the lovers as feelings10 marca 2023
the lovers as feelings

There is a spiritual sensation that develops, a holy force that transcends the limitations of passion or transient sexual materialism. When this card appears in a reading it can be a symbol for deep love and attraction - mostly between two individuals, but even for a matter. Adam or the male figure is the conscious mind that works with the human senses to understand our wants and desires. The Lovers symbolizes that there might be approaching judgments to be made in a relationship; the relationship may or may not be romantic. a. But you must start believing youre worthy of soft and genuine love. In the upright position, the Lovers Card means everything in harmony and peace within your relationship. It is only through proper discrimination that we can find the solution. While this is one way to look at the card, it is not the only meaning of the Lovers. WebAre you frustrated with Googling tarot interpretations that DON'T resonate? The Lovers in the advice position in a reading asks you to focus on the decision. The Lovers, a Major Arcana card, is more likely to point to important or big picture issues in your reading. Tired of being confused and NOT understanding your tarot cards? A trinity connects all of them together. Be honest with yourself in this situation. I really love the Himalayan salt Lamp and my Crystal Tree of Life. Thus, the Lovers in an upright position is a clear indication that they are thinking of you in a positive light. It stands for harmonious relationships that are founded on true attraction and passion. a. It is up to you to trust in your gut and make a decision that will prove to be the best solution. A person ruled by Gemini can often be thought to have two or twin personalities. Lets not forget that this card is all about choices and feeling alright with what you are doing. There is the serpents temptation on one side, and burning desire on the other. As tarot reader and founder of Witchy Wellness Leah Vanderveldt explains to mbg, the Lovers is a complex card. Vekke Sind, Magician Tarot Card Meaning, A Complete Guide! The querent almost always chooses the soulmate path. You are learning to understand yourself, your own personal moral code and what you value in life. There is a lack of trust and love- some kind of decision is to be made that will irrevocably change the situation between you. Even though the tarot can be a great tool for gaining insights into your (love) life, it is important to keep in mind that the meaning of the cards are just a general guide and not always 100% applicable to your unique situation. The Lovers, when reversed, have a rather negative meaning for your social life. Illustrations from the Radiant Rider-Waite 2015 reproduced by permission of U.S. Games Systems Inc., Stanford, CT 06902. c. 2015 by U.S. Games Systems Inc. All rights reserved. In terms of self-development and self-reliance, the Lovers in an upright position could mean that as an individual, you need to figure out what you stand for in the situation. The meaning of The Lovers Tarot card is passion. It denotes a decision that needs to be taken but is being impeded by your lack of conviction. If you draw a Lovers card as an obstacle card, it may have multiple meanings. The Lovers show that perfect union is possible. For those in new relationships, the Lovers reversed as feelings is a sign of discord. Even though I am devoted to share as much knowledge and insights as I can on this blog, nothing compares to experiencing your own personal tarot reading. This person, romantic or not, views you as someone trustworthy and deserving of respect, and perhaps beautiful. WebThe Lovers As Feelings. Very calm and collected, a person symbolized by the Lovers card may be a Gemini, since this is the zodiac sign ruled by the Lovers. If you are asking about an exs feelings about you, the Lovers reversed means that your feelings towards each other are not mutual. The angel has bestowed his blessing on the couple. Cosmetics. Could be teacher to student. It can also mean that you two are too busy to spend quality time together. If you ask how someone feels for you, the Lovers reversed can indicate that their love for you is fading or has has faded. Being enlightened about what decisions to make. Furthermore, the card might refer to friendships, making choices, as well as socializing and the joy of being alive. All rights reserved. The Lovers as feelings means that they feel that they can be open and honest with you. WebLovers Tarot Card Meaning Lovers Card Symbols. Ill fill the diffuser with lavender or peppermint. You likely have reached a point in your relationship (or your connection with your person) where things finally feel secure and stable. Even so, the angel of the Lovers card watches over them, for one need not be punished for decisions made from a place of love. In reverse, the Lovers card as to how someone sees you means that they dont exactly like you. The other way will lead you down to a different and happier future, where you will be blessed with stability, strength, and happiness. If the question is to do with whether you are taking the right decision, and you get the Lovers upright, the answer is a definite yes! If the situation isnt a romantic one and you are considering your feelings instead of another individuals, the Lovers in reversed reflects a sense of low self-esteem that may end up in you considering yourself unworthy of love or trust. Something that you said or did has created an ill-disposed impression in their mind. Try it now, click here for a 5-minute reading FREE. A major choice to let go of someone whose opinion of you isnt correct. WebThe seven cups represent the seven elements: love, anger, fear, courage, love, luck, and luck. In the feelings position of a tarot spread The Lovers upright indicates positive feelings of love, attraction, harmony, and possibly wanting some sort of a relationship with you. This card, in reverse, may indicate poor timing or reluctance to make a decision. As an obstacle, the Lovers card indicates that you are not able to properly discriminate or differentiate the correct way of viewing the situation. But the Lovers card does. However, it is worth noting that the 7 of Pentacles can sometimes indicate feeling stuck in a situation. It is very likely that they want to be in a relationship with you, if that is not already the case. Being enlightened about what decisions to make. In a reading, they can indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by choices and dont know which way to turn. The Lovers card has long been used to predict a forthcoming union or marriage between two people. The women and the man arent truly connected. The combination of the Lovers and the Queen of Cups radiates a very optimistic and loving energy. This card might otherwise mean that you are called to choose between different suitors or to decide if youd rather stay single and wait for the right one than start a relationship in the near future. This might also show an unwillingness to communicate and mutually find a positive way out of the situation, bringing about a challenge to a harmonious relationship. WebThat's what the Lovers is all