what is the difference between a prophet and a seer10 marca 2023
what is the difference between a prophet and a seer

Differences between prophets and seers seem to be more clearly distinguished in the Old Testament. It is that generic word that the King Limhi (Mosiah 8:15)was using. Theres been a series, but the common thread is utter dread. They were called prophets because they obeyed God's call to them to speak boldly to the nation. See this post on prophecy. The definition of a prophet is to tell future events that come from God The Old Testament uses three Hebrew words that are translated into the English word "prophet" or "seer": nabi, roeh, and hozeh. In the widest sense, the one most commonly used, the title 'prophet' includes the other titles and makes of the prophet, a teacher, perceiver, and bearer of truth. The words "prophet" and "seer" are often used interchangeably, and indeed, both describe a person who is able to divine the future. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His names sake. Who determines who a prophet is and who isnt? One who sees and one who hears both are receiving from God (if it is God speaking which is assumed for our discussion) but in different ways. So, he was given an assistant to actually voice the words of the Lord. A psychic claims to have extrasensory perception and uses tools such as tarot cards, crystal balls, or intuition to gain insight into the future or hidden information. These differences may seem minimal, but they still produce different data values and warrant a new rating system that aligns more closely with ongoing efforts to reduce overall . ,and the second ( a prophet ) God has opened his mouth . In other words, they would go to see a prophet who was the seer. Daniel famously saw powerful visions of the end times and of the climactic events in the nations, that would one day lead up to Jesus birth. Blessings, Tim. I ended up using the painting for a sermon in church, a few weeks later. I. 2 Peter 1:20-21 says,knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someones own interpretation. Again, its best to ask God about your dreams and ask him to give you his peace about them: remember that even when things are scary, God is still in control! I'm Tim Bader, founder of the 4 Steps Prophecy School. I pray this has been edifying in the name of the Son of God. a. That is a long way from the fuzzy "information" from self-proclaimed psychics and clairvoyants! Here we can see that the prophetic function of the seer was to tell and reveal all that is in a persons heart. Someone else may receive from God through their sense of smell. That is why some may say that they are the prophet of the house, because they are the visionary leaders who have the vision of where God desires to take them. ),And chozeh (2 Samuel 24:11 2 Kings 17:13 1 Chronicles 21:9; 1 Chronicles 25:5; 1 Chronicles 29:29, etc. The job description of the raah prophet in the shepherding function is to be able to see ahead for the sheep. It is afterward applied to Zadok, Gad, etc. When Miriam and Aaron opposed Moses they asked Has the Lord indeed spoken only through Moses? Whats the difference between a seer and a prophet? If a seer sees what God is doing and a prophet hears, whats the difference between a prophetic word and a vision, beyond the obvious? Who were all the kings that were good and all the kings that were bad? Prophets are the raah of the Lord, leading the sheep onto the paths or in the right direction. Also prophets in general were called seers at one time like in 1st Samuel 9: 9 (Formerly in Israel, when a man o went to inquire of God, he said, Come, let us go to the seer, for todays prophet was formerly called a seer.). Why do we still need new revelation from men or women who claim to be a prophet or prophetess of God? A seer may not be spiritual at all. I knew of the pandemic before it hit and I have dreamed the end of the world. However, the lack of distinction in the New Testament does not necessarily indicate they are the same. You need not be afraid of him.. (Exodus 7:1). The role of the prophet is to lead the sheep with the Lord as their shepherd. (in the Old Testament) a person chosen to speak for God and to guide the people of Israel: Moses was the greatest of Old Testament prophets. Are there any human kings Now? Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Sue. Pastors typically are seers of their local churches. I do hear Gods voice on a regular basis, but just as much, I see what he is doing. If the word aligns to scripture, then seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit to apply the word to your life. for instance a prophet always speaks Gods Word, but I can relate to this except I FELT Jesuss emotions of pain. He is faithful in all my house. They were able to see in the realm of the Spirit. I cant really find a distinction in duties (abilities?) Thank you. If this has been asked before, can you point me in the right direction? Isaiah, Jeremiah and Ezekiel all saw visions of Gods throne, in which they looked upon God himself and learnt profound truths about his nature. Simply put, a raah prophet is particularly someone who is given revelatory vision from God in the sense of seeing a vision or seeing supernaturally. Three Hebrew Words The word "prophet" is used 300 times in the Old Testament and 100 times in the New Testament. Besides the female run oracles of ancient Greek, there also existed independent prophets known as "seers," who were usually male. There are things the Lord has shown me about the end times but theyre not for sharing here. Sometimes some of the histories in the Bible escape some, Need to Know the Names of the 12 Tribes of, In this chapter, our species took a detour that has, Sign Up to Learn the History Prophecy and Principles of, Chapter 2 of Genesis begins with the report of the, In Matthew chapter 2 summary, we will meet some wise, Studies to Help and Make You a Bible Study Leader, Can you say New Testament chapter summaries? we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. The generic answer is this from our educational systems as it pertains to a seer and prophet. They are like spiritual detectives.. In 1 Samuel 9, for example, Samuel is described as a "seer," and in fact he receives a message from God about the coming of Saul and the revelation that Saul will be the future king of Israel. for instance a prophet always speaks Gods Word, but may also se visions and have the interpretation. I can grasp that, how about a seerprophet is there such a thing? He teaches the body of truth, the gospel, revealed by the Lord to man; and under inspiration explains it to the understanding of the people. Raah prophets are what I call Masters of Sight, as they have the ability to be advisors and counselors of kings and to provide strategies in times of war. What Is The Difference Between A Seer and A Prophet In The Bible? Your email address will not be published. TO CANCEL YOUR SUBSCRIPTION AND AVOID BEING CHARGED, YOU MUST CANCEL BEFORE THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL PERIOD. Perhaps he can tell us the way we should go (1st Sam 9:6). So now let us go there. Prophets also have the capacity to function in the shepherding grace or operate in a pastoral function. Whereas a seer is given the gift to 'see' the supernatural. The Bible tells us that the churchs foundation was laid by the Apostles and the Prophets. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses? And the anger of the Lord was kindled against them, and he departed. For the Lord your God is testing you, to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul. Psychic noun What is It to Be Truly Blessed by the Most-High? Prophets can see the vision clearly and know what God is about to do: Moreover the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Jeremiah, what do you see? And I said, I see a branch of an almond tree. Then the Lord said to me, You have seen well, for I am ready to perform My word.. I too believe I am a seer / but he shows me Prophet as well. Repent, Debunked Hebrews and Israel of the Bible Today Documentary, Jerry Springer says he Ruined Culture with his Daytime Talk Show. What Is A Seer And How Is That Different To A Prophet? If you do hear someone speak a word to you, then test it against the infallible word of God. In other words, the roeh prophets will see and perceive things with their eyes (both natural and spiritual), mind, spirit, vision, and their inner knower. Most people are not aware that there are two types of seers in the Bible. Very helpful. This dimension of the seer realm can see into different times, seasons, eras, dispensations, and ages. Often, the prophets delivered their messages without being consulted, as, in the biblical tradition, they were sent by God to speak his word of their own accord. Its not really something I have space to answer properly here but I believe that it is not possible for a believer to be possessed. Ephesians 2:20 says,built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus himself being the cornerstone,If so, then there is no prophet required in this capacity, otherwise are we still building the foundation? The login page will open in a new tab. I see I have to ask tougher questions LOL. Their task was to speak in Gods name and authority (Exodus 7:1), and whatever they said was not of man but God. Essentially, Samuel established that a prophet and seer are the same office but with revelatory distinction. Somebody may be a saint and a seer at the same time, but here I am talking about the word description as such. But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die. How do we know when a prophet is speaking as a prophet or giving his opinion? Throughout the Bible, seers were given visions from God concerning the past, present and future, they saw symbolic pictures and visions that were prophetic in nature, they had Heavenly encounters and were enabled by the Holy Spirit to see in the spiritual realm for God's purpose in that moment. He has been featured on various multimedia outlets including Sid Roth's Its Supernatural! Im also a Prophetic Writer. You need not be afraid of him (Duet 19:22). Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. These examples show Asaph and Gad as seers to King David, but the following Scripture passage shows Nathan serving him distinctively as a prophet: The king said to Nathan the prophet, See now, I dwell in a house of cedar, but the ark of God dwells inside tent curtains. Then Nathan said to the king, Go, do all that is in your heart, for the Lord is with you. But it happened that night that the word of the Lord came to Nathan, saying, Go and tell My servant David, Thus says the Lord: Would you build a house for Me to dwell in? (2 Samuel 7:2-5). You need not be afraid of him, Careers Workplace and Religion Columnists, Recreation Outdoors and Religion Columnists, Religious Music and Entertainment Columnists, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The prophet has the ability to reveal to the church the way and direction that God is leading the church. They can see visions into a persons heart. [2] As Ammon explained, seership is greater than prophethood because a seer unlocks what happened in the past, including mysteries, secrets, obscured teachings, lost scripture, and hidden knowledge. Ra'ah literally means "to see," particularly in the sense of seeing visions. The seer as a prophet has the extraordinary ability to see things that ordinary eyes cannot see. And in a way youre missing something. He was perfectly happy to stay at home and raise his family and live an unremarkable life. These visions could be in the form of a dream, in the minds eyes, or even in the natural. Blessings, Tim, Very interesting, I am a Seer, I always see things in a Vision or something God give me images of pictures. Seers. But, more specifically, a seer was a prophet who saw visionspictures or scenes seen in the mind's eye, in dreams, or even with one's natural eye. Your email address will not be published. Blessings, Tim. What is the difference between a seer and a prophet? In most cases the difference really has no practical implications, except in one major issue which we will address here and in more detail in a course titled 'Believing in the Prophets . "A seer is one who sees with spiritual eyes. Many of the questions are not asked clearly, but well do our best to answer them as well as we can. ( Exodus 7:1) Here it is generally taken to mean "spokesman". This is a prophetic gift, one of the spiritual gifts. 1 : one who utters divinely inspired revelations: such as a often capitalized : the writer of one of the prophetic books of the Bible b capitalized : one regarded by a group of followers as the final authoritative revealer of God's will Muhammad, the Prophet of Allah 2 : one gifted with more than ordinary spiritual and moral insight As I said at the beginning, theyre the same, but different! Saul was advised to seek guidance and direction by Samuel, the seer prophet, in 1 Samuel 9:5-6: When they had come to the land of Zuph, Saul said to his servant who was with him, Come, let us return, lest my father cease caring about the donkeys and become worried about us. And he said to him, Look now, there is in this city a man of God, and he is an honorable man; all that he says surely comes to pass. Classroom is the educational resource for people of all ages. You can put him more in the class of occult. Yet, Latter-day Saints use theterm seer in a very specific way. to whom God revealed Himself and [who] received messages directly from God (1 Samuel 3:7, 21). . Roeh is another word Hebrew word for the aspect of seeing, which comes from the primitive root Hebrew word raah, which means to see, look at, inspect, observe, perceive and consider.. The prophetic dimension and activity of raah in the seer means to see with your eye or to perceive with you mind. The raah aspect in seers gives them the supernatural ability by the Spirit to see things with their spirits eye or in the spirit of their mind. It's not that a seer doesn't hear God's voice, or that a prophet doesn't see him in the spirit. 