joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d10 marca 2023
joe rogan dr rhonda patrick vitamin d

Yes, YouTube channel found my fitness and a website found my fitness and found my fitness Instagram. This has been shown with vitamin vitamin, you know, vitamin supplements as well. Lifting weights increases bone density, tendon strength, so many different variables that are so huge because as your body gets older, those are the things that go south. EDIT: If you downvote me and you're not sure why you feel compelled to do so, it's because you want to fuck her and you're white knighting without realising it. We really have to make sure that we have water purification. So there's lots of things. It actually has a sleep coach built in. A little possible potential things. We were like you early on. So this is intravenous dose. People will be less scared of getting sick because they'll have you know, they'll have a better idea of, oh, we have some more, you know, things that can therapeutically treat this, you know, successively. And they're like whipping each other with like Birchwood, you know, which is ranch's. So it's like meat and vegetables, like, you know, my meals don't get me over one hundred for sure. I mean, they're burning. It's awful for so many of these people that didn't do anything wrong. So I think that in this case, people are motivated, especially people in my parents generation that are older because they're they're more scared. I really appreciate it. Like when you take like a young population, as you get older, your immune system does decline. So I was doing all chemistry stuff, organic chemistry and like chemistry. It is almost obvious. There is also existing knowledge suggesting vitamin D may have a critical role in the regulation of the immune system which might include viral infection immune responses. Meat. I don't I think that I think what you don't want to just speculate? Yeah. And oftentimes these vaccine studies are used to kind of test the immune response and like how you're how robust your immune response is because you're you're given a vaccine and there's all different types of vaccines, you know, pieces of an antigen or different types of, you know, ways that you can you can expose someone to a bacteria or virus, but you have a response to it. Because I had packed my swims. Due to her influence, a lot of people are now including vitamin stacks as a daily health staple. Like saying in 104, that's that's pretty hot. Do you know about these red light machines that people stand in front of? So the intravenous vitamin C is like generating hydrogen peroxide. Just the conversations you have with people that are into releasing toxins. That's a lot. The same is not true of monthly and single doses. And I think the reason it got me interested because I was like 80, almost 80 percent. It does help if you have some equipment in your house. Well, is this I mean, this is decades ago. I forgot the the duration, but they're you know, they they were much less likely to come down with the common cold. Right. They're so good, so delicious. So if you do it like before symptoms, like there's a better, you know, outcome as well. So but she said something and I was just like, you know, I'm so glad. That would be because that would be like. People don't have any money. But there's a woman who reached out to me. Like show me what you're saying when you're talking about you talking about just regular sweat. Popcorn will spike it really bad. I'm not sure I when the whole thing started, when the lockdown started, I was getting the sauna really hot. And like like he had been reading some studies to confirm that. But I think it has huge potential, you know. And I don't know if toothpaste has enough to even do anything, but in my mind, I was like, no, getting rid of the fluoride. They're treating us like we're infants. OK, thanks for being here. With all due respect, because I love the guy, but he's riding the air time machine in a fucking sauna. And it has an amazing Wi-Fi application with fifteen hundred plus recipes and you can even control your grill from anywhere with the app. OK, so it's so the Xyloto you need to get on it. So that was the thing. But I'm not even saying preventative. We have stocked you up. No, it's not that embarrassing. Oh, OK, there's a just look for the figure scroll, you'll see it OK, right, there goes. Right. Rhonda has also mentioned she frequently uses the vitamin D brand Life Extension. And then there's two different ones that are responsible for the common cold. It's hard to sleep probably when you're in those. So I tell you my story Zettl is it's like from Burchett's from the Bertsch plant we were just talking about. So it's thought, oh, well, the same we're seeing the same, you know, pattern where people with Type O are protected from sars-cov-2 possibly. So it doesn't make sense. A lot of people are worried about the effects on the brain. To get it to nurses, get in first responders, yeah, workers just just get the