isaac hale father of emma smith10 marca 2023
isaac hale father of emma smith

Emmas influential prayer seems to not only have made a difference for her father, but her missionary spirit seems to have influenced others as well. It is possible these early diggings continued as time permitted but most of the focus in the valley was on settling the land and making a living. See BrianC. Hales, Joseph Smiths Polygamy, 3vols. 39. The Hale family used fine mochaware bowls and mugs that included eye dazzling swirls of green and brown mixed with vibrant oranges, blues, and other colors, as evidence the family could afford the best ceramics available on the market and not just local product. I was allowed to feel the weight of the box, and they gave me to understand, that the book of plates was then in the box -- into which, however, I was not allowed to look. Wills and Probate Inventories, Book 1, 21213, December 23, 1838, Susquehanna County, Montrose, Pennsylvania. This hard winter preceded a severe drought the following spring and on June 6, 1800, a frost hit the county that killed most crops. 119. League of Women Voters,This is Luzerne County(Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: League of Women Voters, 1963), 14. The Hale and Wallace wedding was likely a quiet affair because they did not mention race in the legally required public notice for the marriage on May 24, 1789. . While there is no documentary evidence to suggest why the Hale family continued to attend the Buck congregation after it encountered difficulties, the Pickerings may have contributed to a brief renewed religious interest in the family that dissipated when the Pickerings left. thursday morning perhaps nine oclockwas a number standing aroundJason spoke to me & said would wish to speak to meI slipd around the log house & he asked me if I had seen Ashbel Munson & Hill told him I had seen them . The Beers map has continued to influence some historians of Mormonism. These were frame homes with the most expensive valued at $80. Hand painted tea cups and saucers suggest the Hale women socialized in their home with other women from the valley. [19], Joseph and Emma returned to Harmony for a time, but relations with Emma's parents broke down, and the couple went back to staying in the homes of members of the growing church. For example, when the company of cartographer F. W. Beers made his map of the township in 1872, he marked the Foundations of 1st Morman (sic) Temple on what had been Jacob/Joseph Smith land. 238. But I have not been able to reconcile the known data with this possibility. The Warrior Path was a major travel route created by Native Americans on foot as war parties moved rapidly through the region to control territory of interest to competing tribes active in the beaver fur trade.37It also led to hunting grounds along the rivers tributaries. On April 6, 1830, Joseph and five other men established the Church of Christ. John Comfort, one of the wealthiest men in the valley, a close friend of Isaac Hale and a member of the same Methodist congregation, regularly reported his success to a son in letters. Buck by the nape of the neck and shake him over hell until his teeth chatter like a raccoon.199, Lewiss fellow preachers viewed him as uneducated and rough while often combative against those who did not agree with him. On May 27, 1823, James Westfall died.257 Although after his death James was initially still assessed a tax for his 394 acres, which his sons Levi and Daniel Westfall paid on December 17, 1824, he was removed from the tax lists and David Hale was taxed for his 394 acres. Shortly before this, Joseph had initiated the Anointed Quoruma prayer circle of important church members that included Emma. But an examination of overall land values suggests a modest drop in value between 18601861 from $600 to $575 which may indicate the removal of a rear kitchen or other modest structure on the property. Upon Joseph's death, Emma was left a pregnant widow. Stone hoe used by Onandaga women to grow corn, found on Hale Farm. Diantha Ward was the mother of Isaac Hale. One of Emmas young female contemporaries described what she considered tragic circumstances connected to another woman in their area. Among Josephs blessings, he was promised, the chief things of the ancient mountains, and the precious things of the lasting hills (Deuteronomy 33:1317). 191. 75. Emma Smith, wife of the Prophet Joseph Smith, served as the first president of the Relief Society and one of the Book of Mormon scribes, and she curated the Church's first hymnbook. 