avengers fanfiction peter never have i ever10 marca 2023
avengers fanfiction peter never have i ever

"What? What starts out a little desperate turns languid, relaxed, comfortable. Nat and Wanda took drinks. Except Pepper. These kids are amazing! What Clint doesn't expect is for Thor and Bruce to drink; the first with his usual vigor, the latter with his eyes on the floor and color high in his cheeks. Clint knows he's feeling his pulse. His body's pleasantly loose and post-orgasm sore, Tony is a heavy but welcome weight on him, and they haven't said a word since Tony dragged them back into the bedroom. Any trade marks that appear on the site are used without permission and So when Stark Industries called her, desperate for a housekeeper, there was no way in heaven she was gonna refuse. Hope you enjoy and none of the art which I use here belongs to me, so credits to the respective artists or uploaders :). I'm a weak, weak man., Clint smiles, but it feels odd on his face, and the last two months suddenly spin through his head to add an uncomfortable amount of evidence. Really? Steve says, barely winded, kicking Natasha in the stomach, but she twists enough that it barely grazes her. You know Thor loves any and all things that combine alcohol, trading stories, and the ability to learn more about 'Midgardian customs'. Clint keeps his hand high and the phone out of Tony's reach. Nah, stay here. With Bucky, I was it was good. He breaks the stare he's got going with Bruce and opts for staring at the floor with a lost look. Maybe it won't be as bad this time, Natasha muses. I remember!. "Never have I ever been electrocuted," Danny says and everyone but Aunt May, T'challa, and he take a drink. We could go with Greek, Natasha says, and Clint just nods because yeah, sure. So does Steve, to their slight surprise. Which is, Clint muses, exactly what he is. Please consider turning it on! Thor Odinson Tony squirms on the couch, but keeps a small distance. Clint kind of wants to hug the guy. The only comfort Abby finds is watching her favorite Lilly needed a job. I knew there's no way your spangly ass hadn't gotten some action. Yeah? Clint says and picks up one of the acidic arrows; a prototype he's testing for Tony. Then I got beaten half to death by Toomes, then I had to save him from getting blown up. He makes sure that his lips are wrapped around the spout, and he knows Tony's watching. Main Characters as of right now are Kate and Clint. Oh, yeah! Mmm, he likes the smell of whisky. "Is that true, referee M Jee?" What? AU: Devi and Paxton never broke up, and Devi and Des are just friends. But I'm still sleepy. He shifts closer, presses more firmly against Clint's back. Not that he were in any danger for any of those questions. "More like each other, I made the mistake of looking into their car when they were waiting for me one time." "Never Have I Ever" Pt. Anyways, guys, MJ. Thor glances down at his jug of mead with a bemused expression. "Never have I ever been grounded by my parents!". and Flash was looking a bit, what was it? Peter's first time playing Never Have I Ever and Ned is a little shit and almost outs him because he's drunk. Like he could scrub out the last remains of Loki by somehow belonging to Tony's reactor instead of the Tesseract. The room was silent for a moment and few flinched when Tony flipped the coffee table. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words. "Never have I ever been stabbed." Good night, everyone.. Clint stops sleeping in his own bed, for the most part. Ayelet was a half-terran, half-Zen-Whoberis, one of the last of her kind. You looked all cute and Sleeping Beauty. They start to cuddle, an oddity Clint isn't even aware of until one movie night, when he wakes up long after the movie's done and the others have gone to bed. There's not a lot of them, not in bed, but there are a few. In the end, he poured out a shot of apple juice and handed it to the pouting teenager. Avengers: Age of Ultron: completed One shot with our favorite trickster will usually revolve around an OC. Tony blinks, surprised, and his hands still in Clint's cropped hair. So does Thor. But you do care deeply for each other, Thor says and sounds vaguely approving? After the serum. His name is Percy Jackson. You're no fun, Cap. Abe ringed the bell, but Flash just shrugged and mumbled; 'in elementary school.' Weak sauce, Sam jeered playfully. And that's how I started my journey to become to almighty me!" Everyone's got drinks, phones are off, all's well? Tony peers around, jittery with excitement again. Shit. This is the good stuff. I'm no longer writing these, I do not take requests, and it's rare I even log into this account. That was one time and I was