information out there and have nurse or nurses and first responders take it. Who knows back then. It really is like like that's another thing. It would be amazing to have a sauna outside sauna that's right next to a frozen lake. And these stories are going to connect. If anyone can do that study, amazing. One, there was a study that showed hot baths can have an antidepressant effect, and these people were put in 104 degrees Fahrenheit baths where they were up to their shoulders for like 20 to 30 minutes. So you keep looking down. I have been using a Trager Grill long before it was ever a sponsor of this podcast. I think there's like a really nice graph on on my website on that topic, which shows it's like your peak like five, five hours after. With this shelter in place because I like to do outdoor runs and I don't have a treadmill or anything like that. Obtaining the correct amount of vitamin D is not possible with diet alone. And thankfully, there are clinical trials, randomized controlled trials that are now ongoing and there are some that are recruiting. That's a lot of times you think it's that area, but it's not. And, you know, part of that, an adaptive immune response is, you know, to produce antibodies. And that's when I get my home gym. It's also density. Why says who? I mentioned I'm drinking my vitamin C water. It's somewhere in the range in many studies of 70 plus percent of people that get in contact with this are asymptomatic, but test positive for the disease. Over 180. Do you do a C Pap or. And so, yeah, I have some grey hairs, it grey hairs. So so the problem is, is that calcium can easily form a precipitate in in in general and particularly when phosphorus is around and phosphorus is. Cloudy all the time. I mean, my mom, my mom and my dad, I got my whole family. But what's really interesting is that, you know, the the very receptor that this sars-cov-2 virus binds to to gain entry into the cell, it's called E to that very receptor plays a really important role in preventing lung damage and and basically and preventing acute lung injury, preventing acute respiratory distress syndrome ARDS. Yeah, I just don't know the answer to your question. They're twenty eight times more deficient in vitamin D than than Caucasians. Yeah. So how long he gave me a hat. And then I think you might have moved to Sherman Oaks anyway. It's a buffalo with a big old buffalo sac. If the levels are 20 ng/ml to 29 ng/ml, it is inadequate. I bet you was the same because they like do the same protocol and this was like to 10 or to 20. Do so I that. What difference? After hot yoga. What's holding you back? Like, that's that's the big thing. So it shows you like how much sleep you got, how much recovery you recoveries out and what you need even tell you, you know, hey, you should go to bed since you'd be getting up at six o'clock in the morning, you should go to bed by 10:00 tonight. To Legal Zoom, whether you need a last will or a living trust or advance health care directive, you can do it all legal zoom. It's really. You know, or they just that they're so fucked up by the time they get on a ventilator, they just want to dying. And what's been shown with sars-cov-2 one is that Kusaka one also binds to that receptor EU, it's called, and that's how it gets into the cell, just like the sars-cov-2 when it binds the receptor, it like it attaches in, like through this like weird and situs psychosis mechanism. Yeah, well, it's we used to go to soccer class and stuff and go to the park, but it's hard with the shelter in place right now. I don't I have you know, I don't know if there's like a but you mentioned one test. You could shut the grill off of the phone. Have you ever done the cold shower after your sauna? That's the question. I want the vitamin D thing is so important. I mean, like keeping your body healthy is totally over. Oh, don't say that. Well I would wonder and I know there's there's supposedly some sort of Harvard study that's ongoing right now measuring all sorts of markers in people that have done hot yoga and whether or not it mimics heat, shock proteins that are created in the sauna. BeWellBuzz. I've done it before coming. Most of these studies are about a month. You make it from UVB, radiation exposure. But there is something about the sauna and then the cold baths. And I know that the vaccine people that are working on vaccines are working on them. One study in the Philippines found that for every standard deviation increase in vitamin D levels, people were 8x less likely to have a severe form of COVID-19 and 20x less likely to have a critical form of COVID-19. Yeah, it's. So there has been cross the immunity. I take vitamin D. I certainly don't know if it's going to prevent covid-19, but I'm not hoping it does. Also, not sure it takes much of a genius to figure this out, at least in the sense that no sun = no vitamin D = issues. And so they're like they're chewing xylitol gum had a positive effect on the child's oral microbiome. Another study demonstrated the potential