security forces whole airman concept epr bullets10 marca 2023
security forces whole airman concept epr bullets

- Account'd daily f/ 150 M4 rifles/189 M9 pistols--$5.5K in assets; enabl'd SF msn--secur'd 9K+ base populace - Dominated Sector 1 explosive sweep; org'd 100% inspection of 451 AEG fac & KAF FL--defended f/insider threat, - Dply'd to KAF during OFS/ORS; mng'd $2.2 mil eq/$125K Muns; ensrd 2 combt resupply points remained bttle rdy - Mng'd sec prep f/sub emer mx; led 18 mbrs/setup ctrl twr/1K ft boundary--restored $4B nuke msn cape/4 days - Revamp'd Defender's Resiliency crs; craft'd 70 field tng hrs/21 modules--incr'd skills & confidence f/250 psnl - Crucial Open House asset; devoted 16 hours to fence setup/food booth--Tucson/base relations 300K spectators, - Dedicated 12 hrs DM-50 picnic/Tucson Padres; raised $600 for sq--ensured morale for 2.4K mil/civilian psnl - Performed 31 joint USSS/SF DV details; secured arrival/departure of acft/personnel--world leaders protected - Deployed to Balad, Iraq ISO Operation IRAQI FREEDOM--directly responsible for reducing violence, - Deployment RA/S4 Supt; managed $300k budget/equipment purchase/accountability--zero mission gaps/delays - Intercepted 7 unauthorized vessels/10 personnel in CRA; subjects cited/briefed & released--negated threat, - Jt Svs Open House dir sec ops; led 1,185 DoD mbrs/3 sites/denied 76 protestors access--secured 106K guests, - Key ECP member during sector lockdown; evac'd personnel & secured entry/exit lanes--prevented penetration - Led by example; crafted & conducted PT sessions for 13 airmen--increased unit fitness readiness rate by 15% See also: Fitness EPR Examples - Admin'd MPF PT program; picked f/Sq PTL/coord'd 16 trng sessions/rehab'd 8 testers--secured 100% ovr passing rate . - Exhibited remarkable military bearing/ldrshp; demonstrated sense of service--instilled purpose & responsibility in peers, - Facilitated Amn development; coord'd 6x ldrshp crses by John C. Maxwell/2x public speaking crs's--dev'd 130 Amn - Discovered Airman planning to use Luke AFB to traffic drugs--detained violator, transferred custody - Sexual Assault Theater Grp POC; 15 mock trial performances--educat'd FW on DoD's "Zero Tolerance" policy - Completed Amn Professional Development crse; utilized skills to fill NCOIC shortfall--prep'd for supervisory duties - Textbook execution; gate-runner incident; immediately initiated barriers/neutralized threat--ensured wg safety - Handled 13 msn crit Harris radios; configur d, supported & maintained vital equip--competent w/$195,000 AF assets - AF ambassador; secured 10K patrons at Phoenix's "Mud Run"/6 hrs--raised $4K for children cancer research - Endless thirst for knowledge; lead programmer dev'd remote learning app-- won HV Tech Festival best EdTech hack - Directed resp f/dom disturbance; split prsnl/solved incident w/3 wg agencies--restored order to 144 tower residents - Multiplied CROWS ops 82nd Bat; certified 26 prsnl/5 days/fixed 6/11 NMR sys < 7 days--5 EOF western perm def - Embodied AF tradition; participated in ALS retreat ceremony--demonstrated professionalism/esprit de corps, - Emceed for flt award ceremony; displayed exemplary professionalism--honored seven NCO's accomplishments I cannot imagine a single task I have completed. Whole Airman Concept. - Resolv'd 4 dom disturbs; substantiat'd evidence/determin'd fault--diffus'd volatile scen/charg'd suspects w/4 UCMJ Arts Not coined by anyone! 