2 Peter 1:20-21 says, "knowing this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. Just wondering had a weird experience recently. Astrologers are a subset of diviners who use the movements of the stars and planets to divine the future. The term shepherd derives from the original word raah, which means to tend to a flock, graze, and to lead with visionbeing the eyes of the sheep, to help them to see, raah. An example is the prophet Isaiah who preached against the evil and corruption of the day and similarly spoke of the future (Isaiah 1:4; 25:8). If I was to define seer, then it would be someone who knows what God is doing, and is about to do, in the heavenly realm and here on the earth. Can you help? However, I would have answered as Jack Wellman did from patheos.com. It is important to understand that ALL God's saints are called to pray. Having a friend like that sounds great! God personally instructs me to do things it is a long story. I needed you to know I appreciate coming across your page. So now let us go there. Except it was real and terrifying and much more than just a dream. I also was gifted with healing powers am I a seer? And the LORD said unto Moses, See, I have made thee a god to Pharaoh: and Aaron thy brother shall be thyprophet. Its more that each role has an emphasis, a tendency towards one or the other. . (Formerly in Israel, when a man went to inquire of God, he used to say, "Come, and let us go to the seer"; for he who is called a prophet now was formerly called a seer.) Please log in again. What's the Difference Between SEER & SEER2? Essentially, a seer and prophet is the same thing, much like a pastor and priest. In my opinion, the title "prophet" is a more inclusive term that encompasses the function of a "seer". The Hebrew word raah, according to Strongs Concordance, is the second Hebrew word used in the Scriptures to define the prophet in the Old Testament. If we had to give that a name, they would be a "smeller". January 15 2023 0 responses Vote Up Share . 4. Or encouragement to a person who is hurting and doesn't know why..like that. Raah dimension within the prophetic realm is to simply see as a shepherd. I wasnt too sure of the answer, so I did my own research, which revealed theres more to it than meets the eye. The Bible describes a prophet as a spokesman for God. Let's just plug all of these metrics into the SEER equation: SEER Rating = (112 + 4214 + 4515 + 1216) / 100 = 14.67 SEER. The prophetic and pastoral anointing work hand in hand. Perhaps he can tell us the way we should go (1st Sam 9:6). He let out a cry and died, and at that moment, I saw an explosion of power in the spirit realm. A seer is one whose prophetic ministry is . The Difference Between a Seer and a Prophet 29 SEP 2017 CLASS . Hi, Thanks for your comment and your question. He foresees the future from the past and the present. They have the prophetic vision to see a person in the past, present, and future. He was a prophet. What is the difference between an Apostle and a Prophet in the LDS Church? But the word "seer" also has a very specific connotation, and that is that of seeing visions or dreams that impart information to the seer. Whatever message is spoken, we are to be discerning about any word spoken and align it with the word of God. (1 Samuel 9:9). What did Jesus mean when He said we must eat His flesh and drink His blood (John 6:53-56)? Balaam was one of many phony prophets of ancient eastern religions who worshiped and served the gods of the land. What was the offense of the cross (Galatians 5:7-15). As we were studying the Come, Follow Me lesson in Mosiah about Seers, we began to wonder if there is a difference between a prophet and seer. I have a different question about whether believers can become possessed? The following is an example of those inquiring the navigational function of the prophet operating as a seer. Samuel was a prophet of God but he was also called a seer as we read in 1st Chronicles 26:28 where it says, " Also all that Samuel the seer and Saul the son of Kish and Abner the son of Ner. See this very important post about this topic. As a proper noun Oracle is a database management system (and its associated software) developed by the Oracle Corporation This shows that at one time, a seer was the same thing as a prophet as one who also inquired of God. A seer is a person who "sees." In the Bible, a seer is another name for a prophet (see 1 Samuel 9:9 ). (a) Fruitless self-satisfaction and vanity; (b) Anguish, as opposed to remorse or compunction, about the gravity of one's own sins; true repentance does not consist in being scrupulous; (c). We can vividly see the raah aspect of providing spiritual navigation for the sheep in the shepherds function. When David arose in the morning, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Gad, David's seer, saying, The servant answered Saul again . Within the realm of the prophet ministry in the Old Testament, there lies a distinctive and peculiar prophetic emphasis in the seer realm. Whereas the New Testament does not use the term seer, we still see people who had visions. Hi Ally, Thank you for your kind words! Go up before me to the high place, for you shall eat with me today; and tomorrow I will let you go and will tell you all that is in your heart.. If youve got something to