serene teffaha lawyer10 marca 2023
serene teffaha lawyer

Lawyer Serene: Teffaha explains the Covid Laws A pic you might give to those who get tested or vaxxed - for the tombstone in the next few months perhaps? The lawyer had been seeking clients for a range of class action that covered people affected by various COVID-19 measures, including any form of detention, mandatory vaccination, business closure, isolation in residential aged care, cross-border rules and contact tracing. This is undertaken through campaigns such as Cops for Covid Truth, APRHA Whistleblower complaints, Peoples Commission in to the Family Court of Australia, Detention Towers Class action and the National Class Action covering issues relating to Covid restrictions. Indeed, she is just one of a number of high-profile people who has used the language and ideals of the wellness industry with its preoccupation with individual choice, mindfulness and health to bring a gamut of once-fringe conspiracy theories to a new and more mainstream audience. What is legal is of form, what is lawful is of substance (Blacks Law 1st Edition). Date: 4/21/2021 at 4:12 PM Indeed, his personal website still contains the banner slogan grow your wealth. This is what they are trying to cover up and much, much more. In Teffaha v Victorian Legal Services Board (Legal Practice) [2021] VCAT 590 the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal refused a sole practitioner's application for a stay of the decision by the Victorian Legal Services Board (the board) to cancel her practising certificate. It became a career path, suddenly. Dear Class Action Members and donators, Thank you for your instructions to have your legal fees refunded. n August last year, Matt Lawson, a Melbourne-based conspiracy theorist and anti-5G activist linked to the group that helped organise the citys anti-lockdown protests last year, held one of his regular YouTube gabfests. A legal entity (human being) is of form, the antithesis of substance and therefore wanting (empty), and cannot be counted. On Telegram, for example, where he has now amassed more than 24,000 followers, Evans shares a constant stream of conspiracy theories, including posts linked to QAnon. . In politics this would be called a coup. Part 3Constitutional and international law provisions Part 4Principles affecting decisions to exercise certain powers: Chapter 2Managing biosecurity risks: human health: Chapter 3Managing biosecurity risks: goods: Chapter 4Managing biosecurity risks: conveyances: Chapter 5Ballast water and sediment . Her VCAT case against the Alfred continues, final hearing dates in 2 week's time. There is strong evidence to suggest that some of these people are affiliated with the organisation operating in Australia known as ANTIFA. Serenes campaigns have been very powerful; and as a result of her resolute representation of the people of Australia that have suffered human rights breaches and crimes against humanity; the Victorian Legal Services Board (VLSB); have cancelled Serenes Legal Practitioner Licence. Teffaha has not been accused of any crime or faced any complaint from clients.Teffaha appears to have upset the Victorian establishment because she launched class actions against the imposition of the destructive, deceptive and unlawful so-called pandemic response measures driven in her state by the power-crazed Labor Party lunatic named Daniel Andrews, who is missing in action from his Premiers job under highly suspicious circumstances and has been issuing faked up, Photoshopped pictures allegedly showing him in recovery. and blessed in all good works, Wood has evidence to back up his whistle blowing and has filed it in a US court. Subject: Enquiry regarding actions of ASIO against Andrew [Middle Name Withheld] Mackinnon Ecclesiastes 1:15 That which is crooked cannot be made straight: and that which is wanting cannot be numbered. Serene does not need to be a licenced legal practitioner to stand up for people and fight for the truth and do what she does best; give it to the corrupt authorities. Andrew thats so wrong in so many levels that ASIO is harassing you is what happens to anyone stands up to corruption in the Government and can not believe in the reply back labelling it with ANTIFA did not think Australia had ANTIFA considering that George Soros finances them not sure be sending so many to Australia cost him a small fortune. Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court . Thank you so much for your support Tony. Multi-level marketing has proven a haven for conspiracy theorists in the wellness sphere. The class action claims to represent all 3000 people subjected to the compulsory lockdown. In January, Ms Teffaha said the Family Court had many corruption issues, which prompted condemnation from the Australian Bar Association and the Law Council. Here are the names of people who have moved into my current shared house for the express purpose of harassing me since 2018: > [Name Withheld] March, 2018 to July, 2018 Current age mid-30s, > [Name Withheld] July, 2018 to the present Current age mid-40s, > [Name Withheld] September, 2018 to March, 2019 Current age mid-20s Criminal record, > [Name Withheld] October, 2018 to October, 2019 Current age mid-30s Criminal record, > [Name Withheld] (real name unknown at this time) October, 2019 to March, 2020 Current age mid-30s Criminal record, > [Name Withheld] (last name unknown at this time) December, 2019 to present Current age mid-20s, > [Name Withheld] April, 2020 to July, 2020 Current age mid-40s. The Inspector-General (IGIS) does not hold ASIO records, or provide access to them. If we think you have a genuine and legitimate claim, then our Brisbane unfair dismissal lawyers will be happy to help you out with a fee arrangement to suit your situation. Similarly his name recognition means he remains an influential figure in the web of conspiracy in Australia. In the post, Corn warned that QAnons manipulative messaging was deliberately and strategically targeting the wellness community to win over followers. I have been gang stalked intensively since the middle of 2018 and less intensively since the end of 2014. Use tab to navigate through the menu items. A positive Law ultimately refers to physical objects and living beings; All valid Positive Law may be said to be derived from Natural Law. ABN 30 735 541 158. What is legal is of form therefore a legal entity is an entity of form. In April last year Lucas was dropped as an ambassador for charity Plan International after she commented on one of Evans Instagram posts that she didnt trust the path of vaccination. Because of the abrupt and unlawful conduct of the VLSB, many group members are still reaching out to Advocate Me, however, we have ensured that these group members get referred to Clemens Haskin Legal for support. Teffaha told the Guardian there were currently only about seven people signed onto the lawsuit, but that hundreds had expressed interest in joining. At Anderson Gray Lawyers, we are happy to spend time hearing about all the matters affecting your dismissal from employment. I will be speaking in my capacity as an economist, and according to Serene Teffaha, the lawyer organising this case at, the following expert witness positions are still unfilled . Kate and Anthony Golle. Victoria Lwyer Serene Teffaha Is Looking For An Expert Witness For Challenging Vic's State Of Disaster. In Australia, Teffahas Victorian and national class actions are right in the face of that manufactured story that is driving a full-frontal assault on basic rights and freedoms.Wood, one of Americas most prominent defamation lawyers, has managed to fight off efforts by the State Bar of Georgia to have his law license revoked, but Teffaha has already been dealt that blow by the cowards who inhabit the legal, political and banking establishment.In a post on Telegram Tara Garozzo, a Brisbane candidate for the Informed Medical Options Party said this is what happens to anyone who challenges the corruption in our Australian system and what they will do to protect themselves and their high-end thugs. It might also be called the theft of a business from its rightful owners and its clients. 04 Mar 2023 01:21:52 Featured, On radio this week. The antithesis of substance; the appearance or superficial aspect rather than the substance or the essence. Geplaatst op 3 juli 2022 door Email: This remains an ambush and now Lander and Rogers are lying on the record that they are doing this to protect my clients who have complained to the Ombudsman and Hall & Wilcox and now to the Courts! Consult the Inspector-General of Intelligence and Security on any FOI or Archives Act request. RT @ExposingNV: An update on Vicki, the unvaxxed woman denied a place on the heart transplant list. Website: The main source of law at the Federal level is the Biosecurity Act 2015. By Tony MobilifonitisVICTORIAN lawyer-advocate Serene Teffaha is fighting back against the Victorian Legal Services Boards outrageous cancellation of her law practice licence. Facilities Management. Serene Teffaha of Advocateme (ex-lawyer) admitting the Biosecurity Act is not the supreme law governing covid management/mitigation measures mid 2020. gues. Ms Teffaha in a video that appears on the Advocate Me website.Credit:Advocate Me. I think in a lot of cases playing to that conspiracy, anti-vaccination crowd, its where the money is at, where the clicks are at, and where the potential followers are, she said. I am an Australian citizen from birth. All the information which comes out when you look at what he might