8C000 Airman & Family Readiness NCO. - Facilitated afld projs; SLRTI placed/AM2 road created/SF man-pwr rvw--4 mil pax gain/elim'd EOSS escort burdens - Dedicated Flight trainer; responsible f/ developing 7 Airmen--accomplished superb 93.5% duty qualification pass rate - Crit mbr f/Bomb Threat; provi'd TCP/alt routs/re-dirct'd 180 prsnl--EOD deem'd scn saf/protect'd base f/ potential dangr - Screened/vetted 60 local national workers; aided completion of 125 projects--$600M construction completed - Selected to attend unit's Deliberate Development Crs; honed ldrsp skills--prepar'd to execute supervisor duties - Lead investigator for 2 major traffic accidents; ensured safety, integrity of affected area--preserved critical evidence exemplifies whole person concept - Promoted esprit de corps; coached MXS women's softball team--motivated team to 2nd place overall standing - Extremely knowledgeable NCO; provided top notch PAX Terminal briefing--coined by AMC/CC for delivery, - Facilitated Afghan UH-60 beddown; coord'd airfield VA/sync'd w/AEAG--created refuel/arm point f/Norther Ops - Spt'd Wounded Warrior proj Ruckin for Vets ; raised $2K/1.5K lbs of food--boosted QoL for 779K warriors - Hand selected by leadership! - Responded to 10 IFEs/GEs; secured acft/cleared response routes/expedited EMS/Fire--zero loss of AF assets, - Responded to 19 unexploded ordinance and IED sites, established cordons, evacuated personnel, and saved lives - Spearheaded deployment preparation; 7 defender team fully prepared for deployment--ensured AF mission success - Enlisted Council Member! - Instructed Expeditionary Active Shooter Training; 80+ 403rd personnel trained--established deployment ready status - Works three jobs and goes to school full-time; made Dean's list with 3.5GPA--monumental dedication/work ethic! fatal accident in apple valley, ca; covid test pitt county; kevin samuels zodiac sign; band music publishers; - Certified flt armorer; issued/received arms/ammunition/equipment worth $2M--reduced arming time by 50% - First-on-Scene to four domestic disputes/loud noise complaints; three suspects detained--order/peace restored - Key member of Wg Emergency Services Team; endured intense training/earned cert--leader among peer group, - Lead 6 defenders to Iceland; sppt'd USAF Icelandic Aerial Surveillance Rotations msn--awarded AF Commendation - Embeded Predator recon w/OTW msns; only ISR ready in GCCC; 2X perimeter defense -- CFACC, well done - Performed 25 RAM's & 8 BEPC's; enhanced detection capabilities at IECP's--solidified MAFB's IBD efforts - Hand-selected as Detail Airman in Charge; oversaw duties of 100 amn--ensured 100% accountability/task completion - Coached Osan High School volleyball tm; led tm to championship--instilled leadership & teamwork to 16 local youth - Assumed C2 during 10 unannounced alarm activations; swift actions/text book response led to safe resolutions, - Attended 32 hr Defensive Driving crse; improved pursuit/emerg response/skid control skills--ready for war-time msn - Expanded Integrated Def measures; multiplied PAR force x208 pax/6 DFPs--increased AEG base defense/FP capes 3S2X1 Education and Training. - Responded to gate runner; performed K9 sweeps--prevented possible threat from impacting msn/PL resources - Supply accnt mngr; inventoried $2.2M in weapons/comm/ammo/munitions/tac equip--ensured 100% accountability - Dynamic flight performer; always goes above and beyond--efforts led to 11 SFS Squadron of the Year Award, - Educated masses on setup/teardown of radio equip, mx/safe-keeping of $19k equip--ensured secure C2 comm f/ FTX 8F000 First Sergeant. - Validated 486 training records; tracked 250 upgrade training--ensured 400 records in compliance for stan-eval Soup kitchen server; prep'd food on Christmas Day/4 hrs--up'd QoL 110 underprivileged - Education centered; ace'd College Composition Modular CLEP--earned 3 credit hrs for CCAF degree/3.8 GPA - Program Manger & VCO; instituted recommendations to eliminate accidents for GOV--excuted mnthly safty brfs, - Protected POTUS/VPOTUS & DV arrivals/departures; cleared travel routes--secured top US & world leaders - Steered