osha conveyor safety 191010 marca 2023
osha conveyor safety 1910

The brake monitor used with the Type B gate or movable barrier device shall be installed in a manner to detect slide top-stop overrun beyond the normal limit reasonably established by the employer. 12. (B) Guards used as supplemental safeguarding shall conform to the design, construction and application requirements of paragraph (c)(2) of this section, and shall be interlocked with the press control to prevent press PSDI operation if the guard fails, is removed, or is out of position. a. Regulations Respecting Occupational Health and Safety, Decree 885-2001, 5-2.1, r.19.01, July 2001. If made of pipe, the post shall be one and one-fourth (114) inches inside diameter, or larger. When mounting wheels which have not been cemented together, or ones which do not utilize separating spacers, care must be exercised to use wheels specially manufactured for that purpose. Lubrication of bearings is considered the single greatest deterrent to their failure. 5. (2) Rivet making. (b) Attachments shall be adjusted to prevent the operator from reaching into the point of operation or to withdraw the operator's hands from the point of operation before the dies close. (c) The safety distance (Dm) between the two hand trip and the point of operation shall be greater than the distance determined by the following formula: Dm = minimum safety distance (inches); 63 inches/second = hand speed constant; Tm = the maximum time the press takes for the die closure after it has been tripped (seconds). In overhead silent chain-drive guards where the chain is held from lateral displacement on the sprockets, the side clearances required on drives of twenty (20) inch centers or under shall be not less than one-fourth inch from the nearest moving chain part, and on drives of over twenty (20) inch centers a minimum of one-half inch from the nearest moving chain part. As an added precaution to the requirements in paragraph (h)(2)(iii), brake adjustment locking means should be secured. (3) Finish and balance. The manufacturer shall design a test to demonstrate that the prescribed minimum object sensitivity of the presence sensing device is met. (6) Part revolution clutch means a type of clutch that can be disengaged at any point before the crankshaft has completed a full revolution and the press slide a full stroke. Showing adjustable tongue giving required angular protection for all sizes of wheel used. Prior to conducting the brake system test required by paragraph (h)(2)(ii), a visual check shall be made of the springs. Die keys and shims shall be made from a grade of material that will not unduly crack or splinter. 1910.9 Compliance duties owed to each employee. The failure shall be detectable by a simple test, or indicated by the control system. Wherever flywheels are above working areas, guards shall be installed having sufficient strength to hold the weight of the flywheel in the event of a shaft or wheel mounting failure. (40) Jog means an intermittent motion imparted to the slide by momentary operation of the drive motor, after the clutch is engaged with the flywheel at rest. (v) The employer shall notify the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization within five days whenever a component or a subsystem of the safety system fails or modifications are made which may affect the safety of the system. (xi) Where there is more than one operator of a press used for PSDI, each operator shall be protected by a separate, independently functioning, presence sensing device. Integrated Tests Certification/Validation. 1910.161 Fixed extinguishing systems, dry chemical. 1910.219 Mechanical power-transmission apparatus. 1910.214 Cooperage machinery. Such mesh or perforated metal shall be not less than 0.037 inch (U.S. Gage No. 2. (1) Each hand-fed planer and jointer with horizontal head shall be equipped with a cylindrical cutting head, the knife projection of which shall not exceed one-eighth inch beyond the cylindrical body of the head. All drip cups and pans shall be securely fastened. If you would like to comment on the current content, please use the 'Content Feedback' button below for instructions on contacting the issuing agency. (i) Suspended counterbalanced tighteners and all parts thereof shall be of substantial construction and securely fastened; the bearings shall be securely capped. An employer who assembles a PSDI safety system would be a manufacturer as well as employer for purposes of this standard and appendix. 