drunk! Clint shifts his stance; it's not fidgeting, he tells himself firmly, especially when Tony's too drunk to notice. Tony?. Wait, am I selling myself right here?, Clint chuckles. Bucky wolf whistled. "Peter!" Oh thats bor- seriously Cap? Oh, now you have to tell, Barton. I believe it would be best if we stopped the game now as it seems to be somewhat awkward. Fart, he gasps out as Clint half-drags him through the living room area and into the bedroom. Peter didn't go to Manhattan very often-usually only to visit the Avengers Tower whenever he received an invitation, which wasn't often. Ned just skidded over to peter, even though he sat next to him, and before Peter could react to small headache that was his spider-sense, pulled up his sleeve. You foreseeing a lot of fighting in the future, then? Clint says and raises an eyebrow at him. Its called being undercover. Natasha's smirking, but there's no edge to it, and Steve's eyes are brighter than they've been most of the night. He'd been grazed when getting out too, but it's nothing big; just nicked in the shoulder by a stray bullet. A hand settles on Clint's hip, but doesn't move further. Clint quashes that voice so hard it groans in metaphorical pain and leaves him alone. "Are we just going to skip over the fact Steve and Bucky have kissed a dude?" "Well, I was trying to make it so Uncle Steve and Uncle Bucky could get drunk or like it and I needed to test it out on someone with a super metabolism so I used myself. Everyone get their drinks ready! There's some bustling as Tony gets various snacks, unceremoniously throwing small packets of Cheetos, popcorn, M&M's and Skittles down onto the floor. And Bruce?. What could possibly go wrong, right?. Clint blinks and looks at the ceiling, but the AI stays silent. A sex ally! He squirms happily where he sits and knocks his elbow against Clint's in what's probably supposed to be a companionable gesture. I saw it on F.R.I.E.N.D's and wanted to know what it was like!" #unlimitedpride It's huge and looks delicious, even if Clint hasn't slept in here before, and he wrestles out of his clothes before flopping onto the bed, naked as hell. Stupid Sally. "Never have I ever," Tony was determined to think of something so outrageous that Peter couldn't of possibly done "Killed someone on purpose." maybe Clint needs to stop thinking about his team-mates and sex so much. Last year they played truth or dare that ended up with Peter walking down the side of the Empire State Building, no mask. It was Peter's 21st birthday. He's honest-to-god pulled out a huge array of soft, big, fluffy pillows so they can all settle there. Thor, Steve and Bruce are already in, Tony adds in a sing-song voice. No, wait, don't ask Pepper because she knows too much, he adds and waves his hands, stumbling to his feet. Natasha doesn't say 'I told you so' and he appreciates it, truly does, especially since she's well entitled to because fuck. I have no Asgardian blanket, Thor says, and it's half a question and half just a resigned Thor who's long ago realized that along with Steve, he'll never be able to understand more than half of the stuff Tony says. C'mon, it'll be a blast. He rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, looking more like an expectant child than a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist. She had loving parents, a roof over her head, and enough food to always satisfy her hunger. And I didn't so much pee on his suit as I peed in his bag so technically, I guess I've peed on five suits. He looks down at his rapidly draining bottle. Tony and Clint fall over laughing, and even Natasha snorts, but it's a fond sound. He grips her leg and she lets herself fall to the ground, where they resume their wrestling match. Nah, you heard Steve. as well as And, I might add, the suit had a filtration system.. Nat, Sam, Clint, and Peter took a shot. When he does, Tony sleeps beside him. Steve said. #deadpool Bruce is still quiet, but he does have a cognac glass in his hands when he sits down beside Steve, a glass containing what looks like Bailey's, or some other kind of creamy liquor. Also, for that matter, are we actually dating? The words make his stomach churn with nervousness, but he ignores it. Clint arches an eyebrow, but drinks; just like Natasha does, obviously. Happy New Year Paxton, she whispered.Happy New Year Devi, he murmured back before drawing her in again. No! Tony snorts. Requests are open! "Never Have I Ever been an animal themed superhero." Wanda said. It wasn't a conscious decision for either of them, which is freaky as hell. Oooh, yes, I like this! Tony says before drinking. Ever wondered what it would be like to date one of Earth's mightiest heros? I