GIRoA Pres security; adj sec posture/coord w/HN sec svc/350 commandos--foster'd democratic election prcs, - Stellar Airman! - Completed 14 day RTC pre-deployment trng; enhanced lifesaving skills/ABD tactics--honed skills vital f/ deployment - Enforces Higher Headquarters & Wing standards/regulations for over 15,000 military, civilian employees and retirees + 18 hrs formal education toward PMP certification, - Committed to Prof devlpmnt; Aced Harvard Ldrshp Crs/6 credits hrs--on track to finish bachelors deg in Fire Science - Combat Life Saver cert'd; complet'd rigorous 40 hr triage course--gained critical life saving skill set/passed on t/peers - Prop'd awds prgm homestation & deployed; drafted packages/chaired boards--garnered BTZ winner/3 mnthly winners - Assigned flt PTL/trainer; improved work performance f/45 psnl/energized flt--increased DPE/PFT passing rate by 5%, - Assisted S2/AT; collaborated S2/OSI/AT/FP/IN data -- evaluated enemy Tools Tatics and Proceedures/ threats - Spearheaded the xx unit CoC ceremony, scheduling times/locations/logistics; flawless event lauded by guests/wgCC - Responded to three in-flight emergencies; secured approach path--facilitated rapid FD response/resolution - Trained NATO int'l police to conduct base security--ensured smooth transition of power to 600 security prsnl - Established accurate tracking of SF ancillary tng; ensured 100% of SF are highly competent & trained for msn - Developed CDC study pgm; prep'd 4 trainees for EOC exam--all upgraded on time w/100% pass rate; promote - Fostered three abandoned dogs; devoted 1464 hrs of time towards rehabilitation--improv d QoL/resulting in adoption. - Showcased urgency; challenged installation gate runner; popped barriers--denied access/apprehended subject, - Skilled C2 for two suspicious pkgs; coordinated multi-agency response--set cordons/evac'd 78 prsnl f/recovery - Organized 34-mile trash clean-up in local community; effort enabled off-road vehicle rally--morale for 60 psnl - Aced 4 college crs's; earned 12 credits twds Comm BS/sustained 3.8 GPA--completed 58% deg rqmts/achv'd Dean's List. - Responded to domestic disturbance; utilized swift intervention to defuse incident--enabled peaceful resolution - My #1 pick to lead S4 flight; flawlessly managed unit's $500K budget/$2.1M supply acct; 300+ Amn benefited, - Obtained Oleoresin Capsicum instructor certification; improved unit trng prgrm effectiveness/personal growth - Assisted 115-ton dorm furniture move to VA Hospital; 90 rooms/360 items/2 days--upgraded patient capacity - Completed 90-day Security Forces augment; ensured safety of 96 aircraft, personnel and assigned wing . - Education driven; completed/passed Introduction to World Religions DSST--awarded 3 credit hours towards CCAF Disclaimer . - Airman's Attic unit rep; vol'd 4 hrs/coord'd w/5 mbr tm/unboxed 100 clothing crates--championed QoL f/3K enl prsnl . - Flawless administrator; improved flight training plan--efforts directly linked to unit "Team of Qtr" recognition, - Flt standout during UCI; Wg's 1st inspection in seven yrs--effort linked to unit's excellence/Wg's "Pass" rating, - Gallantly commandeered two unsanctioned weapons during DUI detainment; potential active shooter deterred - Assisted w/Ali Al Salem AB clean up; collected 30 bags of trash--improved living conditions for 2K+ airmen, - Assisted w/DUI apprehension; ensured flawless processing of evidence--enforced AF "zero-tolerance" policy 3S3X3 Manpower & Organization. - Directed response to mutual assault in housing; arrested suspects and gathered evidence--prevented escalation, - Discovered 2 psnl with warrants; denied violent offenders entry & detained for MPD--safeguarded 26K psnl - Hastily responded to worst ROK typhoon in 50 yrs; redirected traffic for responding crew--flawless