be doing is pretty fascinating and mind-boggling. she said. When Serena was sworn in as a solicitor she became an agent of the Supreme Court. The Melbourne-based lawyer, Serene Teffaha, who during the pandemic has appeared at anti-lockdown rallies and on YouTube with conspiracists such as the former celebrity chef Pete Evans, last. you may reign with him who is the King of Kings, This is an exempt document under the Freedom of Information Act 1982 and may be an exempt record under the Archives Act 1983. The de jure still exists, but it has been overlaid by the de facto, and the people have been induced to abandon the de jure and use the de facto. The notice was sent at about the same time that Ms Teffaha filed the class action on behalf of thousands of public housing tenants subjected to the hard lockdown that confined them to their homes in July 2020. My clients want to put affidavits and I have thousands of people ready to stand up against this incursion. I dont want to be anonymous but I am about to start filming a film and I do need to be careful about being outspoken because you can get dropped by charities, you can lose campaigns with car companies, the actor on the video said, which has been viewed by more than 10,000 people since August. However it is important to note that the focus of these agencies is the protection of Australia from threats to Australias security, not on causing harm to families or individuals. Ms Teffaha has vowed to fight the decision. Amen. 3. and so will 3. Were working to restore it. Advertisement Ad Local News Australian actor Isabel Lucas says her immune system has just become so solid from my way of life, how I live and eat and think. Please try again later. But, she says, there is also a more cynical play for attention in an economy that is built around personal branding. 10 Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees. Yoga teacher Seane Corn has warned that QAnon is recruiting in the wellness community. Mainstream media and the Chief Justice are silent, of course.The Wood-Teffaha cases have unsurprising parallels: The system, i.e. It must work since so far I have not been arrested or fined after blatantly protesting on Sunday . Our lawyer, Serene Teffaha from Advocate Me, will be representing the following: People who have been suspended or terminated from their employment, as well as people who have been threatened because of their refusal- based on all reasons whether religious, no safety studies, being pregnant etc. Marc-Andr Argentino, a researcher from Concordia University in Canada, coined the term pastel QAnon to describe the trend: a sanitisation of QAnon that allowed it to filter into a more mainstream audience through lifestyle influencers, mommy pages, fitness pages, diet pages, and alternative healing. Thank you. Against the instructions of all her clients, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia facilitated, without any Court Orders, the transfer of the client trust funds into the hands of Jacob Uljans without their consent or knowledge and in the absence of any complaints against Serene. A shungite pyramid crystal will protect a radius of approximately 6-7 metres, his website claims, and costs $226, reduced from $256. If this e-mail or any attachments have been sent to you in error, that error does not constitute waiver of any confidentiality, privilege or copyright in respect of information in the e-mail or attachments. Members are seeking damages for false imprisonment, battery, assault, negligence, aggravated and exemplary damages and costs, as well as declarations that the state government and police actions were unlawful. The creation of a legal person also creates responsibilities and liabilities for this new legal person responsibilities and liabilities due to a nation/country, which is also a legal entity. On Monday The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald reported that the watchdog had written to Ms Teffaha in March to provide her with a notice of proposed cancellation of practising certificate. Defining Moment. The only jurisdiction where our unalienable rights can be protected is in the exclusive jurisdiction of equity, and if Serena was to awake to this reality, and verse herself with its inherent power, then the tyrants would have real problems. The law firm pursuing these class action lawsuits,, is searching for expert witnesses to speak to a number of aspects of the situation. Lawyer Serena Teffaha taking on Australia's 'Deep State' By TONY MOBILIFONITIS THE national class action against the COVID-19 tyranny has been relaunched, Melbourne lawyer and human rights advocate Serene Teffaha has announced. She said her previous activism included advocating for survivors of child sexual abuse and family violence, government