say about prophets and seers, then: Yes. Destiny Image: Publishing cutting-edge prophetic messages to supernaturally empower the body of Christ. They simply repeated Gods will and commands. there is a man of God in this city, and he is a man who is held in honor; all that he says comes true. Seer noun. A seer is a priesthood holder who is given the calling and access to a seer stone to be a seer. There is an example in the Scripture that reveals the working relationship of prophets (nabi) and seers (raah and chozeh) in ancient Israel and their position and station as Gods official spokespersons: And he [Hezekiah] stationed the Levites in the house of the Lord with cymbals, with stringed instruments, and with harps, according to the commandment of David, of Gad the kings seer [chozeh], and of Nathan the prophet [nabi]; for thus was the commandment of the Lord by His prophets (2 Chronicles 29:25). sometimes one is gifted in many ways so the gifts can overlap. Afrikaans; Akan; Alemannisch; ; ; ; Asturianu; Azrbaycanca; ; ; . It describes the nature and frequency of how they receive particular types of prophetic revelation and impartation. Prophetic Oversight the ability to understand prophetic context, ecosystems, service roles, functions, and perspectives. It was not the earthly head of the Lords Kingdom. What is the difference between seer and prophet? At this time in Israels history, when a man went to inquire of God, he said, Come, let us go to the seer, for todays prophet was formerly called a seer (1st Sam 9:9). Whether youre studying times tables or applying to college, Classroom has the answers. When a believer chooses to follow Jesus and commit to him, they are filled with Holy Spirit and darkness has nothing to do with light! The word "seer" describes a particular type of prophet who receives a particular type of prophetic revelation or impartation. The roeh prophet sees beyond the natural. 16And Ammon said thata seer is a revelator and a prophet also; and a gift which is greater can no manhave, except he should possess the power of God, which no man can; yet a man may have great power given him from God. Let me be clear, though through the Holy Spirit we have been given access to spiritual gifts, we have also been told to earnestly seek them (1 . And he said, Hear my words: If there is a prophet among you, I the Lord make myself known to him in a vision; I speak with him in a dream. We have all the revelation we need from Genesis one to Revelation twenty two. We now have the infallible Word and do not need prophets in this capacity because we already have the foundation. What the seers see speaks to them prophetically. Other words hozeh and ro'eh, meaning "seer" are also used for prophets. On the other hand, God can still give a message to deliver to someone else in supernatural ways, but whatever word is spoken, it must be in total agreement with the word of God. On one such occasion, I had a vivid dream about Jesus. What Bible Study topic, subject, or chapter would you like to learn in more detail? Whenever someone would enquire of the Lord, they would search for the seer who is now called a prophet. What Is The Difference Between A Seer And A Prophet In The Bible? Deutueronomy 13:1-3If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, Let us go after other gods, which you have not known, and let us serve them, you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams.In other words, if a self-proclaiming prophet comes to you and says anything contrary to the word of God, then do not listen to them. 1 Samuel 9.9 KWL In the past, in Israel, a man said this when he went to seek God: "Walk, walk to the seer." For "the prophet" today was "the seer" in the past. I think there is a bit more to it than that. The messages may be told in pictures and visions, but the prophets hear Gods voice, just as much as they see what he is doing. (Deut 18:20). But the term prophet as used in scriptures is a much more generic word. So now let us go there. The 'Prophet-Intercessor' is someone who has a five-fold ministry office of a prophet (Eph 4:11-13), and who also has a primary calling and gifting of intercessory prayer. Ty. Will the United States be on the side of Israel in the last war? Each of these men heard Gods voice, but what they saw in his presence forms the main body of how we remember them. Has he not spoken through us also, the Lord came down in a pillar of cloud and stood at the entrance of the tent and called Aaron and Miriam, and they both came forward. Basic explanation witch can be expounded pond . Prophetic Hindsight the ability to see things that are in the past. Jesus warned to watch out for false prophets. Prophet or Seer? So, the question is, do seers/prophets exist today in the church setting? All the colours of the rainbow were released and moved outward from him. Those messages reveal and convey