execution, - ID'd 4 FP gaps in KDH cargo/prsnl ops; coord'd w/EOSS/re-postured 3 patrls f/afld def--prevented flight line breachs - Coord'd training f/TSE deployers; authored 160 hr readiness plan--enhanced tm readiness f/ Op Freedom's Sentinel - Actively pursued education; earned 15 cr hrs toward CCAF/Bachelors Degree--Awarded Air and Space Ops CCAF - Aced 4 college crs's; earned 12 credits twds Comm BS/sustained 3.8 GPA--completed 58% deg rqmts/achv'd Dean's List More. - Vigilant Entry Controller; conducted XX ECP ID checks-- safeguarded XX psnl and $XX in missin critical resources - Sizzled at Wounded Warrior Ruckin For Vets 13; 1st in 65lb category-- raised $2.5K/1140 lbs food for bank 8H000 Airman Dorm Leader. - Lead security response force member f/ CORONA evnt; 30 GOs/SECAF/DVs in attendance--AF top leaders secured - Key mbr of wg Amn's Council; drove holiday raffle/tm'd w/Sqdn Booster Club--raised $150 f/Booster Club/MEAC, - Led 12 member class; coor'd addt'l duties, uniform inspections, & cadre liaison--90% class GPA/0 disciplinary actions o demonstrated professionalism and vigilance while defending Capitol; maintained bullet proof security of Area of Operation. - Managed $800K in ammo/$400K in LMR/$35K in RADAR devices; SF msn critical equip--zero discrepancies - Hand-picked as Joint Controller; vital HN/US SF liaison & communication link--boosted security realtionship - Scheduled 300 volunteers f/Frontier Days; dedicated 144 hrs to shift management/supervision--acquired $8K for unit - Primary Flight Chief; leads xx Security Forces (SF) personnel protecting $3.3B in USSTRATCOM assets, - Primary Observer/Controller for unit--evaluated Security Forces combat teams during scenarios - Clearly demonstrated sound understanding of SF knowledge; achieved 92% on QC--set high standard for peers Dedicated 10 wks/28 hrs ISO 5 local charity orgs--fostered + AF image w/ Tucson agencies Example: SSgt Lawrence challenged Airman X to get an 85% on CDCs He led a volunteer . - Contributed to 50+ TASS assessments; zero deficiencies-- security of assests never in question/threat mitigated - Recruited/led nine mbrs for local park clean-up; tm removed 500+ lbs of equipment/debris--keyed safety/cleanliness, - Security guard for Sun Sound Beerfest; safed 1.2K spectators--efforts contributed to $2M for Sun Sound of AZ - Spearheaded effort to implement LEOSA program for XXX SFS; developed/ensured compliance with HHQ directive, - Spearheaded re-write of Corrections OI; closed 2 critical write ups--ensured AFI requirements met/Inspection ready - Epitomizes AF core values; displays stellar dedication to mission duty/tech expertise--regards people as our best asset - Detained military member for DWAI, discovered two concealed weapons; ensured safety of all on-scene patrolmen, - Detained/apprehended one drunk driver; enforced wing's zero tolerance policy--removed threats to motorists (Updated Daily) 1A6X1 Flight Attendant. This site hosts Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) examples for all Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC). - Organized add'l flt wpn certs; 8 mbrs completed 35 hr CROWS class f/$190k system--enhanced security capes >30% Wing Inspection Team. - Acting 1st Sgt 2 wks; coord'd mental health care for Amn/expedited 2 admin discharges--keyed good order/discipline - Active w/Top 3; mentored First Four/organized Family Feud--enjoyed by 40+ members/boosted KAF's programs, - Adv'd COIN ops; guided 10 Guardian Angels/Grd Mvt SOPs f/2 AORs--derailed 85 attacks/21 Taliban seiz'd/5 killed - Seized unauthorized media device & ID'd TCN perp; thwarted possible attack against critical C2 infrastructure - QRF f/ in-direct fire resp; led POL/flight line prnsl to bunkers/fortifi'd sec posture--zero msn impact/mitigat'd threat - Assisted