158. This suggests the rear addition to the Hale frame home must have been added during that 18191822 period when there was fluctuation in the value of the Hale homes on their property. Albert Clarke, Methodist Episcopal Church, Lanesboro, Penn., Centennial Celebration, March 35, 1912, Susquehanna County Historical Society. 208. [1]:7 Hiding the plates in his coat, he descended down the hill after many hours, and instead of taking them home, Joseph hid the plates. Mudge,American Camp-Meeting Hymn Book,11. Almon Munsons tavern in Taylortown, two and one-quarter miles west of the Hale home, was the only one near the Hale home in 18241825.271 It was in the Munson tavern where the Hale familys neighbors regularly gathered for activities, and it was in the Munson Tavern where Isaac Hale sat on the Grand Jury investigating Jason Treadwell for the murder of Oliver Harper in 1824.272 That tavern building still stands today.273 Charles Hatch operated a tavern in Lanesville, three miles east of the Hale farm, but not until 18281829.274. Acquainted with Smith during 1825+ because "the moneydiggers" working for Josiah Stowell lodged on his farm. This suggests Nathaniel may have owned at least one of the six volumes of theCommentary, although his statement I have got could also mean it was borrowed. 9. In December 1827 Joseph began work on the Book of Mormon. 92. : Susquehanna Centennial, Aug. 1627, 1953), 15. See page 63 of the extended online version of the article by Mark Lyman Staker and Robin Scott Jensen, David Hales Store Ledger: New Details about Joseph and Emma Smith, the Hale Family, and the Book of Mormon,BYU Studies,accessed April 10, 2015, Privacy Policy. [11], On March 17, 1842, the Ladies' Relief Society of Nauvoo was formally organized as the women's auxiliary to the church. It was an even more idealized distant memory when Isaacs son David wrote about his fathers profession in the early 1870s. : Warren F. Draper, 1883), 63, 344; F.A. He in turn hired Isaac Hale the following summer of 1793 to make sure the road on this last segment was properly constructed from Colesville south through the eastern edge of Willingborough Township.109 The segment of road Hale supervised construction on became the Harmony Turnpike as it passed along the eastern edge of Oquago Mountain.110 But the side roads remained barely passable for years afterward. Joseph Smiths 13 1/2 acres were rounded for tax purposes to 13 acres of improved land just south of the Morse property. If David Hale did not have access to the Westfall home, as the tax records suggest, his parents log home was not his only other option. The home was remodeled in 18201822 which is likely when the debt on the land was paid. 70. 196. The Saints Herald(April 9, 1935): 465. After his dismissal, Pickering decided he wanted to retire from public life, move to the country, and become a gentleman farmer. 272. John Traves built a sawmill across the river a few hundred feet downstream from the Hale home. Plumbing brought water from a nearby well to the house in later years, and since the well was built early and the Hale family did not have a cistern under or near the house, a hand pump likely brought water directly from the well into the kitchen during Hale occupation to make the tasks of the women easier. Many faithful saints soon followed. Thomas Smith died 2 April 1885 aged 64 years. frozen kasha varnishkes. 182. On September 22, 1827, Joseph and Emma took a horse and carriage belonging to Joseph Knight, Sr., and went to a hill, now known as Hill Cumorah, where Joseph said he received a set of golden plates. George Peck,Wyoming: Its History, Stirring Incidents, and Romantic Adventures(New York: Harper & Brothers, Publishers, 1858), 193. Their log home was continuously taxed as a residence for many more years as others lived there, but the family did not build a foundation for the home when it was moved and allowed it to slowly decay. Although the novel came out in 1823, the land, houses, and people Cooper described in his 1790s village also reflected life in early Willingborough. R. Hines Statement,Naked Truths About Mormonism1 (January 1888): 2. [16] The Hales helped Emma and Joseph obtain a house and a small farm. Francis Asbury, Journal July 11, 1807, cited in George Peck,Early Methodism,154. Jirah Mumford was one of the earliest settlers in the Starrucca Valley east of Harmony Township Alfred Mathews,History of Wayne, Pike, and Monroe Counties, Pennsylvania(Philadelphia: R. T. Peck and Company, 1886), 71819. The land was rocky without a good soil base and could not be farmed, its only resource available to Morse was the old growth forest growing on its steep slopes. He said it was a young child. Journals from the region indicate women held tea parties frequently.248 Many fragments of white kaolin clay tobacco pipes suggest that men also gathered at the home to socialize.249. As Nathaniel Lewis matured, he grew up in a Connecticut full of these stories. Dodd, 1856), 1213. In July 1830 the Lord outlined her mission, in a revelation: Thou art an elect lady, whom I have called. This Presbyterian Tarble family remained friends with the Hales, Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,120. 