1910.401 Scope and application. Limitation: Minimum back thickness, E dimension, should not be less than one-fourth T dimension. The fourth regulation in OSHA standard 1910.178(g) requires a "conveyor, overhead hoist, or equivalent material handling equipment" to assist workers in moving forklift batteries. (4) Belt fasteners. Press brakes, hydraulic and pneumatic power presses, bulldozers, hot bending and hot metal presses, forging presses and hammers, riveting machines and similar types of fastener applicators are excluded from the requirements of this section. Machinery shall be oiled when not in motion, wherever possible. (23) Die shoe means a plate or block upon which a die holder is mounted. (1) The employer shall report, within 30 days of the occurrence, all point-of-operation injuries to operators or other employees to either the Director of the Directorate of Standards and Guidance at OSHA, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, DC 20210 or electronically at http://www.osha.gov/pls/oshaweb/mechanical.html; or to the State Agency administering a plan approved by the Assistant Secretary of Labor for Occupational Safety and Health. If, after review of the application, additional information, and inspection report, the applicant does not appear to have met the requirements for recognition, the Director of the PSDI certification/validation program shall notify the applicant in writing, listing the specific requirements of this appendix which the applicant has not met, and the reasons. 1 For wheels under 114 inches thick F dimension shall not exceed 40 percent of wheel thickness. (iii) Means shall be provided for disconnecting the power to the machine and for locking out or rendering cycling controls inoperable. Have unit wired by qualified electrician. (3) Belt pole (sometimes called a belt shipper or shipper pole,) means a device used in shifting belts on and off fixed pulleys on line or countershaft where there are no loose pulleys. 1910.305 Wiring methods, components, and equipment for general use. 1910.136 Foot protection. This requirement does not apply to those elements of the control system which have no effect on the protection against point of operation injuries. Guarding vertical and inclined shafting. Failure to observe these rules might cause excessive flange pressure around the hole of the wheel. The certification/validation report shall include the following: b. (g) Enclosing the point of operation before a press stroke can be initiated, so as to prevent an operator from reaching into the point of operation prior to die closure or prior to cessation of slide motion during the downward stroke. The results shall document the conditions under which the brake and/or clutch will and will not comply with the requirement. Power-transmission apparatus located in basements. 1 Note: Must be large enough to extend beyond the bushing. Where the operator feeds or removes parts by placing one or both hands in the point of operation, and a two hand control, presence sensing device, Type B gate or movable barrier (on a part revolution clutch) is used for safeguarding: (i) The employer shall use a control system and a brake monitor which comply with paragraphs (b) (13) and (14) of this section; (ii) The exception in paragraph (b)(7)(v)(d) of this section for two hand controls manufactured and installed before August 31, 1971 is not applicable under this paragraph (c)(5); (iii) The control of air clutch machines shall be designed to prevent a significant increase in the normal stopping time due to a failure within the operating valve mechanism, and to inhibit further operation if such failure does occur, where a part revolution clutch is employed. 1. If no exceptions are filed, this is the final decision of the Department of Labor. 1910.111 Storage and handling of anhydrous ammonia. Search & Navigation Where the drive extends over other machine or working areas, protection against falling shall be provided. 1910.183 Helicopters. (13) Gate or movable barrier device means a movable barrier arranged to enclose the point of operation before the press stroke can be started. Grinding is performed on the rim face only, dimension W. Cylinder wheels may be plain, plate mounted, inserted nut, or of the projecting stud type. Where belts are so located as to make it impracticable to carry the guard to wall or ceiling, construction of guard shall be such as to enclose completely the top and bottom runs of belt and the face of pulleys. (2) Each drum sanding machine shall have an exhaust hood, or other guard if no exhaust system is required, so arranged as to enclose the revolving drum, except for that portion of the drum above the table, if a table is used, which may be necessary and convenient for the application of the material to be finished. 1910.159 Automatic sprinkler systems. The requirements of this paragraph are also applicable to sliding cutoff saws mounted above the table. Spacers shall be equal in diameter to the mounting flanges and have equal bearing surfaces. (3) The top of the cutting chain and driving mechanism shall be enclosed. (2) Ambient relative humidity of 99 percent. (v) When any check of the press, including those performed in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs (h)(10)(ii), (iii) or (iv) of this section, reveals a condition of noncompliance, improper adjustment, or failure, the press shall not be operated until the condition has been corrected by adjustment, replacement, or repair. Conveyor systems shall be equipped with an audible warning signal to be sounded immediately before starting up the conveyor. All sprocket wheels and chains shall be enclosed unless they are more than seven (7) feet above the floor or platform. 