USMC w/filling sand bags; prvd'd phy sec for FOB vital in overtaking enmy HQ--eliminated key enmy ldrs - Vol'd 14hrs wkly at Honor Emergency Housing; provided meals & other items for 150 personnel; served less fortunate You can do COVID-19 screening to volunteer, if your base is doing that. - Read book from CSAF '10 Reading List; collected counterinsurgency insight--embodied whole-person concept Enter contributions below and click Send. - Dispatched Security Force patrols to 13.5K TASS alarms;oversaw Asst/dictated threat--Hardest Target in KSA, - Dispatched to 113 FW klaxon; set up blocking force between taxiway/resource--expedited alert crew response - Managed JDOC/TASS ops; operated $10.7M eqpmt/265 zones/25 cameras w/98% detect rate--enemy intrusion avert'd - Cemented ROEs for 2 over watch posts; 46 EoF/62 prnsl/30 vehicles/2 warning shots--thwarted potential TB attacks - Dedicated to excellence; earned an impressive 96% on ISRT/ESRT DPE--exemplified flight standard for peers breaking news kittanning, pa. true freshwater flounder; lululemon goals and objectives - Worked 4 off-duty hrs at Habitat for Humanity; org'd Habistore donations--raised $5K for local at risk families - Synced 9 UXO responses w/4 agencies; established ctrl/set cordon/evac d camps--$1.8B CA/2.4K CF secured, - Teamed w/AD, contractors; secured Wg PL1 assets in 48 hrs--safeguard'd 9 constr projs/$16M NATO resources - Completed ASIST course; obtained advanced skills/knowledge/tools in suicide prevention--vital to Wing support - Bolstered CoC; dedicated 8 hrs/preperation/coordnation of event--elevated AF ceremony/lauded by Adjutant General, - Chaired Tm MXS Holiday Party Committee; led 10 mbr tm & mng'd $5.8K budget--fostered camaraderie for 250 pers - Aided response to aircraft fire emergency; provided 51 FW/CC critical information--saved $11.7M resources - Directed AF's lrgst RP program; oversaw 402 controlled & nine restricted areas--vital to USAF '16 Best Lrg SF unit, - Directed forces to nine 911 hang-ups originating in RA; coordinated to assess/secure area--resources protected security forces whole airman concept epr bulletshow to cancel melaleuca backup order security forces whole airman concept epr bullets Menu social listening brandwatch. - Ensures safety and security of conventional resources and personnel located within installation's 32-acre WSA limits, - 149th Squadron vehicle monitor; checked/preped/cleaned & assigned standby vehicles --ensured msn readiness WELCOME TO EZ EPR BULLETS! - Drove Wg Expdtnry Active Shooter Tng; org/instr'd 140 mbrs/280 hrs--tm recogniz'd by 11 AF/CC/mbr coin'd - Revamped unit family care pgm/unit safety boards/EO board; zero findings/praised by IG inspectors during CI - Involved w/ base NCO org; served as judge for JROTC drill/fitness competition--fostered positive community bonds, - Kept Amn informed on cross-training/retraining/reenlistment options & limits--committed to thriving team 4A0X1 Health Services Management. Assisted with detail for USEUCOM/CC--coined by Naval Flag Officer for his professionalism - Responded to domestic incident; secured mother & daughter--effected apprehension/prevented further injuries, - Responded to domestic violence BOLO hit; apprehended/detained/processed subject--prevented possible harm - Provided security for Senator Kennedy's funeral; crucial TCP for event--perfect execution without deficiencies - Detected two TCN escort violations;eliminated possible hostile insider threat--denied PL2 access/six detained, - Developed 25 SF warriors into cohesive/effective team; flight's apprehension rate was highest in recent years Elected base 5/6 Vice Pres--mentor'd '14 Staff Amn OTY, NCO OTQ and CCAF degree recipients, - Zealously enforced traffic regulations; conducted traffic stops and educated