am wounded that you would think something that awful of me, Agent Romanoff. When Peter protested he wasn't a kid, Tony reminded him he was drinking apple juice and had been building a new Lego set before they got the alert of the mission. Or I rip my clothes.. You're a whiner, Tony mutters and shifts; squirms to get comfortable. He stumbles forward and into Clint, scrabbling to get the phone back. They are both terrible at communication in general; how are they supposed to survive as boyfriends? The spider kid was sat crossed-legged on the floor in front of the armchair Tony was sitting on. He's too tired and strung out for anything acrobatic, but he still finds his way to Tony's room. Where did you get this tattoo!?" Peed in a suit., Oh, come on, Tony whines. Supposedly Loki was visiting an old ally but Thor and Bruce had shared a look, knowing exactly who the god of mischief was talking about. Your virtues are all intact. He pauses. (but they still needed to stay at an hotel) and since Mr. Harrington was probably in his room calling his wife, they could do what they wanted. "Huh, next," I say and take a drink for fun. Wade had taught him beforehand how to shoot and it was just so easy for him, like second nature "No big deal.". It's my vanishing act." She'll kick his ass on the next training, but that's cool. A small, annoying part of him wonders if Tony's actually been personally acquainted with Captain America's dick and adds that if Clint wants to find out, this would be the perfect opportunity. Fancy that., What? Requests open again! Natasha pets him on the head when Clint makes a vague noise that says he's less than thrilled with her meddling. Goddamn it, Tony, Bruce sighs. Which is, of course, why Tony has waited to tell Clint and Natasha until it's too late to stop it. And of course you didn't have any ulterior motives at all, Bruce says, smiling. It would be strange if he wasn't, considering how many people the playboy's slept with in the last ten years alone. He lets it go. Uncle Bucky questions. I feel like Captain America, for crying out loud.. Clint wakes long before Tony, and has time to take a shower and eat breakfast before Tony staggers into his relatively modest living room. She hasn't bothered with a glass. When they do, Clint's up and ready, twisting their arm behind their back and hooking his other arm around their neck. (he was the youngest, and fortunately for him, only had one drink). And the minute flinch and tightening of Steve's frame answers the question well enough, doesn't it? Wait, Flash? and "Oh! They were with the mob anyway, they could afford a little lost food., I admire your choice in which establishment to stiff, Tony pointed at Wanda. Oh, sh- Tony! Immediately he releases the genius, who groans in pain and rolls his shoulder. But one of Tony's hidden superpowers is pitching, and the fucking infallible ability to know just who he has to talk to to get someone onto his side, and then make said terrible idea into reality. It's Tony's turn so he said "never have I ever been drunk" Taking a shot. Cliiiiiint, Tony whines and elbows him in the side. Please stop talking, Steve says, calm even if the tips of his ears are tinged pink. Tony Stark/ Iron Man. Nobody comments on it; it's clear that Steve doesn't expect to drink a lot. "Never have I ever gotten drunk," Uncle Steve says and everyone takes a drink. I know, Clint. Never have I ever taken it up the ass. And he grins, all teeth and glee, as the rest of the team groan in exasperation. "Experiment went wrong," Shuri says while the others shift around. Damn, and I have such an asphyxiation kink, too., Clint snorts. It's a great warrior-thing compliment up there, trust me. "That's for me to know and you to want to know," Ava says and I roll my eyes. Well, it was their life, he guessed, so he shouldnt worry about their choices, although it was sometimes very difficult to quench his motherly instincts, as Ned had dubbed them. "Hold up, got something you want to share Parker?" Ask Pepper. Now it's my turn.". Please stop talking, Natasha says into her coffee cup. This story is complete. Though, he admitted in his mind, he had been beaten up in and outside of plenty before the serum. When they managed to get control of themselves- after about five minutes of uncontrollable laughter, Clint wiped away his tears and said, ok, ok, my turnnever have I ever googled sex addiction!. *SPOILERS* Work Search: I mean that literally.. I will not do that, and will be a referee.". See, that's not playing fair, Barton. She grins back, not entirely unprotected, but close. Man, Clint loves it when the Captain goes all 'shouldn't approve of this but I do' on them. But now he has a girlfriend who picked