Gods purposes, intentions and heart for the people involved. Blessings, Tim. In 1 Samuel 9:11, the prophet Samuel is called a seer; in 2 Samuel 24:11, the prophet Gad is called a seer, In 2 Chronicles 9:29 Iddo the seer is mentioned, and in Jeremiah 1:11-18, we see the prophet Jeremiah receiving visions and insight of those visions from God. Prophets have a powerful prophetic ability to see and read into someones personal and spiritual background checks. Samuel the seer tells Saul that his fathers donkeys have been found and precisely how long they were lost in 1 Samuel 9:20: But as for your donkeys that were lost three days ago, do not be anxious about them, for they have been found. Subscribe to our mailing list to be notified when new studies are posted. Their gift of discerning of spirits gives them a higher level of perception to understand someones spiritual profile. I am a baby in Christ but my anointing is powerful. In the definition it seems it is at times hard to tell the difference between prophets and seers. Required fields are marked *. se'-er, ser: The word in English Versions of the Bible represents two Hebrew words, ro'eh (1 Samuel 9:9, 11, 18, 19 2 Samuel 15:27 1 Chronicles 9:22, etc. What's the difference between psychic mediumship and prophecy? This is a good question. The differences between a Seer and a Prophet by Mia Sherwood. After logging in you can close it and return to this page. The raah function of the seer comes out of the realm of the raah to see. God would give a raah prophet visions into a persons life. The roeh aspect is to see prophetic visionthey can see visions of the future. We can see quite often that prophets of scriptures didnt actually foretell future events. I am intimate with God and receive instructions from God. In the widest sense, the one most commonly used, the title prophet includes the other titles and makes of the prophet, a teacher, perceiver, and bearer of truth. He is somebody who has vision. (The seeing gift is also related to the ability of "discerning of spirits"). (See Jack Wellmans Response). A prophet is one who prophesies and a seer is one who sees in a very special way. The Discernment Gift Thank you for Sharing, Hi Shirley, Thank you also for sharing! The raah prophet can see with both their natural and spiritual eyes. Let us know your thoughts in the comments. He runs a major San Francisco travel website, is widely published in both online and print publications and has contributed to several travel guidebooks to South America. There never has been a time and place where so many were called to witness to the world. They know this primarily through watching their Lord, through seeing him go about his work, from a place of intimacy. God trained the spiritual eyes of Jeremiah the prophet to be able to see visions and to interpret what he saw in order to prophesy the revelation. And only a few in history that we know of have had one. Kings College: Women's History Site: Oracles, The Seer in Ancient Greece; Michael Attyah Flower. We find in 1 Samuel 9:9 that the nabi prophet today was formerly called a seerraahin the past. For some people, it may be obvious whether they are a prophet or a seer. Prophets are more likely to be found in religious environments that include churches and temples. To tell if a prophet is really a prophet of God look at the evidence; when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. noun a person who speaks for God or a deity, or by divine inspiration. When Israels priests (who had the more extensive duty to teach Gods law) became corrupt and turned away from God, prophets arose to teach Gods law to the people, kings, and judges when they failed to rule justly and follows Gods law. Thanks for the article, very helpful. Ask Professor Olson about Theology One of my favorite channels on Youtube What the Philosophers Thought about Holy Communion. A seer is similar to a prophet in foretelling the future, but the term is more commonly associated with ancient cultures. when a prophet speaks in the name of the Lord, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken; the prophet has spoken it presumptuously. The Old Testament uses two words primarily to refer to a seer: ra'ah and chozeh. God alone determines who a prophet is. He is the visionary leader of Naim Collins Ministries and Fan the Flames Global Ministries based in Wilmington, Delaware. Why arent prophets giving us specific signs to watch for? Sauls father sends him to look for his lost donkeys in 1 Samuel 9:3: Now the donkeys of Kish, Sauls father, were lost. It will be followed by a time of preparation and equipping that is often many years in length. I am curious to learn more about what you have send for the end times as I have had multiple of these dreams starting back around 2013 I believe if not earlier.

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