302. Smith's polygamy exploded in the 1840s. Presumably each of the other children also inherited a small sum from their parents.297. From Mormonism Unvailed, reformatted for the web here, my emphasis below: [Isaac Hale, March 20, 1834] I first became acquainted with Joseph Smith, Jr. in November,1825. Dubois and Pike,Centennial of Susquehanna County, 73. Emma, who was more than ordinarily communicative, December 4, 1867; and Visited Mrs. Bidamon, relict of Joseph Smith the Martyr. [1] In 1842, when the Ladies' Relief Society of Nauvoo was formed as a women's service organization, she was elected by its members[2] as the organization's first president. Context suggests this tax was for sugar houses, special buildings where the residents distilled their maple sap into a usable product. David Syrett, ed.,The Siege and Capture of Havana, 1762(London: Navy Records Society, 1970), xiii. The Stow Cemetery is also known as Lyons Farm Cemetery and North Windsor Cemetery. Stonemasons work in a distinctive style that makes it possible to identify headstones as coming from a particular individual as is done with other works of art. They were already famous due to her. As with Zachariah Tarble, Hilborn had been captured by Indians, but his capture occurred in 1773 near Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, 85 miles south of the Susquehanna Valley, after which he was also sold into slavery in Canada. Buck closed his labors,apparently,as pastor over the church in 1799(? Bucks neighbors later wrote of those foundations being evidence of the presence and work of civilized man in it [the valley] before any known settlement of it.107The foundation was grown up with trees and only became evident when the land was cleared and plowed.108 The site has never been examined by archaeologists to evaluate if any evidence remains of what the men found. His appearance at this time, was that of a careless young man -- not very well educated, and very saucy and insolent to his father. Isaac Hale was not a Methodist during his residence in Vermont and appears to have been involved in treasure digging in Harmony, Pennsylvania. Jesse Hale noted in his assessment of December 1827 that Joseph Smith had arrived since the last assessment while he continued to assess a tax on a Joseph Smith for 434 acres that same year and subsequent years. Joseph III called upon his mother to help prepare a hymnal for the reorganization, just as she had for the early church. Independence, MO: Herald Publishing House, 1929. Son of Reuben Hale and Diantha Ward. MarkL. Staker, A Comfort unto My Servant, Joseph: Emma Hale Smith (18041879), in RichardE. TurleyJr. and BrittanyA. Chapman,eds., Women of Faith in the Latter Days, Volume One, 17751820 (Salt Lake City: Deseret Book, 2011), 345,349. Archaeology did not recover drinking mugs or other implements on the Hale property typically found at tavern sites.275 George Peck preached sermons in the Hale home or homes, and pious Methodists looked down on tavern keepers as not devout Christians.276 The frame home was also too small to accommodate the large Hale family and long-term additional guests. After a meeting on August 8, a congregation of the church voted that the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles should lead the church. 251. Emma Hale never saw her parents again after the Kirtland era. [citation needed] Joseph had also been in debt when he died, leaving the responsibility to pay it on Emma Smith's shoulders. Stocker,Centennial History of Susquehanna County, Pennsylvania, 530, 532. : Sharp D. Lewis, 1830), 173. He was born March 21, 1763, in New Haven, Connecticut, to Diantha Ward and Reuben Hale. 214. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,102. He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Florida incultural anthropology. Even the elite where Isaac lived as a boy put resources into discovering precious metal. 