transparency and whistleblowers. His earlier Instagram posts mix Kendrick Lamar concerts, shirtless selfies and luxury cars with self-help quotes, offers of mentorship for cryptocurrency investors and plugs for his clothing line. My name is Andrew [Middle Name Withheld] Mackinnon. In September last year, Seane Corn, a California-based yoga teacher and influencer with more than 100,000 followers on Instagram, posted a black tile with the words: We care and we stand against QAnon.. The towers lawsuit lodged in the supreme court last week alleges the more than 3,000 residents in nine public housing towers subject to a five-day lockdown in July last year suffered degrading and oppressive conditions that breached their human rights. United States v. Amy, 24 Fed.Cas.792, 794 #14,445 (1859). By Dr. Mike Williams It's 2023 and excess deaths are still high above their normal baselines in many countries. Teffaha was reportedly referred to Queenslands legal services board last month by a magistrate after submissions she made in a case in that state. The answer is to file in the equity division, which still is to be found in all Supreme Courts. Mr Uljans appointment is for six months. Although she called Trump a divider and said she literally left Hollywood because he came to power, she said she found the video fascinating. On his personal Facebook page, which has almost 10,000 followers, he flits between long screeds about vaccinations and claims that Covid-19 is a hoax to selling products that he claims protect users from electromagnetic fields that conspiracy theorists believe are emitted by 5G towers. This may include No Win, No Fee or Fixed Fee . Read All. Lawyer Serene Teffaha explains the Law re: Bio-security act - forced medical measures & procedures The Crazz Files August 14, 2020 Jace Ventura Draconian measures undertaken by Australian Government are unlawful. She said the authority had sent her a list of one million and one questions including over the class action lawsuits. The majority will of the citizenry is consistently ignored by the elected representatives in the state parliaments in Australia and in the federal parliament in Australia. Wake up before the sun rises to have that advantage over the majority of people, he wrote in one post late in 2019. Lawyers "object" as Ai attempts to enter the legal profession. [image: Serene Vic .bmp]. Whats worse is they have absolutely no substantial evidence to charge her with any crime to support their illegal cancellation of her license and seizing of the trust fund. Open Position. Credit: WA Police Victorian solicitor Serene Teffaha told Radio 6PR that she provided a "miscommunicated" address on the bail application made to . That was a big boost for Teffahas class action. Natural Person = human being = legal entity. Teffaha has previously appeared at an anti-lockdown protest in Broadmeadows in which she described bureaucrats as liars, judges as corrupt and the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as the most terrorist organisation. Still a violation of procedural fairness and natural justice. But it wouldnt be the first time the actor has waded into the murky depths of Australias conspiracy ecosystem. Ms Teffaha was previously a senior lawyer with the Australian Taxation Office but left after lodging a whistleblower complaint and subsequently sued the ATO. Location Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Work Principal Lawyer @ Advocate Me Nutritionist at Serene Nature House @ Serene Nature House Senior Technical Officer @ Australian Taxation Office It all backfired on Hall and Wilcox and the VLSB, as the clients themselves expressed their repugnance at the CBA, VLSB and Hall and Wilcox for holding their trust monies at ransom without their consent, knowledge or instructions. so may you continue steadfastly So too was Serene Teffaha, a Melbourne lawyer who became a darling of the anti-lockdown movement after raising at least $500,000 to launch a class-action lawsuit during the citys lockdown, and Zev Freeman, a skydiving instructor and anti-5G activist who regularly pushes theories linked to the sovereign citizen conspiracy theory on a range of fringe Australian podcasts and YouTube channels. Suspended lawyer Serene Teffaha, who is representing Vicki, says she may take it all the way to the High Court" An update on Vicki, the unvaxxed woman denied a place on the heart transplant list. Were sorry, this feature is currently unavailable. The excursion is just one example of how a group of highly motivated individuals whose belief in a dizzying array of conspiracy causes have coalesced into an organised movement during the pandemic. The Investiture per annulum, et per sceptrum et baculum I will be with you until the end of the case. As a result of what happened