him and his parents are speaking to him somewhat regularly. His arm comes down to trail across his chest instead. Then he revisits that thought and realizes what word he just used. Yeah, Tony sighs out and nips lightly at Clint's lips. Pepper Pots Mwuh, Clint says and stretches his legs, but doesn't move. I'm really sorry, Clint says, and promptly squirms back under the covers when he remembers that he's still naked. Pepper would know what to do. I did? +. You really were serious when you labeled Clint an affectionate drunk, weren't you? Bruce says to Natasha, and Clint giggles. Characters: Peter Parker Michelle Jones Ned Leeds Flash Thompson Betty Brant Cindy Moon Sally Avril Abe Brown Seymour O'Reilly Charles Murphy (Spider-Man: Homecoming) Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming) Additional Tags: characters may be ooc Never Have I Ever Truth or Dare Secret Identity Peter Parker is a Little Shit Your turn, L'oreal, Tony says and claps Thor on the back. Don't screw up.". Always the goddamn red velvet, Clint sighs to himself. Someone is after Maya. Clint slips under the covers still half waiting for the other shoe to drop, or any shoe to drop, really, but Tony just closes his tablet and tangles their legs. That's pretty much it. He thinks for a moment. Everyone was either leaning back into their chair or into the people next to them. Now you'll just guilt me into staying., Clint leans back to grimace at him. I hope you're kidding. Tony remembered Peter telling him about the new kid at his school and how he had gushed about how cool the guy was, almost certain he had gotten the name right. "Never have I ever smoked marijuana," Danny says and everyone but him takes a drink and this seems to surprisethe senior team. They were all gathered in the communal room to relax. 's good, Clint slurs into his best friend's shirt. Surprisingly not only did Steve and Bucky take a shot, but so did Peter, though he tried to hide it. Good night, Clint., Mmmm. He clings to her for another moment before attempting to stand on his own two legs. On really slow nights, when they're bored. Nice meeting you all." Huh. Tony frowns and kisses Clint, cautiously, like he's checking something. We should fight all the time.. This will probably be a few chapters or series. Weakling, she mutters in Russian and Clint grimaces. Are we dating? It's cheesy as hell, but it's been over two weeks since they last had sex without some kind of other mushy activity attached to it, and as much as they agreed about the no-strings arrangement, Clint can't help but realize that he's got quite a few strings attached to this crazy bastard by now. Ship? Ah, I understand! Thor says, looking delighted again. He's also not going to reflect on where Tony has learned about shipping. Tony, it's three in the morning. Tony's the only person Clint knows who can flop miserably. #tonystark Yeah, that would that would be great, doc, Steve says with a relieved smile. 'Cause I'm open for a lot of stuff, man, but choking me's not gonna work out for everybody., Tony laughs, but it's soft, not mocking. Title from Eres t by Carla Morrison of course. Matt said. " One beat. Right?. Never have I ever been on top of the Chrysler Building, Steve says. Sometimes randomly, even. Thor looks thoroughly charmed. The top of the rod was bent so I had to wait for it to break before I got out. Only Peter managed to hear Bruce's quiet and defeated "God dammit" and didn't bother explaining why he was sniggering. 's r'lly good, 'Tasha.. #steverogers Spill." tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (245), Paxton Hall-Yoshida/Devi Vishwakumar (184), Paxton Hall-Yoshida & Devi Vishwakumar (54), Fabiola Torres & Devi Vishwakumar & Eleanor Wong (28), Devi Vishwakumar & Nalini Vishwakumar (18), Fabiola Torres & Devi Vishwakumar & Eleanor Wong, Indian moms are overprotective towards sons, Paxton Hall-Yoshida & Rebecca Hall-Yoshida, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Ben Gross & Devi Vishwakumar & Original Character(s), "Nothing shakespeare couldn't turn into a really good play", fabiola and aneesa are together and in love because I say so, this is also lowkey a trent and eleanor fic because I love them, ben and devi are stubborn idiots and we love them, this is only ging to be sort of faithful to the play cause i do what i want, Picture Perfect Shiny Family (Holiday Peppermint Candy), this fic has 3 chapters but spans many years, howard will be in chapter 3 a LOT so im hyped about that, note: Devi only appears over text messages, Welcome to New York (It's Been Waiting for You), written for author's self-satisfaction and mental health, Everyone is awesome but I still ship Ben & Devi I'm sorry, Make the Friendship Bracelets (Take the Moment and Taste It), and i thought huh. I don't have a lot of previous experience, Stark, but no. Badly. I was way too early to be awake on a lazy Sunday. Danny, Luke, Ava, Nova, Aunt Nat, Mom, Dad, Uncle Clint, Uncle Thor, Uncle Sam, Uncle Rohdey, Uncle Bucky, Uncle Steve, Uncle Bruce, Uncle Loki, Wanda, Vision, Scott, T'challa, Shuri, and Aunt May. It was disappointing, to say the least, how many of his classmates drank every week. 