7. (9) Prime movers include steam, gas, oil, and air engines, motors, steam and hydraulic turbines, and other equipment used as a source of power. 1. The Type 27 A Wheel is mounted between flat non-relieved flanges of equal bearing surfaces. Air controlling equipment shall be protected against foreign material and water entering the pneumatic system of the press. 4. (i) All exposed parts of horizontal shafting seven (7) feet or less from floor or working platform, excepting runways used exclusively for oiling, or running adjustments, shall be protected by a stationary casing enclosing shafting completely or by a trough enclosing sides and top or sides and bottom of shafting as location requires. (9) Ring rolls mean a class for forging equipment used for shaping weldless rings from pierced discs or thick-walled, ring-shaped blanks between rolls which control wall thickness, ring diameter, height and contour. Malleable iron (min. Belt shifters, clutches, shippers, poles, perches, and fasteners -. 1910.255 Resistance welding. This subparagraph does not apply to manually operated sprockets. For full revolution clutch presses with only one engaging point Tm is equal to the time necessary for one and one-half revolutions of the crankshaft. (8) Point of operation means that point at which cutting, shaping, or forming is accomplished upon the stock and shall include such other points as may offer a hazard to the operator in inserting or manipulating the stock in the operation of the machine. All revolving collars, including split collars, shall be cylindrical, and screws or bolts used in collars shall not project beyond the largest periphery of the collar. Where belt shifters are not directly located over a machine or bench, the handles shall be cut off six feet six inches (6 ft. 6 in.) (d) Two hand trips shall be fixed in position so that only a supervisor or safety engineer is capable of relocating the controls. Materials should be placed on the conveyor so that they will ride safely. 1910.151 Medical services and first aid. (11) Safety system certification/validation. or existing codification. 1910.1005 [Reserved] 1. (ii) (A) PSDI shall be implemented only by use of light curtain (photo-electric) presence sensing devices which meet the requirements of paragraph (c)(3)(iii)(c) of this section unless the requirements of the following paragraph have been met. A minimum object sensitivity of one and one-fourth inches (31.75 mm) means that a one and one-fourth inch (31.75 mm) diameter object will be continuously detected at all locations in the sensing field. "Employers want to make sure their equipment is safe to operate," says McCullough. Expanded metal, perforated or solid sheet metal, wire mesh on a frame of angle iron, or iron pipe securely fastened to floor or to frame of machine. For compliance with these requirements, the average value of the stopping time, Ts, shall be the arithmetic mean of at least 25 stops for each stop angle initiation measured with the brake and/or clutch unused, 50 percent worn, and 90 percent worn. The minimum guarding line is the distance between the infeed side of the guard and the danger line which is one-half inch from the danger line. The certification record shall be prepared at the completion of training and shall be maintained on file for the duration of the employee's employment. (iii) The mode selection means of paragraph (b)(7)(iii) of this section shall have at least one position for selection of the PSDI mode. ), (8) Top grinding. contact the publishing agency. (i) Limitations: Special supporting, back adapter and inside flange nuts are required for the proper mounting of these types of wheels subject to limitations of 1910.215(c)(4) (i) and (ii). The test results shall provide the engineering data necessary to establish confidence that the hardware and software will meet specifications, the manufacturing process has adequate quality control and the data acquired was used to establish processes, procedures, and test levels supporting subsequent hardware design, production, installation and maintenance. 30, 1984; 51 FR 34561, Sept. 29, 1986; 53 FR 8353, 8358 Mar. (s) Inspection and maintenance of woodworking machinery. Where prong anchor or cupback bushing are used, this footnote does not apply. (n) Planing, molding, sticking, and matching machines. (iii) Stamped to indicate complete die weight when handling equipment may become overloaded. 1910.162 Fixed extinguishing systems, gaseous agent. All manually operated valves and switches shall be clearly identified and readily accessible. Each time the operational conditions are significantly changed (including environmental, application or facility changes, but excluding such changes as die changes or press relocations not involving revision to the safety system); c. When a failure of a significant component has occurred or a change has been made which may affect safety; or.

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