with the VLSB, and the attempted unlawful take-over of the Detention Towers Class Action, the clients of the Detention Towers Class Action have now instructed Clemens Haskin Legal Serene provides specialised legal advice for individuals and groups that may need their matters or issues escalated to the Courts, tribunals or commissions. Advocate Me is planning to reduce the read more company news. Pete Evans at an anti-vaccination rally at Hyde Park in Sydney on 20 February 2021. Serene also represents vulnerable clients involved in child sex abuse, police brutality, whistle . Lawyer Serene: Teffaha explains the Law that regulates Government in respect of Covid-19. However, this has only emboldened her will and desire to continue with her advocacy work and conducting public investigations into corrupt agencies carrying out state sanctioned violence and crimes against humanity on the residents of this beautiful country. I believe in humanity and I believe that were magical, amazing, living embodiments of spirit [but] theres a certain level of agenda and darkness that has had authority and has had a lot of people just believing in lies, she said. But the feisty Serene-in-name-only said in a briefing on YouTube losing her licence would not affect the class actions against the COVID lockdown tyranny. Lucas did not provide a response to questions from the Guardian. Her publicist said she would kindly decline the opportunity to comment. The money was being held in a trust, she said, and she had not yet paid herself for her work. The Supreme Court of Victoria has removed the normal protocols of a directions hearing, reasonable time to file a notice of appearance and they have hijacked my right to appeal the decision to appoint a Manager within 7 days. I will be revealing everything and I will be defending myself. and the seal of Catholic Faith: While the Guardian has not sighted the correspondence from the VLSB, Teffaha said she planned to release more information this week. And while the move from Facebook has cost Evans followers, it has also freed him from the shackles of its somewhat regulated space. Source. (Ballentines Legal Dictionary 3rd Edition). Feb 19 2023. Only corporate soles and corporations can file under the current Sup. Lawson is a member of a group called United Collective, whose leaders helped to orchestrate last years anti-lockdown protests and which still had almost 19,000 members on its Facebook group before it was deleted this month. A legal entity has been formed by man. But the Guardian has confirmed Teffaha is the subject of an investigation by the Victorian Legal Services Board, the body charged with regulating the legal profession in the state. Serene provides specialised legal advice for individuals and groups that may need their matters or issues escalated to the Courts, tribunals or commissions. In a large class action that might not be straightforward.. Your email address will not be published. Serene Teffaha has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Melbourne public housing residents shut in during a Covid lockdown in 2020. also attempted to distribute vaccine misinformation to aged-care homes during the pandemic. She has given them more time to put more evidence with 3 barristers on board while I have not been given any say in the time I require to prepare, the time I require to have representation and when they are lying that they want to do this to protect the clients from me. Australian Constitutional Law. The board confirmed it had cancelled the licence of solicitor Serene Teffaha, saying the Melbourne lawyer no longer has a practising certificate and cannot engage in legal practice. A lawyer collected more than $650,000 for a proposed class action promoting unproven COVID-19 treatments and against hotel quarantine, contact tracing and face masks. Your message couldnt be delivered. Appalling liars! Brazenly; the Victorian Legal Services Board then commenced proceedings in the Supreme Court of Victoria to silence Serene from speaking out on behalf of her clients; not just as a lawyer but also as a normal civilian, whose life mission has been to help others. To:, Via email: 4 Without Me they shall bow down among the prisoners. Queensland premier urges PM to halve international arrivals as state records one new Covid case, Airlines say planes were stuck on tarmac waiting for Scott Morrison Covid press conferences, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. The clients would need to find a new lawyer to run the case. To contact Lawyerly about a free trial or group subscription. By VVC Admin "Thank you Gem. Serene and her team are also focusing on the appropriate education of the Australian people relating to the dangers associated with the COVID-19 vaccinations, through their