271. The new Hale family frame home was not large enough to accomplish all of these tasks conveniently. After the half starved Colbert ate with a nasty dirty woman and her nasty children, he established a black class in the valley west of Willingborough and then headed home.182 Methodist classes were loose associations that gathered for Bible study and provided organized service to help the needy in a community, and the white members of the community typically organized classes independently from their black members.183 This class would have operated without formal support or direction and would not have taken religion over the mountain to the Susquehanna Valley. After Nathaniel Lewis joined the Methodists, he preached at his house where he established a small class and became the class leader.77 His young son Nathaniel Jr. may have been his first convert. Joseph and Emma first met through Isaac Hales association with Josiah Stowell, a Presbyterian who belonged to the congregation of a close friend of the Hales, and who had come looking for silver in the remains of an Indian village on the neighboring Westfall property. Anyone who lived in the region automatically became a South Sea man whether connected to the sea or not. She was baptized on 28 June 1830, shortly after the Church was organized. 16. This is the same denomination the family belonged to while living in Connecticut. On October 2, 1812, the men in the valley gathered in Lanesville at the home of John Comfortthe home Isaac Hale had built for Pickeringand they elected Comfort as Harmony Townships Tax Assessor with Hale as his assistant.237 The two men quickly visited the farms and workshops in Harmony, Pennsylvania, relying on detailed standardized instructions to determine a value for each familys property.238 Isaac Hale taxed himself in this first assessment for two homes, the original log home and a new frame home. After a five month battle with consumption, Elizabeths health began to fail. The oldest sons of Isaac and Elizabeth Hale were mature when the family finished their frame home, and they may have preferred their independence staying in the log home where they had grown up. Forty-eight years after the young, ambitious couple first settled their farm together, Isaac dictated his will on December 23, 1838, two days short of the second anniversary of Phebes death. . Longtime Harmony resident John Comfort called it the Susquehanna Valley, John Comfort, letter to Silas Comfort, December 24, 1836, Syracuse University Archives, Syracuse, New York. boonie bears monster plan; lowest temperature in pensacola, fl; glencoe high school basketball These were the things Buck hoped to discover. Commonwealth vs. Erastus Fink, September 4, 1827, Quarter Sessions Docket, Susquehanna County, 3:107. Joseph SmithIII, Last Testimony of Sister Emma, Saints Herald, vol.26, no.19 (Oct.1, 1879),289. Robert C. Ritchie,Captain Kidd and the War Against the Pirates(Cambridge, Mass. to designate an old town of the Tuscaroras.267 She was likely incorrect about the tribal affiliation of the ruins, since others have argued the Onondaga lived on the west side of the Susquehanna River and the Tuscarora lived on the east side. The flatter land along the river was initially used for family gardens, but after the famous pumpkin freshet of August 1794, when the river flooded and swept the settlers food supply downriver, settlers grew timothy grass and clover resistant to flooding along the river that provided winter hay for their livestock.112Only a narrow strip of land on the ridge that followed the floodplain on the north side of the river-supported gardens.113. Isaac and Elizabeth Lewis Hale Home Key Points of Interest The home currently on the property is a reconstruction, built by the church in 2015 Emma Hale Smith, Joseph's wife, grew up here with her parents, Isaac and Elizabeth Hale Joseph first met Emma when he and his father boarded here while working for Josiah Stowell nearby The outlines of this figure were plainly visible to the earliest white visitors of this valley. Wilkinson,Annals of Binghamton,102, reported, Major Buck . Drinker, impressed with the good heartedness of his steward named the area HARMONY in respect of the Hilborns who were Quakers, (Abner H. Baird, Deeds, Wills, Maps, Pictures, and Historical Information of the Joseph Smith and Isaac Hale Farms, L. Tom Perry Special Collections, Brigham Young University). After they had arrived at Palmyra N.Y., Emma wrote to me enquiring whether she could take her property, consisting of clothing, furniture, cows, &c. I replied that her property was safe, and at her disposal. While Isaac Hale may have been the wealthiest Methodist, Hilborn had significantly more land and made more money selling land to many of the valleys settlers than was possible in Isaacs meat marketing business. Considered by many as very handsome, though the only standard to which she aspired, was to be calledgoodlooking. Abel, Scraps of History, April 12, 1867, David H. Smith Documents and Reference, CCA. Grant held his meetings in both the Comfort home on the east end of the township in the village of Lanesville (John Comfort joined the Methodists in 1809) and the Hale home on the west end of Harmony Township near the hamlet of Taylortown.206Grant likely preached at the Comfort home in the morning hours and the Hale home in the afternoon hours to keep up his long list of scheduled preaching locations downriver. 