two days of hearings at the High Court in London, Mr Tom Forster KC, for the World Uyghur Congress and the Global Legal Action Network, said the case was "not remotely hypothetical . For two decades, she has worked for Radio Free Asia, a propaganda arm of the US State Department, after leaving China where she worked as a journalist for the state-run media. The main . These US government-run news agencies were created by the CIA during the Cold War to project propaganda about China . His campaign team issued a statement in August 2020, concluding that the unsubstantiated claims of mass internment of Uyghurs constituted genocidea designation subsequently confirmed by US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. Alptekin is the son of Isa Alptekin, who opposed both East Turkistan Republic(s) and sought autonomy for the Uyghurs under the Republic of China. [17] During the July 2009 rmqi riots, the Chinese government said it had intercepted phone calls of overseas Turkestan groups and groups inside the country. Uyghurs tell International Olympic Committee that China Olympics should In November 2019, she was given the Magnitsky Human Rights Award for her reporting on the human rights crisis in Xinjiang and has been included in Jordans list of the worlds 500 most influential Muslims. World Uyghur Congress on Twitter listeners: [], SenseTimes not included in Bidens executive order addressing the threat posed by the military-industrial complex of China, permitting US entities and funds to invest in the soon-to-be-public company. If the IOC allows China to host the 2022 Winter Games, it is willfully and intentionally abandoning the values and principles that underpin the Olympic Movement. Philip Agee, the late CIA whistleblower, described the work of the NED as a more sophisticated version of the old-fashioned covert operations that Langley used to engineer. from-idlib-to-xinjiang-uyghur-fighters-trained-for-terror/, xinjiang-and-uyghurs-what-youre-not-being-told/,, From CGTN: UK-radio-presenter-spreads-disinformation, How I too was fooled by western propaganda, also this: western-aggression toward China, and this: if I could be fooled, so could millions of others. callback: cb Countless reports have detailed detainees enduring torture, coerced abortions as well as re-education in what former secretary of state Mike Pompeo described as the forced assimilation and eventual erasure of Uyghurs by the Chinese government. A Uyghur democracy movement leader, Ms. Rebiya Kadeer, was reelected WUC President. International Committee of the Fourth International, Europe sides with the US in imposing punitive sanctions against China, US imposes new sanctions on China over alleged Uyghur abuses, The New York Times and its Uyghur activist, Twenty years since the US bombing of Yugoslavia, Imperialism intensifies pressure on Russia and China. Its ALL Propaganda.The BBC pay for Lies For Money. [32], From 14 to 17 May 2012, the World Uyghur Congress (WUC) successfully held its 4th General Assembly in Tokyo, Japan, attended by more than 120 Uyghur delegates from 20 countries around the world. The Congress is funded in part by the National Endowment for Democracy or NED . Quotes displayed in real-time or delayed by at least 15 minutes. [18] The first president, Erkin Alptekin, described the Han Chinese as "colonists who want to replace us with their own people and assimilate those of us who remain, wiping out our culture. In the US, legislation came into effect last year assuming that any product partly or wholly made in Xinjiang, north-west China, is linked to the regions labour camps. Asia Title Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Summary The Yogyakarta Election Provincial Commission is a part of the General Election Commission (KPU) which has the authority to conduct the election of President/Vice President, Election of Members of the DPR/DPRA/DPRK, and Election of Regional Heads and Deputy Regional Heads (Pilkada) in Yogyakarta. Update information for World Uyghur Congress . Undoubtedly, the CCP regime in Beijing uses police state measures to suppress opposition in Xinjiang, as it does throughout China, particularly against the working class. UK government sued over Uyghur cotton sourcing Washington has a long history of turning on and turning off human rights to fit the strategic interests of US imperialism. China orders Xinjiang residents to surrender passports. Fax: +49 89 5434 9789 The WUC also participates actively with the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) throughout the year and submits written statements and reports, delivers oral statements to plenary sessions, and organizes side events that focus on Chinese human rights abuses. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Help Uyghur. Would be good to investigate this more closely. (Link to Russian report in the thread). The WUC declares a nonviolent and peaceful opposition movement against Chinese occupation of East Turkistan and an unconditional adherence to the international accepted human rights standard as laid down in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and adherence to the principals of democratic pluralism and rejection of totalitarianism, religious intolerance, and terrorism as an instrument of policy. or redistributed. They lie. The WUC also participates actively with the UN Human Rights Council and submits written statements and reports, delivers oral statements to plenary sessions, and organizes side events that focus on Chinese human rights abuses. Headquarters: The CIA suggested in2003 that should the US find itself in a crisis or confrontation with China in the future, the option of using the"Uyghur card" as a means of exerting pressure should not be taken off the table. The WUC also attends the UN Forum on Minority Issues. Historical City Centre of Yogyakarta - UNESCO World Heritage Centre Hikvision said it takes all reports regarding human rights very seriously and that it is engaging governments globally to clarify misunderstandings. [16], The WUC has accused former Chinese Communist Party leader Mao Zedong of colonizing Xinjiang and reneging on promises to allow self-determination for the region. Very cleverly worded? Rue de Trves 49 Tel: +49 89 5432 1999 On a far broader scale, the US campaign on Uyghur genocide is aimed at weakening and breaking up China along ethnic lines as part of the determined efforts by American imperialism to prevent China from challenging US global dominion. World Uyghur Congress PresidentDolkun Isa disagrees, saying that the IOC must take action before the 2022 Olympics start in 11 months. As for Muhammad, he said he prayed five times a day, was a non-smoker and a well-behaved man. These detailed submissions explain the . When the Chinese government last month threatened legal action against him for damages to Chinese companies in Xinjiang, the Washington Post came to the defence of this dogged academic on whom the claim of Uyghur genocide largely stands or falls. . The sole person making the charge, American committee member Gay McDougall, stated she was deeply concerned about credible reports.. Should the US boycott the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. World Uyghur Congress plays key role trying to split China. World Uyghur Congress - IMDb On 3 June 2021, Joe Biden also issued an executive order prohibiting US investments in 59 Chinese companies including Hikvision and Huawei for facilitating repression or serious human rights abuses. Long-time Uyghur activist and co-founder of the WUC, Dolkun Isa, was elected as WUC President and former vice-president, Omer Kanat was elected as Chairman of the Executive Committee. forms: { All of WUC leadership was democratically elected by the participants from all over the world in the General Assembly. China: UN Uyghur report met with silence in Middle East The US has accused China of committing genocide and crimes against humanity for running a mass detention, repression and sterilization campaign against Uyghurs and other mostly Muslim ethnic minorities. Working as part of a coalition of activists to secure greater action on the Uyghur crisis. After both districts were approached by reporters earlier this year, the source of the funding was changed.

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