motorists--increased traffic safety. - Complet'd FEMA Active Shooter Crs; appli'd/develop'd 11 SF mbrs--bolster'd incident response capability/readiness, - Completed 12 antiterrorism/force protection measures; created hard target--potential terrorist activity deterred - Responded to domestic disturbance; diffused altercation/apprehended two subjects--quickly resolved incident - Organized 4 Booster Club events; directed 28 volunteers for Tucson Padres--garnished over $2K for SqMWR, - Proactive mindset; overhauled Sponsorship Program; smoothed transition for >10 newly arrived Airmen - Unit Safety Representative; maintained records/reports for 632 pers--identified as WG "Top Performer" by IG - Expanded airpower; sync'd w/A-10's f/OP Winter Hawg/1 pers/2 FOB FP surveys/7 days--extended AFCENT reach - Maintaned TASS operations; f/8 Grd/2 IFE cordoned area/cleared routes--prevented loss of life or critical asst The EPR is designed to provide a comprehensive assessment of an individual's job performance, leadership abilities, and potential for future development and advancement. - Seeks out growth/improvement; qualified 45 mbrs on Self Aid Buddy Care program--boosted unit readiness by 34% - Continuous prof'l development; passed annual cyber awareness CBT w/100% final exam--applied security awareness, - Eager to dev jr enl; held combined feedback w/4 amn at NCO PES--gained interpersonal skills/cultural understanding - Led 186 KAF Security Zone OTW ops; neutralized 23 INS threats--creat'd 960 IIRs/disrupted multi-TB network cell - Excelled as BMT element leader; displayed exceptional fitness/academic performance--awarded honor grad/top 10% When accomplishments are listed in an annual performance report, they are limited to a single or sometimes two lines. - Bested prof-development; completed 86 hrs Crse 14 & 12x AF E-Learning crses--guided 9x wing/7 sq exec spt teams - Close in/close boundary sentry for PL-1/2 alert aircraft; secured acft/crew--resource integrity uncompromised, - Collected biometrics for 13.5K personnel; registered base population f/AUAB & CAS--solidified ECP TTPs - C3 during catastrophic power/alarm failure; monitored 1K OCNs--$1.3M US/KSA contracts awarded & completed - Met w/150 Iraqis' in home meetings; negotiated LN/CF interests--artfully obtained 200 pgs of actionable intel - Identified local wanted fugitive at VCC; coordinated with local law enforcement--seamless custodial transfer, - Immediately rais d barriers for two ECP gate-runners; challeng'd driver/secur d scene--51st remains hard target Complies with/enforces standards: Consider personal adherence and enforcement of fitness standards, dress and personal appearance, customs and . - Aggressively completed 6-hrs study tips seminar/communication skills courses--enhanced personal readiness - Trained 90 SFG's most diverse msn; instilled knowledge/courage--enabled 24/7 watch/security of USA's nuc aresenal - WIT phase II ex participant; performed afld damage assessment/plotted 15 UXOs--prepared 8.6K ORE prsnl - Lead patrol for fraud investigation at EAFB BX; recovered $100 in stolen merchandise--prevented losses to AAFES, - Lead patrol for three PL2 AC ground emergency; set security/evac'd 55 personnel--AFCENT mission unstinted - First responder to medical emergency; provided first aid and buddy care to injured individuals--preserved life Examples of Volunteer and Community Service EPR Bullets. - Fill'd E-8 billet as Supt f/21 days; mng'd 31 psnl/3 armories 2K wpns--secured $38.8B in jt assets & 92K mbrs, - Fire Alarm/CC; dispatched patrols, establish'd 360 perimeter, evacuat'd & swept lodging--source found no loss of life - Focus 5/6 mbr; briefed critical base support agencies/local info to 30+ Amnreinforced AF wingman concept

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