of vitamin D as a clinical benefit in population-based trials. If you would prefer a capsule form of vitamin K2 and vitamin k we suggest . Your wife must love it. Too bad. So I don't think I'm. Vitamin C is important for making collagen, converting dopamine to norepinepherine (important for the fight or flight response), and is an . And that's that's what, you know, is happening at the hospital and in New Jersey. You know, so that's a big concern. Yeah, but I was doing it too. But you can supplement that which also supplement. What are the symptoms of it? Well you're not making your estrogen. Yeah. Like, I don't think that's odd. There's I think there's a lot there's a lot stronger there's much more research on not only Driss on us, but in Finland, they take they take the sauna dry sauna has like these hot rocks and they pour water on top of the hot rock. It's hard. What does this page grooved outdoor activities. I'm not using like the best of terms, but neuroplasticity is something along those lines. You do this his own home, Sana, you know. It's associated with high blood pressure, heart attacks, the risk of all sorts of ailments. It is. It is hard. There's a study this was, I think, Gary, Lorcan, and who's a friend of mine, just he's like the best. Like I went to Finland a few years ago. I love their rubs, their Saskatchewan blackened rub. There it is. And I haven't done the research, you know, and it goes he comes in and he goes, I've never seen this before, but your cavities are gone. Yeah, hormone. Yeah I have, I have. And that's like we've been like leaning towards that. Like you want. Her podcasts and other videos can be found at And I'm clear and I did that right when I got back from Jacksonville because I'm in Florida, even though everybody's been tested, I'd like to get tested again. That's going to be coming soon. You're you're getting them and they kind of just move around just to feel like their nose just moving around. It's such a strange virus. I'm not sure if it's because I didn't have the hot before, you know, beforehand, like the hubbing hot and like getting in the cold shower. My guest today is a treasure, one of the smartest human beings I've ever met. So the upper the tolerable upper intake has been set by the Nutrition Board, the Institute of Medicine, to be 4000 hours a day. They were getting some kind of green light therapy or whatever, you know, so it was a placebo control because the placebo effect is definitely a real particularly with depression. It changes everything. In this podcast, Joe Rogan and Dr. Rhonda talk about health truths, myths and expose important information that all should know. I need to go to hospital. And there's all, you know, like and I was so happy when that human study came out. Everybody always told me that they're all sick all the time, that people like their military. So it's an infrared. So I've been trying to like take them, you know, like we do like hide and seek and run, run, run and where I'm where I'm out. And he was like, you wouldn't be able to breathe in that temperature, would it? And then so elderly elderly are like insanely more deficient. I think that's going to make a big difference and test. But when you're chewing gum or using toothpaste, many studies have shown that it kills anaerobic bacteria like streptococcus, cockiest mutans that cause cavities and dental decay. Oh can I get a trampoline. It was ever a sponsor of the podcast. Like, what are you scared of? It was, it was like, OK, now, now we're cooking and I was sweating up a storm. But I think until that until that point, I do think that things will be identified that just kind of help us like deal with this, like better, you know, what is going on with blood types. Right. And if it happens to be a non randomized controlled trial, then, you know, it's just correlation doesn't, you know, doesn't equal causation. It's thought the sars-cov-2 also does it because it goes through the same enters through the same receptor. It's all really awful. I don't know the names changed or not but I thought that was so awesome because she named it after like the sona because the truth comes out, you just start talking like, yeah, start you know, it's intense. Right. But there's studies now showing that it regulates what's called neuroplasticity, which is like the ability, like your brain, your brain changes, you know, with the changing environment. Was burning my ears and my so we were, it was dry for us so I wasn't, I wasn't experiencing that as much but I had to like get on the floor because like I felt like my hair was going to fall out, like I was burnt, you know, it was just so hot. Again, I don't know that the intravenous vitamin C is necessary. You can get Dr. Patricks vitamin D3 supplement on Amazon, Joe Rogans Insane Daily Supplement Stack, How Tim Ferriss Tripled His Testosterone Levels, Tom Bradys TB12 Method Supplement Stack, Dwayne The Rock Johnsons Supplement Stack, Andrew Hubermans Testosterone Supplements, Joe Rogans CBD Product List