about--finding someone or some thing that you connect to very strongly. If the past is a source of heartache for either of you, it needs to be addressed but also gain closure. The Lovers card is a very positive sign for a friendship or acquaintance. In addition, this person wants to engage in a higher form of commitment. He sees only you as his partner. An angel or cupid, a man and a woman, two trees (in Waite, it is Adam & Eve with one tree having a serpent and apples) - in some decks one tree is flowering, but the other has fruit. b. Raphael unites the couple, as he is the angel of communication. This conflict might be with your inner self or with another individual (s). You have to make a choice and if you do not choice wisely it will be a decision you will come to regret immensely and profoundly. Emsie #4 Thirteen said: If this card is about his feelings toward you, why would you think it means he's seeing another person? The situation will not have any stability and may not be worth your time and energy. Nevertheless, the Lovers card portrays a scene of immense beauty and grace. Still, with the appearance of Lovers Tarot in love reading in the reversed position, you should not get disheartened and know that there are ways that can improve your situation. The man doesnt even notice the angel, yet the woman does. It's about that feeling you get, out of the blue, that is yours and yours alone. It indicates feeling guarded and finding it difficult to truly open up due to being afraid of getting hurt. "Ruled by Gemini, it's a card about connection and the possibilities of deep intimacy. Ruled by Gemini (the Twins), the Lovers speaks to the duality of unity: yin and yang, masculine and feminine, heaven and earth. In fact, they have been living in a state of denial for quite some time and are finally coming to terms with the huge ramifications of their departure from love. The LOVERS Card Reversed Meaning in Friendship, The LOVERS Tarot Card in a Career Reading, The LOVERS Card Reversed in a Career reading, The Lovers Tarot as How Someone Thinks of You, The Lovers Reversed as How Someone Thinks of You, The Lovers Tarot Card as Intentions / What Someone Wants, The Lovers Tarot Card Reversed as Intentions/What Someone Wants, The Lovers Tarot Card as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Lovers Card Reversed as an Obstacle or Challenge, The Lovers Tarot Card Reversed as an Outcome. This creates a chasm between the two of you. WebThe Lovers As Feelings. There is also a mountain between the couple, meaning that even in a blessed union with full transparency and honesty, there still are obstacles in communication. It is less about right or wrong, and more about what is right and true for you, based on your values and virtues as a human being. WebThe Lovers as feelings will tell you, Of course, he loves you. Examine the situation with a clear head and assess the pros and cons before going ahead and making a decision. For relationships and feelings, The Lovers is a paramount card. However, they may not be straightforward with you, and lead you on. If you draw the Lovers card upright as a person, this is someone who makes balanced choices. relationship trouble, disharmony in a relationship. The Divine Spirit blesses this union. The card clearly states the ideal conditions for a relationship. a. WebThe Lovers signifies perfect union, harmony, love and attraction. Each leaf is a small flame, perhaps a flame of passion or desire. The Lovers can represent finding the balance within oneself. When this card appears reversed, it can indicate a lack of commitment or a need for That which is both emotionally and physically pleasurable will pop up as The Lovers. When the Lovers and the King of Cups appear together in a reading, it generally implies that you are feeling a deep emotional connection to your partner or love interest. Whenever Im doing a tarot reading on myself, I must confess that most of the time these readings revolve largely around questions regarding my relationships and love life in general. Mostly falling in love with people but also the contended feeling of being comfortable in our own skin and our self-esteem rising along with our confidence. Ask unlimited questions. What Does the Lovers Tarot card mean Reversed? a. WebLovers Tarot Card Meaning Lovers Card Symbols. WebThe Lovers As Feelings. His love is true and unconditional. It indicates a stable and long-lasting relationship if you have a partner. There could be a tremendous amount of sexual attraction or a declaration of feelings, but first the right choice must be made. You and your partner might be drifting apart and communication might be missing. The Lovers upright tells you to consider all your options carefully because this is an important decision that will likely change the course of your life. Heady and romantic bliss is how this card feels. The Lovers card is often thought of as a more about choices to be made than romantic or intimate love. Just look at the image in the RWS. When it comes to feelings, the Lovers tarot card generally implies positive ones such as love, harmony and overall happiness. This will bring harmony and balance to your life. WebThe Lovers signifies perfect union, harmony, love and attraction. As Milton delicately wrote in his Paradise Lost, so hand in hand they passed, the loveliest pair that ever since in loves embraces met. The Diffuser adds a nice gentle scent to my home. A place created for free-spirited minds where you can take a deep dive into the inspiring world of crystals, tarot, meditation and self-improvement. It might be time to give your good friends a call and meet up for a walk or just to catch up! For existing relationships, the Lovers can represent an undying love. It shows that, in both joy and sadness, sharing is caring indeed! They do not feel particularly positive towards you or the situation. This could be romantic or platonic in nature (most likely romantic), but the depth and emotion behind this tarot card -- always ensures that whoever holds this card never forgets about Love's significance. Whether this is a romantic relationship or even a work colleague, they trust you enough to make it work. The angel wears a purple robe, which symbolizes spirituality and royalty. When the Lovers card shows up in reverse, it generally means that there is stress or anxiety within a relationship. Whether it leads to a valley or a mountaintop, it doesnt matter. Will he confess his love? Lovers as Advice The Lovers is sometimes about the choices we make between our head and our heart. Reversed The Hermit: as Feelings: for Relationships The reversed Hermit is a potent sign of isolation in a love & feelings Tarot reading. You are not just enamored with her/him, it is a destined love and match made in heaven if only you could free yourself from the situation you are in currently. This could be a very simple matter; all work and no play might pay off, but work-related stress and tension can build up and affect your emotions. This may also be a sign that your relationship is growing in a renewed period of passion, and that you are headed towards even deeper love and commitment.

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