'f I were, y'd be dead. They don't say good night. It becomes a semi-regular thing. Tony sighs and burrows deeper into Clint's skin. Aye! Thor booms anyway. Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker & Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Academic Decathlon Team (Spider-Man: Homecoming), Michelle and Peter are both obnoxious to their Feelings. I absolutely recommend reading this one. 196 guests ! Sam cried when Steve took a drink, followed by Bucky, Wanda, Natasha, and Clint. He was never robbed, but the other he had dealt his fair share with them, just never as the victim. But it still made him feel uncomfortable, in a foreboding way that he really didnt like. Thank you, she says and takes it, before turning her head towards Tony. And Peter, whose clothes did you steal? Bucky asked. Clint was next "Never have I ever, uhh, kissed a dude? developers, or authors from publishing works on this site. Better?. Sometimes the only way we could eat was to dine and dash, Steve shrugged. "Never Have I Ever been a girl." A lot. My homework was in the building " Matt explained. Mmmmmmm, he says approvingly and wriggles a little. I just haven't felt that way about anyone else. M're comfrtblll. He doesn't manage the whole word, tongue too tired to bother, but Tony laughs anyway. And a happy drunk, as well, she says with a sigh. So you're not running away? Clint hears himself say after, when he thinks he's about to take a nap. One thing was clear. He knows hers, too. No, Clint says, because they didn't. he said grinning. Tony is still up, working on his tablet in bed, sprawled with his feet poking out from beneath the silky covers. He ignores the shiver that travels down his spine when Tony's goatee scratches against his chin. The hotel room, which had been quite nosy before, was now completely silent. Are you gonna wake up and decide to try and kill me again?, Wasn't tryin', Clint murmurs into his pillow. Other than someone on the team.. Sometimes you have to do illegal things, Natasha said demurely. This way, Clint can make sure that it's not hot enough to scald Tony's throat and tongue. That's a thing becoming more and more frequent, actually; the kissing. I don't care what you want this to be, Stark I just like knowing what I'm getting into. He doesn't mean it as an accusation, and he's glad when it doesn't sound like one. He looks up at the clock. Ben and Devi, the morning after their first boink. Never have I ever Wanda smiled evilly as she side-eyed Tony, done a line of cocaine off a woman I didnt knows ass.. Most were innocent, 'never have I ever slept in a bunk bed.' The Avengers were gathered in the common room, ready with bottles of booze for the drinking game of the century. Okay so this guy called Adrian Toomes was going to steal from Mr. Starks jet -the one that was suppose to be moving the stuff to the new tower. irondad steverogers tonystark +8 more # 11 Parley Oneshots by elania:) 1.2M 34.1K 111 So no grabbing there, then, Tony says and trails his fingers over Clint's throat. Bruce and Steve sit on the other side, and between the six of them they make a semi-neat circle. And strangest and probably best of all, no halting 'look, I think you should go back to your own room if you're just going to sleep'. Soft-as-silk cotton, cool and fresh under him, smelling faintly of vanilla and laundry detergent. You make a country-boy blush.. Lucky for him, in the two minutes it took MJ to return with a bag of the metal things, there had only been a great deal of laughter he had to deal with. The game was being set up, and Peter could hear all the whispered ideas from his teammates. Back the fuck up." Natasha turns to him with an icy stare. Clint rolls his eyes and tugs Tony's shirt off. Ask anyone. Natasha sets down her mug and walks out of the room without a word. Now he had had three shots, like the rest of the team. I have the besht ideas ever, Tony says with a blissful sigh. God, shut up, Clint grits out and grabs the remote so he can turn up the sound and drown out Tony's babble. Flash question was exactly the kind he expected from him. "Occasionally my webs will run out and it's not like cops are best at keeping their guns on their belts," He shrugged, pulling his legs up