103. Francis Asbury, Journal July 11, 1807, cited in Peck,Early Methodism,154. Wed hardly get over one frolic when wed begin to fix for another.154 Settlers held a big frolic on Wednesday, July 4, where they enjoyed dancing and eating as they worked together while honoring Isaac Hale and the other men in the valley who had served in the Revolutionary War. For example, Hymn 15 changed Isaac Watts's Joy to the World from a song about Christmas to a song about the return of Christ (see Joy to the World (Phelps)). When her son Joseph III became president of the RLDS Church, she was again asked to compile a hymnal. 313. 284. Versaggi, personal communication to author, September 13, 2013; see also Gina Laczko,Irp;oquois Silverwork: from the collection of The Museum of the American Indian Heye Foundation,(Hamilton, NY: Gallery Association of New York State), 1980, 24; Arthur Woodward, Indian Use of the Silver Gorget,Indian Notes3 (Fall 1926): 23249. For additional background see Francis Whiting Halsey,The Old New York Frontier(New York: Charles Scribners Sons, 1901), 28. John RATHBORN died 12 May 1836 aged 87 years. Trial Notes of Scribe B, and Trial Notes of Scribe A; see also, For Sale,Susquehanna County Herald, September 8, 1821, 30. There are a large number of headstones made by Coffin Man in the region, and Nancy Mess has identified him as J. W. Stewart of Coventryville, New York. Life on the Hale farm remained difficult and isolated during the early years of settlement. Blackman,History of Susquehanna County,102. Lucy Mack Smith, Lucy Mack Smith, History, 1845, 190, By the time Cooper published his novel, game was already harder to find, and Isaacs profession had largely become a romanticized occupation of the past. : Stanley and Betty Coryell, 2005), 11. Six years had passed since then. Timothy Pickering Letter to John Pickering, Starucca, May 3, 1807, Timothy Pickering Papers, 4:2. : mormon Isaac Hale (1763 - 1839): Father of Joseph Smith's lawful wife, Emma Smith. He has an almost strictly sexual relationship with Feyre. Last Will and Testament of Isaac Hale, Susquehanna County, Pa., Wills and Administrations, 18121921, December 23, 1838, 1:21213. 85. Many Latter Day Saints believed that her eldest son, Joseph Smith III, would one day be called to hold the same position that his father had held. No, it wasnt, replied the accused, for the Lord knows that when he sends blessings to me I dont wait until the next day before I take them. He was acquitted.215, Alva Hale used the Sabbath as a day for target shooting, and his father, Isaac, often found himself in the woods hunting. He had exceptional spelling and wrote letters in a refined, practiced hand. As a middling mansion, the newly built frame home was full of enough comforts to impress Lucy Smith, but not large enough for the family to live in high style. After this, I became dissatisfied, and informed him that if there was any thing in my house of that description, which I could not be allowed to see, he must take it away; if he did not, I was determined to see it. After concluding their new Methodist minister was more interested in money than he was in fulfilling his ministerial duties, Comfort wrote, My Dear Son if this is christianity or Methodism How I have been deceived for more than thirty eight years.284. Norris Galpin Osborn,Men of Mark in Connecticut(Hartford: William R. Goodspeed, 1906), 340. The valley was essentially a hunting preserve, but there was a small settlement on the east end near where three apple trees stood that formed the rallying point and headquarters of all the Indians in the neighborhood. On June 13, 1840, Emma gave birth to a son, Don Carlos, named after his uncle Don Carlos Smith, Joseph's brother. Provo, UT: Center for Family History and Genealogy, Brigham Young University, 2002. Ezra Stiles, the president of Yale College, lived near both Isaacs maternal and paternal families when he recorded in his diary gossip he heard from Governor Trumbull, who, he believed, received it directly from governor John Winthrop the Younger himself, how Winthrop had found plenty of Gold in a secret gold mine in the nearby mountains and had made a gold ring he showed off to his friends.

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