Brands & Dosages. But what's interesting is when you get above the pop up newsletter at my newsletter is great. Magnesium Citramate So what's interesting is that most people that are sick eating, let's say that people are just eating like five, somewhere between five to nine servings of vegetables or fruits a day. The average across the globe is 20 ng/ml. Right. And he was pretty certain that that ventilators actually cause damage and actually could induce damage where it's like making it worse. So I mean, I guess they're called Finnish Sana's, which means like they're using the hot water and steam. And I would get on the mechanism. Without good health, it is incredibly difficult if not impossible to revel in the joy of life. And that usually, like animal studies show that that can they can stay elevated for like 48 hours after that. Thanks buddy. They're doing naked. So I don't remember. I, I miss I miss my life before the pandemic. I've had him. You know, basically it's made in the skin. And then they measured in multiple years as they became children and the mothers chewing it, chewing the gum. It's super easy to keep the temperature exactly where you want it to. But it was like just mostly just tightness. So, you know, I'm hardcore. But now it seems like as times gone on and people getting more frustrated and more desperate and more depressed because they're locked up, it seems like it's ramped up. So so I feel like he's a trustworthy guy. Roughly 70 percent of the people living in the United States have a vitamin D level below 30ng/ml. I have I have my son. And there's more UVB radiation throughout the year. You're telling people they can't go to work, but you're telling people they can go to work in some places, like why is it OK to work at Target but it's not OK to work in a family business? Below, vitamin D expert, Rhonda Patrick, Ph.D., shares the latest research on . First of all, there's a machine called reverse hyper. So people that have blood levels higher than 60 may have just a little bit higher calcium level, but not much. Yeah. Really? Because they're one of the sponsors of the podcast. Look, I went a long time without Asthana. Her multivitamin alone contains 2,0010IU of vitamin D. In the past, she has stated the vitamin D brand she uses is Thorne D3 which offers 5,000iu and 1,000iu capsules. Do you, do you do like electrolyte replenishment. Yeah, so I had to do that. Hopefully people are going to start looking at the vitamin D. I really like that. Oh, can I, can I exploit rock pools. Check out her podcast, Found My Fitness and visit her website for tons of research articles and interviews. And I mean, some of them are just a mess. Yeah. And there's been these studies where people are like untrodden intranasal, like they'll give them various titers of influenza virus and they the point of the studies to figure out what viral dose and they have like some measurement, like in in tissue culture or whatever, and they like to to make people have symptoms. Yeah, it is. A fucking dollar. Yeah. But he was like all of a sudden, like the first time he had it, he was just like, pain. We're also brought to you by Buffalo Trace Whiskey, Buffalo Trace Whiskey is the oldest company I've ever even heard of. And when he was talking about after the fact, what Michael was talking about was how that is proven to be correct in New York and that some monstrous number, like 80 percent of the people put on ventilators wound up dying, not just New York. A lot of people have a problem with Seabass. There have always been people with doubts and there always will be. And what dose for one. But this study, instead of doing it from the shoulders down where I told you about the Depression, it was like only 20, 30 minutes. Vitamin Katou usually stays around the periphery, doesn't really go to the liver. But there's another one that causes dental decay. Maybe maybe people will message me after this this podcast and be like that happens to me, too. So I'm like, you know, you know, it calculates heart rate and movement and body temperature. Some of the list they've given you of a proven activities and non-approved activities, that's highlighted it for me, because the list I don't know if you see in heaven, I didn't even know that. Right. And it's like an intense like she's like this intense protocol where, like, she's like an hour long and they get really hot and people are giving them wet towels because like it's like it's like imagine being it's like 140 degrees Fahrenheit. It says it may sound bizarre animals, but llamas could be the key to fighting new coronavirus researchers from Belgium. So basically, you look at these little worms under a microscope, still only about half a million, half a millimeter. There's the Pepcid. They even operated during the prohibition with a permit to make whiskey for air quotes, medicinal purposes. So, like, what if there's, I don't know, the CMB, you know, percentage there, but what if the coronaviruses are going around there? We're in school work