work on People for Safe Vaccines. Serene Teffaha, of the law firm Advocate Me, is also representing anti-lockdown protesters and has appeared in forums with conspiracy theorist Pete Evans. Assorted Conspiracy . Records may be available through the National Archives of Australia. Go to page for download >>. A senior member of the Family Court of Australia, deputy principal registrar Virginia Wilson, sent a letter to the Victorian Legal Services Board in January about Ms Teffahas conduct in a family law case when Justice Kirsty Marion Macmillan took the unusual step of restraining Ms Teffaha from representing her own client. I am convinced that as a result of my strident, constructive criticism of the Australian government over the past ten years in emails, on websites that I have published and in posts I have made on various websites under my own name, I have been targeted for harassment by the Australian Security Intelligence Office (ASIO) and that ASIO has co-ordinated the gang stalkers who have been harassing me intensively since the middle of 2018. the dominating corporate-government-media and legal elite are indignant that their essential narratives are being questioned and challenged lawfully. Its all tied up in that wellness, Instagram influencer grift; its how they make money.. Ms Teffaha rose to prominence as a member of anti-lockdown campaigns. She has passed her cases to another lawyer who they are now trying to silence as well. Garozzo said one of Teffahas clients was a victim in the Melbourne public housing towers lockdown a woman who was suicidal. The reason for this is that the jurisdiction changed as a consequence of the Commonwealth of Australia being put into receivership. Peter Haughton Political Prisoner Adelaide South Australia Click HERE for TRUE story PLZ SHARE . She later wrote on Instagram: I have concerns about mandatory vaccination, not vaccination itself. Serene Teffaha is the principal Lawyer of Advocate Me and has over 8 years experience in challenging Governments, specialising in Whistleblower protections, Human Rights & Public Law and Administration. For all this His anger is not turned away. Despite repeated attempts to deliver your message, querying the Domain Name System (DNS) for the recipients domain location information failed. But there was also an unexpected guest on the call. I refer to your complaint to this Office dated 17 April 2021 in which you state that you have been stalked and harassed. And to take what is right from the poor of My people. On Monday, Ms Teffaha said losing her licence would not affect the class action, and that she had written a whistleblower complaint against the legal watchdog for what she considered to be the targeting of her litigation. A judge has refused an application by banned lawyer Serene Teffaha for a temporary stay of a decision by Victoria's legal watchdog to strip her of her . The adjournment was sought by the VLSB in order to allow time for Hall & Wilcox to undertake national advertising to reach out to the Class Action Clients, to make contact with them, as they did not believe that Serene, and her clients were disgusted and angry and did not want to hand over their information to Jacob Uljans, whom was attempting to extort them for their information, in order to identify the Class Action clients. RT @ExposingNV: An update on Vicki, the unvaxxed woman denied a place on the heart transplant list. The causes for this shift are complex. I recognise some of these voices now; they were young teenagers who commented on my blog or Twitter eight, nine years ago and went on to become some of the most controversial voices in this space, she said. 03 Mar 2023 22:16:37 And in the desolation which will come from dafar? Hall & Wilcox partner Jacob Uljans has been appointed by the board to manage the litigation and has taken over the operational responsibilities for Ms Teffahas Preston law firm, Advocate Me, the board said. 04 Mar 2023 01:20:03 Feb 20 2023. If you have received this transmission in error please notify us immediately by return e-mail and delete all copies. Lawyerly is the leading source of legal news for commercial lawyers in Australia. Im pretty confident it hasnt happened before, Mr Armstong said. By Office of General Executor Draconian measures undertaken by Australian Government are unlawful, Illegal furthermore Immoral and are outside the bounds of civil society in Melbourne, Victoria in conjunction with Covid-19. Her VCAT case against the Alfred continues, final hearing dates in 2 week's time. One of those leaders is Raphael Fernandez. A distrust of traditional institutions saw wellness advocates find common ground with QAnon during the pandemic and soften their message for the mainstream.

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