twine 2 sugarcube array10 marca 2023
twine 2 sugarcube array

Roughly equivalent to the :passagedisplay event. Note: Returns a reference to the UIBar object for chaining. Determines whether the <> macro types out content on previously visited passages or simply outputs it immediately. If omitted, the story title will be used instead. The previous state is completely lostthe new state is not added to or combined with the current state, instead it replaces it in its entirety. Does not currently remove the track from either groups or playlists. Twine1/Twee: Required. If the condition evaluates to false and an <> or <> exists, then other contents can be executed. Returns the number of passages within the story history that are tagged with all of the given tags. Generates no output. Values may be of most primitive types and some object types, see Supported Types for more information. Makes the target element(s) WAI-ARIA-compatible clickablesmeaning that various accessibility attributes are set and, in addition to mouse clicks, enter/return and spacebar key presses also activate them. The active passage's tags will be added to its data-tags attribute (see: Passage Conversions). Note: Determines whether certain elements within the UI bar are updated when passages are displayed. Because of the additional HTML elements added by the debug views, some nested markup and selectors may be broken. Tip: It has always been required that the call happen during story initialization, the only change is the throwing of the error. This macro is functionally identical to <>, save that it uses a button element (