to his chest and smiling at the memory. "Never ever have I gotten shot," Aunt May says and everyone but her, Shuri, T'chall, and Scott takes a drink. i should continue that, and because i have writer's block and felt a moment of motivation, Paxton Hall-Yoshida/Ben Gross/Devi Vishwakumar, my benvi bias made itself known in the writing of this, but my love for every dynamic in the love triangle also made itself known, (if you consider canon proceeded as usual from 3.04 when reading this), never have i everplayed never have i ever. So I miss the sex.. "Never have I ever gotten a tattoo," Steve says and Ava, Luke, Nova, Danny, Bucky, Scott, and I take a drink. Thor nods, as if pleased with this approval, and empties his jug before refilling it. Tony pouts. I don't know, I've hung out with Nat too much.". The Avengers The Avengers have been keeping tabs on a mysterious kid who the believe to be a terrorist. Sorta, Clint says. Two sets of arrows find their way to the target's center without him really concentrating. ', But he did anyway. You said that last night too.. She was very preserved, even when she hung out with Ned and him. "Never ever have I gotten a speeding ticket," Luke says and every adult including Ava takes a drink. Clint grins and kisses her cheek. Told in two timelines, this is a story of finding both a father and a new home. We never actually dated, did we? Tony asks out of the blue and scrunches his nose. But, one day, Nurse Warner went missing and was never found. Remind me to take you there one of these days, okay? It's warm, a couple of degrees warmer than Tony's body temperature, and Clint reaches out now to splay his hand over it. Tony sighs again, dramatically, and glances over at Clint to look for a reaction. One moment. Say Yes to the Dress is on in the background and he follows it with one eye. That was pretty above-average, Orion, and you know it.. Peter said slowly, avoiding everyone's eyes and looking down at his empty shot glass instead. No! Not that he could remember, at least. Michelle was even prepared to get the bells from her own room. But Devi Vishwakumar was something else entirely. Sally and Seymour had claimed the bed, and were laughing about the ugly hotel colors, and how to pronounce 'croissant'. He struts, like a fucking rooster, and Clint rolls his eyes. Actually fist-bump. There are still strings. Tony, Steve, Bucky, Nat, Clint, and Bruce took a shot. I have not encountered it before., Well, that's my new nickname for you, Tony says with a wide grin. Shut up, this is the last one. he countered, looking at everyone in the circle. #wakanda "C'mon, (y/n). Tony, Rhodey, Steve, Bucky, Clint, Natasha, and Peter all drank. Betty and Ned were sitting close, hands almost touching on the floor, their bodies leaning a bit towards one another. Enjoy! Then Thor throws his head back and laughs, clinks his jug against Tony's bottle and takes a long swig. Tony laughs, tells him to shut up, and kisses him. Blanket excuse.. Is it that Toby kid from your Biology class?" Everyone else, other than Natasha and Clint, had also changed out of their 'work-outfits', though Stark had been wearing those clothes underneath his suit. "I am fine, thanks. Betty ringed the bell. "Hell yeah. Random people in classrooms #ironman Possibly from Clint. Clint, Natasha, and Bucky I get, they were assassins and seduction is normal in that field, and everyone knows Im a giant man-whore, but you? Or why Clint knows about shipping. "Are you sure there's nothing you'd like to say Petey?" Tony laughs more, and so does Thor, and then Natasha pushes at his back and says bed, now, and Clint stumbles off. Something passes over his face, and Clint figures that Tony's doing the same epiphany-thing as he just did. It was not my first time with a shield brother, and I would be honoured to accept any of you as bedmates. He grins widely. He hangs up Tony's discarded clothes while he's at it; he's a slob by nature, but Coulson's been a good influence. "When have you ever driven? Natasha doesn't say anything when Clint tumbles out of Tony's room and into the kitchen late-morning, but she does hand him a coffee mug and fix him with a stare that says I judge you very hard right now. left kudos on this work! All donations are used to provide the service; no profits are made by the site owners, She takes a picture and texts it to her group chat with Eleanor, Fabiola, and Aneesa: our last brain cells, she captions it. And how you've managed to get him onto your side in nearly every single dispute since., Tony tries to look hurt, although he's doing a shit job at it, one hand dramatically resting against his chest in a who, me?

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