and our office and our cubicle. This was the worst that's ever happened to me. The last hill. So and that's important because there have been some concern about taking vitamin D, increasing the EU receptor. Her typical dose of vitamin D3 is 4,000iu, which is about in line with what Joe Rogan takes. It's different than like vitamin C, you know, normal vitamin C, you do need you need to get it from your diet. But then they went back a week later and 10 of those people had symptoms and three were asymptomatic. It's wasted if you take more than that. Yes, that's the best way to get it. And because I was like, is that like an Ignacia thing? But her cough and it was very transient and only happened like while the I.V. Certain things will spike it worse than others. Yeah. Dr. Rhonda Patrick was right. He's like he's doing like really large surveys where they're they're they're going to be analyzing Cierra from people from like, you know, blood donors and stuff and like following them over the course of several years to see, you know, just basic understand more. I'll be willing to do it. Right. So I found that really interesting. You told me you'd been tested and I guess got tested again on Sunday, tested. The weights are actually behind you and it carries you carrying all the weight on your hips, which strengthens the legs without putting a load on the back, which is fantastic. And so I share a study that may be isolated in and of itself, is not the strongest study. And if they had and they were 20 times less likely to have critical like a critical form of covid-19. So it's basically whatever the standard of care is. Well, she reached out to me and like the FDA shut that whole machine down, like, no, you can't use that for research anymore, which kind of shut down the whole thing in a depression, you know, research area. She includes a daily dose of 5,000iu each day. Why is it OK? Yeah, no. And so when we would give them tons of heat, shock proteins in addition to the amyloid, totally reversed it like completely like they would move around and beyond. And there's one other that I don't remember sweat. It's like there's a subset of C reactive protein. Unfortunately, not every doctor is the picture of perfect health, with many in very poor shape. So the one that I drink is two grams per serving and there's two servings so there's only four grams of sugar. She loves it. I mean stuff goes wrong. There's like there's some kind of term where, like, women get like like what's that periodontitis or gingivitis. Right. It has to be something you can just, you know, do it when you need to find a trainer, just find someone that can I mean, you can learn a lot online, but you have access to resources. It's not going to be forever? But it's also good to know that, oh, wait, if I take a higher dose, there is an effect. And I mean, I think, first of all, the first year it hit me hard because I wasn't sleeping, you know, because you have to like every three hours you got to feed, you know, feed the baby. You know, that certainly helps. Just constant wear for years then. But but it will prevent you from spreading it, you know. Yeah. So when when shit goes wrong, they fix it. So it was like twice as much and the other and the ginger lemon one. Yeah. And he's like, no, I go, listen, I have to go, but you got to do something about it. What kind of a timeline do you think they have for something like this? I get out of here. Tons of studies showing that vitamin D levels are much lower in the wintertime. So I came across this xylitol toothpaste and say, well, this is my little toothpaste. It would be so scared. The problem is, is that melanin also blocks your your ability to produce vitamin D, but if you're out in the sun all the time, you know, in a place where you're getting UVB radiation, it's not a problem. Living in scotland I could have told you that no sunshine makes you miserable, 6 hours of overcast "daylight" in the winter is pretty brutal. So I think vitamin D really is the is the star. So she she helps out a lot. So yeah, there's a hot Basar like the only the only really choice if you don't have a hot sauna, no pomes on it. Franklin County, Kentucky, Buffalo Trace, American family owned and fiercely independent. And in particular, one one virus, the systematic megalo virus DMV. Well I think we covered a lot today. Well, it's like when I, when I'm stressed out particularly, it flares up and it happens like when I'm I think when I'm shifting from one sleep stage to the next where I am asleep, but somehow I wake up, but I'm not awake and I can still but I'm moving my body and I think that someone's in the room and that they're going to come get me. You I mean you definitely like your fit, you know. So so basically, when you when your body is exposed to a pathogen like a virus, your your innate immune system, you know, the first line of defense, like neutrophil, things like that are making hydrogen peroxide, trying to kill the virus.

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